
He opposed it before he supported it...


Oct 17, 2002
President Bush opposed creation of the Department of Homeland Security for almost nine months.

It also says Kerry "fought to establish" the department.*Kerry did speak in favor and voted for it, but wasn't a cosponsor. He*and other Democrats also squabbled with Bush over labor protections for its employees,*a fight that delayed*the department's*creation for several additional weeks.

The ad says Kerry "was fighting for legislation to cut off terrorist money laundering before 9/11." And in fact,*a section of a Kerry bill on money-laundering*was virtually copied into the PATRIOT Act and praised by Bush administration officials.

Who's the flip-flopper now bitch?! :devil:


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Opposing creation of a new branch of government based on the suggestoin of a handfull of people

:mumble: that SOB Mr Bush. *shaking fist*

I think Kerry jumped on it for sound bites in his favor. Kerry doesn't have to do anything but say he is for it.

I wonder wich flip or flop Kerry will be on "if" he is president? :think:

Kerry will stand for anything if it gets him a free lunch........


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Slugman said:
As apposed to Bush, who really is a man who cares about the people... :rolleyes:
Not saying that but Kerry plays to his audience and doesn't want to piss anyone off......and ends up looking wishy-washy. I guess look is to soft a word....he IS wishy-washy.

I find it amusing that Kerry is gung-ho for things and is critical of actions taken yet his response is "we can do better"...well not with his limp wristed approach. ;)


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
LordOpie said:
hey, don't be too upset. Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you.
Refusing to go right out and create a new branch to the government that oversees large existing branches with no time to mull it over and decide whether it is feesible is down right admirable. ;)

I guess he could be the panels lap-dog like Kerry. Good boy Kerry, now go lay down in the corner.

I am not to upset but even in the article they talk down to Kerry over Bush (as I skimmed over it) Kerry claiming more credit than he should and flat out exagerating for effect. Not that that should be brought up :rolleyes: or is only an act of one side.

Your post reads like you caught the president red handed in a flip-flop when he never flipped only delayed the enactment of a seggestion of a panel. Tell me, is that a flip-flop?
Like I've said all along. Bush or Kerry? Either way we're in trouble.

Kerry listens to his husband (Thersa Heinz) about what he needs to do. You can equate him with Jesse Jackson (no racial slur or insult intended here), Jackson hasnt had an original thought since the late 60's early 70's.

Bush on the other hand Admitted he smoked pot. His record on the miltary is that he's a draft dodger and intentionally missed the war due to daddy. He's a far right conservative, and no one really trusts him anymore.

Damn I miss Ronald Reagan...


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
The only difference between the Dems and the Repubs are the lies they tell us. They both do things for one reason... themselves.


Jul 28, 2004
genpowell71 said:
Like I've said all along. Bush or Kerry? Either way we're in trouble.

Kerry listens to his husband (Thersa Heinz) about what he needs to do. You can equate him with Jesse Jackson (no racial slur or insult intended here), Jackson hasnt had an original thought since the late 60's early 70's.

Bush on the other hand Admitted he smoked pot. His record on the miltary is that he's a draft dodger and intentionally missed the war due to daddy. He's a far right conservative, and no one really trusts him anymore.

Damn I miss Ronald Reagan...
*Come-on* I thought the crazy, "I'm a man and must piss over everything to prove I have a penis" went out with the 80's. Teresa is a clever lady -- but Kerry is no slouch either. If you don't like Kerry, say so, don't say he's a mamma's boy for picking a strong woman to marry who might actually be someone worthy of listening to. Call me crazy, but you'd rather he married a dolt?

And Reagan didn't listen to Nancy? They've got film of Nancy whispering the answers to Ronald (and Ronald saying exactly what Nancy whispered).


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
ninja9 said:
If you don't like Kerry, say so, don't say he's a mamma's boy for picking a strong woman to marry who might actually be someone worthy of listening to.
Like "Shove it" :D Wasn't that the sound bite of her angry at a reporter? hahaha, Loosing her cool. You have to laugh when people reach that boiling point in front of media.

I hope Kerry married her for love.....:eek: :D


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
RhinofromWA said:
Like "Shove it" :D Wasn't that the sound bite of her angry at a reporter? hahaha, Loosing her cool. You have to laugh when people reach that boiling point in front of media.
I assume you prefer Cheney telling Senator Patrick Leahy to "go F*ck yourself" during a photo shoot in the chambers of the Senate?

Talk about loosing your cool... and he is an "elected" offical.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Slugman said:
I assume you prefer Cheney telling Senator Patrick Leahy to "go F*ck yourself" during a photo shoot in the chambers of the Senate?

Talk about loosing your cool... and he is an "elected" offical.
I wasn't totally knocking her for it.......just saying how it is funny when people lose it in front of the camera.

I guess that means you agree that Cheney
might actually be someone worthy of listening to
? :D


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
RhinofromWA said:
Like "Shove it" :D Wasn't that the sound bite of her angry at a reporter? hahaha, Loosing her cool. You have to laugh when people reach that boiling point in front of media.

I hope Kerry married her for love.....:eek: :D
the "reporter" is apparently a scumbag. see http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/archives/7017 .
The "reporter" in question was Colin McNickle, the editorial page editor of the Scaife-owned Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. If you want to know why Mrs. Kerry might have a beef with Mr. McNickle, you can read part of the answer here: the Tribune-Review editorial page has been on a disgusting and dishonest jihad against the Heinz Endowments for nearly a year. He's lucky that a fleeting tonguelashing is all he got.
i say good for her. she told off a sleazy reporter. :thumb:


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Toshi said:
the "reporter" is apparently a scumbag. see http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/archives/7017 .

i say good for her. she told off a sleazy reporter. :thumb:
If I remember right all he was asking for was clarification on the term as she used it.

The term was un-american or anti-american something. It didn't sound very correct the way she used it*based on my foggy memory*

She lost it. Very uncooth(sp?) but funny :D


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
RhinofromWA said:
If I remember right all he was asking for was clarification on the term as she used it.

The term was un-american or anti-american something. It didn't sound very correct the way she used it*based on my foggy memory*

She lost it. Very uncooth(sp?) but funny :D
Heinz Kerry's comment came Sunday after she told a group of voters, "We need to turn back some of the creeping, un-Pennsylvanian and sometimes un-American traits that are coming into some of our politics."

As she was leaving, Colin McNickle, the Tribune-Review's editorial page editor, asked her what she had meant by, in his words, "un-American activity."

According to an exchange posted on the paper's Web site, she denied having said "activity" and also denied saying "un-American."

After stepping away and speaking briefly with Democratic organizers of the event, she returned and asked the reporter whether he worked for the Tribune-Review. He said he did.

"Understandable. You said something I didn't say, now shove it," she told him.



Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Toshi said:
the "reporter" is apparently a scumbag. see http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/archives/7017 .

i say good for her. she told off a sleazy reporter. :thumb:
Unless I missread it, she has a beef with a reporter who made accusations (non-provable statements) that could or could not be true. Regarding the letter put out from the Heinz Endowment:
the author clearly does not understand the meaning of the word "fungible."
I guess if the reporter doesn't agree with you he is a "scumbag" :D

She did not tell him off :rolleyes: she gave him a sound bite. In a frustrated rage among other reporters....whoops. :)

From the article:
Given the steady stream of such incidents from Mrs. Kerry, though, it's rather clear that she is a loose cannon, much more prone to saying things to embarrass her husband than any nominee's wife in my memory. That's not necessarily a bad thing. It partly reflects the changing role of women in society and, in this case, that she's an incredibly wealthy woman who is not used to being challenged. One would certainly not guess from her demeanor, however, that she has been the wife of two Senators for a period totalling nearly 35 years.
That my friend is a frustrated woman not quite ready for public appearances. :)


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
chicodude01 said:
The question is:

Which one is the lesser of two evils?

When I look at pictures of Mrs Hienz-Kerry I don't see an angel. :D

It doesn't matter who is the lesser here .....

this all started because it was said Mrs Kerry would have something interesting to say....:D

THen political BS starts up "oh you mean like so and so..." :rolleyes:

It was a funny about an embarrassing comment made by a person in front of the press. That is all.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
LordOpie said:
yup, you remember "right".

Come on Kev, you're not that partisan.
Hey that had nothing partisian about it...:confused:

BUt spin it as you like.....do any of you partisian Mrs Kerry defenders know how this started?

Back away from the screen and scroll up. :D

PS- looks like I remembered the incident pretty damn well. I jsut wasn't about to searc and google and write an essay paper over a simple mention of a widely known comment. :)

*edit again* Maybe I should have said, "If I remember "left" :confused: :D