
Head Monkey Avatar Humor/Parody

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Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
I saw a thread today about Virginia and noticed it was closed. So I opened it out of curiosity, yes I know what it did the the cat, and I saw the head monkey's comments over people getting launched and coming back on with a new email and getting even by saying nasty things and posting porn and that made me read a couple of the head monkey posts and ventings of frustration to rules and violations and I thought, "Wow, it's gotta be tough to maintain a website every day." With that I looked over at the Ride Monkey logo thinking about this poor guy and realized that the avatar logo as seen here, is probably what the head monkey looks like at the end of the day after having to deal with it all, only there isn't a slogan under it saying "aaaaaaaarrrrrrg!"

So I thought to myself, could the logo be what is making all this be? Kind of like taking a piece of lava off the island of Hawaii and having bad things happen till you send it back by mail! Could it be sort of a bad Karma or an issue of bad FUNG SHUI? This got me thinking... the Ride Monkey logo is drooling and looks SOOoooo up tight and wired, he looks like he just took a huge hit of acid with some XTC and some No Dose for good measure, he's drooling from his mouth like he has rabies and looks like he's about to have a massive coronary. Could this be the reason?

So I got to thinking. I work in advertising... What if I gave this mascot a free make over!? I mean think about it? This guy is more hip, more happenin, a more with it, todays times kinda guy! He goes to his job in the morning with a stop to Starbucks, picks up a Mocha Cap to start his day and paper and goes to work... The kind of guy who comes home to his hot night club chick of the week ironing his pants, sits back on his chase lounge, turns on some Bob Marley, lights up good one and just sits back token and getting his groove on. Later on, eyes are a little bloodshot, he switches groove and puts on some Diamond Darrel licks, or some Saliva before he goes out with his lady for a couple of beers at the bar on a weeknight. Yeh he's got it good. So I thought, a little cosmetic surgery, make the ears smaller, a nose job, eyes kinda half shut from some good stuff, and an easy bushy hair style, the kind he can just get up in the morning and kinda run his fingers through and walk out the door, and I came up with THIS guy who I refer to as the "Ride Toker."

Then I thought, how many times have I called an American computer company for tech support or customer service and some guy in India with a heavy Apu Nahassapeemapedalon voice comes on the phone and says, "Hello, how can I help you? My name is BOB?" And I thought, why doesn't the head Ride Monkey avoid all the stress and headaches and simply send the web site maintenance overseas to India where they'll do it all for about $10 a day!? Then I thought, maybe he'd look like THIS guy, who I refer to as "Ride Haji."

But then I thought, "No, this guy has to be cool, American, and hip like the TV show, "DEAL or NO DEAL..." Someone people can relate to." So I came up with THIS guy who I call, "Ride Howie."

Head Monkey, I can only imagine how hard it is to keep up with it all and my empathy goes out to you. So I thought this would be a great time to suggest a little humor, hopefully a parody that Head Monkey will not take seriously, but find amusing. A little humor goes a long way in life. More people need to laugh and enjoy than yell back and forth. So with that.

I hope everyone found this amuzing and enjoyed it. I hope you are :) AND :rofl:

Chunky Munkey, not Rocky Road.
†disclaimer: Starbucks, Bob Marley, Diamond Darrel, Saliva and Deal Or No Deal are not endorsed by this poster and only used for parodic descriptive purposes. Chunky Munkey and Rocky Road have no affiliation with or are a reference to any endorsed ice cream company that ryhme with Jen and Barrys ice cream. Even though they're very delicious. The above statement is a parody not to be taken seriously. No endorsements in this post are implied and are only otherwise mentioned for humorous content and thus hopefully not in violation of endosement banning rules and regulations as stated in sections c/ subsection d/ lines 1 through 7 in the Ride Monkey banning reasons code.

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
Thanks Macko. I did it to put a smile on the head monkey's face and hopefully lightened his day after reading some of his posts to the people about stupid stuff people do on the site. I'm sure he's up to his eyeballs playing referee in yelling and shouting, or Flaming I hear it's called. The site is a priviledge to all and he could easily take it down so.

So thanks.

P.S. Love the dog avatar. Yours I take it...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Haha... Very nice. Approved!

Never got a chance to say welcome to the :monkey: - so welcome. Some of your first posts here have been very entertaining!
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