
Heading on up to Whistler Town

Well not sure if any of ya'll will be up there but just got a ring from a bro who's in town visiting his girl at med. school and he wants to hit it up as this is the last time he's going to be up this way before they close. So three of us are preparing to leave bright and early at 5 am. Will be on I5 so if you see three bikes roll by in a black truck give a honk on your way to your desk ;)

If your going to be up there, say "what up", will be on a Transition Dirtbag in stealth mode black, a Kona with shivers and a Norco green machine 6 with a Jr-t.

Roasted, look out man, we're headed up to encroach on your turf ;) :thumb: ;)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Will keep an eye out. Heading up tommorow and thursday I hope. If you see a big guy on a 2002 bighit give me a scream. :)

Amazing weather. I can't believe the temps. Trails are in awesome shape, tacky yet not splatter wet.
Roasted said:
Will keep an eye out. Heading up tommorow and thursday I hope. If you see a big guy on a 2002 bighit give me a scream. :)

Amazing weather. I can't believe the temps. Trails are in awesome shape, tacky yet not splatter wet.
Oh I'd be down for Thursday too if I can get my friends to ride home ;)

I'm the driver yet I'm always stuck on their schedule, if it was up to me, I'd be staying through closing time,(Oct. 11th) shoot, maybe I'll hook up with DBR on Friday and do that? :confused:
Roasted said:
Will keep an eye out. Heading up tommorow and thursday I hope. If you see a big guy on a 2002 bighit give me a scream. :)

Amazing weather. I can't believe the temps. Trails are in awesome shape, tacky yet not splatter wet.
BTW, how's the upper section? Last time I was there it was slop slop slop and the time before that cake eating muck. I'm hoping one of these times I'll be there when it's dry and not slippery??


Turbo Monkey
Much appreciated on the invite, but Andy will be one busy person tomorrow. As you know, dial my bike:o: Also have to drop off a couple/few resumes downtown to fulfill my Team UI sponsorship and snag a few necessities that aren't offered on the better side of the border.

I know where I'll likely be on Thursday.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Yeknomedir said:
BTW, how's the upper section? Last time I was there it was slop slop slop and the time before that cake eating muck. I'm hoping one of these times I'll be there when it's dry and not slippery??
I didn't bother going up. The lower areas are still mucky enough to tell me what the top is like. BEsides I have been riding with my gf...just trying to get her onto blue runs (only been riding a couple of weeks) She is still working on riding tech stuff.

She impressed me today. Rode a-line and then crabapple hits.

Thursday I should be around. Not a morning rider at all so Ilikely won't be up the mountain until 1pm. Maybe see you around :)

I've been meaning to ask you, what is UI?


Well were off to a crappy start, friends truck isn't starting so we are already a half hour behind, looking forward to the 5 hour drive for a days ride then 5 hours back...grrrrr

Oh well, I'm off to Whistler ;)


Turbo Monkey
Yeknomedir said:

I've been meaning to ask you, what is UI?


Well were off to a crappy start, friends truck isn't starting so we are already a half hour behind, looking forward to the 5 hour drive for a days ride then 5 hours back...grrrrr

Oh well, I'm off to Whistler ;)

Team UI = Unemployment Insurance:thumb:
I do need to get a job soon...this tight budget thing is starting to get old.

Hope the truck holds up and the riders ride - and well at that!! :devil:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Yeknomedir said:

I've been meaning to ask you, what is UI?


Well were off to a crappy start, friends truck isn't starting so we are already a half hour behind, looking forward to the 5 hour drive for a days ride then 5 hours back...grrrrr

Oh well, I'm off to Whistler ;)
Might be a crappy start start. But a good middle and end will make you forget :)


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
I took one run up garbanzo on saturday first thing in the morning and it wasn't too bad, some slick areas and mud bogs, but I would bet its getting pretty decent up there now considering the weather. Although I will say, it's a lot more fun up there when it's completely dry
DBR X6 RIDER said:
*awaiting Whistler trip review*
Got up there around 11ate-ish and on the chair by 12:30... :mumble:
For some odd reason no matter how early we leave it never fails that we get up there for a half day?

Anyhow, got in one good run down Dirt Merchant and decided to head to the top. Hit up what the lift guy called uppper A-line up there into No Joke and as I'm rippin down the open section next to the road "Kaboom" my rear end blows while I"m doing about 20... So I hiked down half way and ended up catching a ride to the bottom of Garbonzo while my bro's went down to the truck to get me my miny pump and a new tube. They dropped it off and hit up Schleyer while I messed around with my lame @ss rear wheel and tire. I've got Mavic 823X rims and WTB Timberwolf tires I think, both are for no tubes so you can imagine the fun I had putting on that rear tire with two janky multi tool tire levers. Well I finally get it mounted and they arrive from their run so we decide to cruise up Garbonzo again and try out "In Deep". Fun trail, especially the upper area with the hip hit overlooking the lake, got a good shot of my bro who's working on putting together a film to send off in hopes of sponsorship etc etc. Well as I dissmount my bike to pull out the camera I checked my tire only to find my hub was shot and wobbling... :mumble: Soooo, I'm like "it's beer time for me fellaz"! As soon as I said that I think my mind was already at that upper deck overlooking the three cliff drops because the rest of the way down was one heck of a time. I ended up endowing over 3 times and really taking a hard one on the last. It was rather a weird day as my friend busted his rear break perch just after I noticed my hub. (We also met up with two other guys on the trails that were taking a break as they both wrecked pretty hard) Then we had fun getting down "IN DEEP" with my busted hub wobblin' all over the place and him with only a front brake.
We finally made it to that Rest. with the hollywood deck "Physically" as my mind was there about a half hour earlier and pounded three pitchers and some pizza. I told them because I drove up they were driving home so I bought a 12 pack and listened to music the whole way home reminisin(sp?)

The day kind of sucked but it was still fun, especially because I haven't ridden with my bro's in several weeks. I think it was the Mtn. telling us it's time to put the bikes away and get ready for powder season ;)

Hope ya'll's last ride at the Mtn. goes better than mine. BTW, look out for the bears, they are all over the trails and if your fast enough you might end up running into one as we saw one chillin' on the trail coming up Fitzgerald.


Turbo Monkey
Ya - bears are probably preparing for hibernation...all doped out on mass fish, etc. Not to worry, my M4's let out a shrill pitch at present - I don't think they'll miss me.:p

Bummer to hear about the flat/hub stuff...hope you're not too sore today. I'm pretty much wrinkle-free from my Tues. ragdoll at SST.
23hrs. until we are on the road.:cool:

I think I need to hit the slopes at least a couple/few times this season. If it's a good one, then I'll go.
I never put my bike away...that is a sin in my world.