
headphones and the fullface


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
I need new headphones for my iPod and will be using them with the fullface helmet sometimes. The buds that came with the iPod don't work for me - with or without the fullface. Looking for people's opinions on the various headphones available, most specifically when using with fullface helmets.

I've done a search and the various threads about this don't seem to cover the inclusion of riding with a fullface. If I have overlooked a thread about it, link me up Scotty.



Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
i have a Azonic helmet that has speakers in it, just plug in with extension that comes with, and you're golden.

but for the full face, you may want to look into the ear buds that circle around your hear. they feel better, then just a plug slammed in your ear, and the full face is already doing a nice job of pushing them harder into your ear.

i have a set of these that work pretty well

but these sound alittle bit better


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
"What? I can't hear you!!!! I have my ipod on underneath my full face!!!!!!!"


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
T, the ones milky posted are the same style as the ones I use - they have that hook wrap thing that goes behind your ear. I've never had 'em come off in a full face.

PS hi Terry!:wave:


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
try another sport. i ride to get away from that stuff, maybe on a long road ride ill have some tunes but are the woods that boring? more so is dh that boring that you need music?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
No way, its so you can feel like you're in your own personal segment of Roam when you ride!

Which probably works great until you stack really good and are a lying there on the ground with the music still playing in your ears.


Mar 25, 2008
Its always fun when someone post something about music to see how many post it can go before someone has to condemn listening to music while riding:bonk:

Personally I like any of the cheap earbuds from walmart as invariable I will break them in a month or so.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
try another sport. i ride to get away from that stuff, maybe on a long road ride ill have some tunes but are the woods that boring? more so is dh that boring that you need music?
do you have any idea who you're telling to do something that's not mountain biking? :banghead:

also, when i ride with music, its only one earphone and just loud enough to hear. helps me get in the zoen and just flow


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Its always fun when someone post something about music to see how many post it can go before someone has to condemn listening to music while riding:bonk:.
On crowded multi-use trails? How about on a race course during practice?
"Rider Down!" Oops!
Yeah, freaking brilliant.

I love music, but when I'm DH'ing my top priority is riding and I need ALL of my senses to that safely.

On a multi use trail, its criminally irresponsible:plthumbsdown:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland

Skull Candy - Smokin' Buds Picked mine up from Amazon around Xmas for about 15 bucks, they are the best (quality) sounding small headphones I've ever used and they don't break the bank. I usually put my fullface on first then slide them up under the pads.


Mar 25, 2008
I agree, but to many people crucify anyone that ask anything remotely related to music without knowing all the facts. Maybe she's only going to listen to them on the chairlift ride up. We don't know. I for one do a lot of road riding and racing and would go brain dead if I had to slog out all those miles just whistling to myself. And personal I never listen to anything when I'm using knobbies. But that's just me, and she didn't ask anything about our music listening preferences, so it's not for us to judge.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
if you have enough space to get your hand inside your helmet when its on, then you need a smaller size helmet.
Not hand, just two fingers before I tighten it down. And theres no way my melon would fit into a Small D2.

As for the whole listening to music thing, I will almost always do it when I'm riding road or XC by myself and most of the time if I'm by myself doing repeat runs on our DS, DH course and DJs. If I'm riding with other people I never wear them because it's crucial to be able to hear other riders. But like Cabdoctor said, if I had to crank out 4 hour XC rides just talking to myself I'd go crazy.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Zark, you don't have all of your senses in the first place. Do the rest of them magically show up when you don your spandex costume?
Yes....Except for my fashion sense which departs every time spandex is offered ;):banana:


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
Thanks for the suggestions and opinions y'all. Very helpful.

For those concerned about headphones while riding: I too share those concerns as well as another one not mentioned - serious impact in the wrong position and those earphones (or the player itself) could cause greater damage to a person than if they were not wearing them.

Please note for your records ;) I ride with the volume respectfully low during race practice or on crowded days at the mountain. And they are never worn at races or a mountain where rules state no headphones allowed.

My research includes finding something that provides quality sound while NOT blocking outside noise because I want to hear mama bear growling in those boring woods (LOL!) or the rider behind me looking for a pass or the one who fell off the trail hollering for a little help.

try another sport. i ride to get away from that stuff, maybe on a long road ride ill have some tunes but are the woods that boring? more so is dh that boring that you need music?
You are so cute! Positively adorable in your assumption. Remind me to pinch your cheek next time I see you at the mountain ...where I vaguely recall only seeing you actually riding three times in the two years I was still there when you first started showing up. ..And...I could be wrong but isn't that the only mountain you go to because it's conveniently close to your home and... weren't you banned from it?

Guard those cheeks cutie pie, I'm coming to get ya'!

edit: deleted my edit because good lordy i can be verbose, eh?
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Eastern States Cup

Turbo Monkey
Feb 29, 2008
East Coast
Thanks for the suggestions and opinions y'all. Very helpful.

For those concerned about headphones while riding: I too share those concerns as well as another one not mentioned - serious impact in the wrong position and those earphones (or the player itself) could cause greater damage to a person than if they were not wearing them.

Please note for your records ;) I ride with the volume respectfully low during race practice or on crowded days at the mountain. And they are never worn at races or a mountain where rules state no headphones allowed.

My research includes finding something that provides quality sound while NOT blocking outside noise because I want to hear mama bear growling in those boring woods (LOL!) or the rider behind me looking for a pass or the one who fell off the trail hollering for a little help.

You are so cute! Positively adorable in your assumption. Remind me to pinch your cheek next time I see you at the mountain ...where I vaguely recall only seeing you actually riding three times in the two years I was still there when you first started showing up. ..And...I could be wrong but isn't that the only mountain you go to because it's conveniently close to your home and... weren't you banned from it?

Guard those cheeks cutie pie, I'm coming to get ya'!

edit: deleted my edit because good lordy i can be verbose, eh?
WoW all the hate.......seriously T, how's it goin ?


Jan 16, 2002
Vancouver, WA
I took some of the Philips headphones that wrap around your ears and tore the plastic off the back and the foam off the inner part. This leaves them very flat. Than I zip tied them (using very small zip ties and holes I poked in the removable liner) to the inside of my liner near my ears. The headphones don't actually touch my ears which I think helps to not block out other sounds. I taped the cable to the inner shell so that only about a half inch comes out the side. This is where I attach an ipod shuffle. It has lasted a year and a half with no problems. It's nice to have the ipod on the side where I can easily change songs or pause it when I want to talk to people.

Oh, and I've only taken out one little old lady so far:biggrin:.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
So actualy the only phones that could fit are normal not plug phones. You will get crappy sound from 90% of them. The plugs suggested a page before are a bad idea as they block sound really well (use these kind of phones on public transport).

Audiotechica has a couple of nice modes so you might want to look at it. Also try beyerdynamic(I think they had like 1 model but it's still worth the try).

BTW. I'm also quite against using headphones. On a crowded trail I never used them as it is really dangerous (was hit by sb on skis like that and ended with back x-ray). Used them for some time on non crowded placed but somehow it cripples my balance and it almost ended with a serious injury so I stay of the phones during riding. I just play music before. But it's not to me to decide.


Nov 13, 2007
I just use the ones that came with my creative zen. You can get them separately at radio shack or wherever for 15


Mar 31, 2008
i have never rode MTB with headphones, anyone have any other good systems for where to keep the ipod or such so that it is out of harm's way? I snowboard with them all of the time, but i pay attention to whos in front of me or such carefully.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
When I ride by myself in the middle of nowhere I've been rocking the Shure headphones with the foam ear inserts. They work pretty good unless you're super sweaty, then they fall right out(I have no idea how the hell I get ear-sweat btw).

I usually don't have my music up so loud that I can't hear what's going on though.


Jan 25, 2003
Hood River, Oregon
To each their own, however I don't understand how one can ride (DH/FR) with earphones. Aside from the safety factor I NEED to hear the noises my bike is making. Maybe I'm just old school as my dad wouldn't even drive a car with the radio on for the same reason. He was a mechanic so he was extremely anal about any creak, buzz, rattle, etc.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
It does feel weird, almost like you're disconnected from what you're doing.

I don't usually ride anything DH-ish with the head phones, it's mostly XC or dirt jumps.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
I've dh'ed a few times with headphones, but on Dh courses. Practicing at Fontucky this weekend, I guess I got a little excited at the start listening to Toxic Waltz < Exodus and somehow crashed on the flat part 2' out... :rofl: I put the cord under my shirt so it doesn't get caught on anything and put them in my ears first, then put my helmet on. They stay in as long they don't get pulled out.

I started using it snowboarding this season, under my helmet the same way. I put the ipod in my front pocket so I can just click 'next song' pressing through the pocket w/o having to open it. I always kept the cord outside my jacket. I guess I haven't learned that trees snagging the cord sucks enough...

The $20 Skullcandy in-ear buds seem to have the best quality of the cheap headphones, but they are noise canceling like most better quality ones. I just use the ipod ones because I can have the music at a decent volume while still hearing ambient sounds.

You are so cute! Positively adorable in your assumption. Remind me to pinch your cheek next time I see you at the mountain ...where I vaguely recall only seeing you actually riding three times in the two years I was still there when you first started showing up. ..And...I could be wrong but isn't that the only mountain you go to because it's conveniently close to your home and... weren't you banned from it?

Guard those cheeks cutie pie, I'm coming to get ya'!

edit: deleted my edit because good lordy i can be verbose, eh?
:rofl: :rofl:
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