
Healin' Vibes to Shino at Grindstate


Dec 7, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Just read a bulletin he posted about getting hit by a car this past week. sounded like a way traggic wreck that could of been life threatening..i know that tons of people have love for the guy and his work so if you have a myspace account or anyway of sending healin vibes his way let em roll!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
Get well Shino !!!

EDIT: see full story below , getting hit by cars isnt fun this comes from first hand exsperince .
I will be sacrficeing a small animal in Shino's name at midnight this evening !
Get well soon homie !! Sounds like you took the Detroit smak down like a champ !


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
Here's the word from the man himself , Shino just emailed me the whole story and gave me premission to post it up here so everyone know's the skinny of what went down !

Shino from Grindstate.com said:
oh wow is there a thread about me? here's the whole story if you're interested...

was cruising in brooklyn on tuesday evening. about to cross bedford avenue, too meet up with my boy C $ick, who was waiting for me on the other side. never mad it across though.

my light was turning yellow as I started crossing so I picked up a little bit to make sure I make it across in time. all cars stopped at the red light on Bedford, except for the middle lane, that was empty. as soon as Im in the middle lane I notice a minivan flying across the red light in that empty lane, mad fast. noticed it from the corner of my eye. as an initial reflex I put a hard crank in to speed up and get out of his way but by this time the dumbass noticed me, too. and his dumbass instead of swerving to the left to avoid me he swerved to the right in panic. he was straight coming at me full speed, his tires skreetching, but too late. BAAAAAAAAAAM!

black. darkness. nothing.

getting to my senses, I'm on my back in an ambulance that's just pulling into a hospital. first thing I know before any pain that the world is spinning and I'm vomiting violently. then I realize Im strapped on a stretcher and Chris is looking down at me, he seemed pretty shook. saying something like 'you got hit' or something. I came to my senses after waking up pretty fast. despite the major concussion miraculously I remember everything right away. realized what happened. the ambulance staff is rolling me into the emergency room where they're cutting my clothes off. all kinds of faces (doctors) looking down at me flashing lights in my eyes, asking if I can breathe, if this or that hurts and what not.

I don't think I gained my sense of timeline back yet, but at some point they rolled my into an intensive care room. I'm already covered with sheets and people are still looking over me. I'm looking at my right hand, doesn't really hurt but my thumb is swollen and can't move it. my head is killing me. and my ankle. looking down there's a huge hole in my ankle and it's soo deep I can see half a square inch of white. **** son.

Chris is explaining what happened. he said I flew and then was out on the floor. shaking, or jerking unconsciously. he said the minivan driver wasn't even gonna stop but eventually he did down the block because there were some cops there. then he got arrested cuz his license was suspended already.

I'm gonna spare the gruesome details of how they tested if my ankle joint got cut open, sawed it up and how the doctor reduced my thumb fracture by leaning on my broken hand with his full body weight. ended up in intensive care with IV lines in both of my arms throwing up, passing out, waking up again to start vomiting and the passing out again. for about two straight days. I kept puking acid once there was no more stuff in my stomach to throw up.

ended up with internal bleeding in my skull that fortunately stopped after a day so they didn't have to open my dome to drain it. also fractured the base of my thumb that I'm going to surgery on next week. and then tons of bruises and some gashes of various sizes, only the two on my ankle had to be sawn up. I still see double, 4 days later.

after realizing what went down I was really near death. matter of fact if I wasn't on a bike I probably would have got done way worse. was I supposed to wear my helmet? I guess. I NEVER EVER EVER hit my head on a bicycle before. and I've been riding for over 20 years. matter of fact I was off the bike by the time I hit it, flying unconscious. more of a conclusion is I can't trust street lights, still gotta look both ways before crossing because people can run a red light any ****ing time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

props to Chris, Vas and Alicia for holding me down. luckily I'm home now, over the worst part, looking forward to surgery, follow up appointments and recovery. and the 20 something thousand dollar bill. I have never ever sued anybody but this mother****er's gonna pay. for all the bills and for my second lost riding season. and my beautiful S3 that he totaled. and for being an ass.

my conclusion is life is a very fragile gift so LIVE IT EVERY DAY!