Here's something I thought about. If the gov't enables a form of healthcare, you can hold them accountable through elections and even call your representative up. In the current system, when my healthcare gets changed I have no control and can't reach anyone- they don't care anyway because what can I do, buy a better plan from an insurer my company doesn't use?? For what, 900$ /month family plan??
Many older people want to retire, but can't because they won't have healthcare until medicare kicks in. If I manage my finances properly, it would be nice that I don't have to work just for healthcare. Not relying on your employer for healthcare will also enable workers to change jobs w/out worrying about healthcare.
Just some random thoughts. I'm sure by now everyone has strong opinions either way.
Many older people want to retire, but can't because they won't have healthcare until medicare kicks in. If I manage my finances properly, it would be nice that I don't have to work just for healthcare. Not relying on your employer for healthcare will also enable workers to change jobs w/out worrying about healthcare.
Just some random thoughts. I'm sure by now everyone has strong opinions either way.