
heart rate monitors


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
my body fat % got to 18.9%, (i quit riding a bike a long while) so i joined a gym about 2 weeks ago.
been training kinda hard, two 15 sessions of intense cardio, some medium intensity weight training. main goal for now, go back to 12% body fat while keeping my current weight, am at 16% as of today. am eating healthy, and following everything the nutrionist told me down to the last comma.

am absolutely new to the fitness stuff. i was told i should get a heart rate monitor. polar is the most common brand here.

being new and cheap, i dont want anything fancy, but i do it to connect to the walkers and bikes.
where to start? what should i look for? whats the difference between the monitors with chest straps, and those without????


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
I use a Sigma PC15 HRM. It's got just about everything you'd ever need in a HRM, and it's relatively comfy as well.

The chest straps tend to be more accurate than ones you just strap on a wrist or the kind that you grab with each hand (mounted on the treadmill or bike). I think I found the PC15 on ebay for 36 bucks or something.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
just find any cheap one either local, or @ nashbar.com, etc that has average, Min, & Max. I say go w/the chest strap - which @ the gym is cool being the machines will pick up that signal & display your HR right on their display

I've been using this one for years link

hmm, but this one comes with a handlebar mount: