
heat...... please go away!


Jun 21, 2006
nowhere you would want to be
Ok, who else here besides me is sick of this freaking heatwave? In the midwest it is hitting temps greater the 110F with the heat index! It is so hot that the AC in my car is barely doing anything! And as for riding my bike.... forget that! I will wait it out untill the temps drop another 10 degrees or so.
What temps are other monkeys dealing with?


Jul 10, 2005
Are you sure it's 105F? When I was there (London), it was 32 (90F), and people were wondering how they would survive. They called the 95F tube a "death trap" (That's the hottest it's been all year.)

Of course, it was over 100 here the day I left, so it felt great to me. Paris was a little bit cooler, but they don't like deoderant over there, so the metro was less pleasant. (at least they have decent ventilation, though)


sexist pig
May 14, 2006
leicester uk
It's that hot The roads are starting to Melt and rail tracks are starting to buckle

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Soaring temperatures were today expected to reach record-breaking highs across Leicestershire - sparking warnings from health experts.

Thermometer readings were set to hit 34C and 35C in the afternoon, according to Met Office forecasters.
Already the intense heat has melted Tarmac on county roads, while trains have been delayed as tracks buckle.

People have been warned of the dangers of severe sun exposure, including dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and serious burning.

Experts say people should use protective creamand cover up with loose clothing and sun hats, while young children should be kept out of the scorching heat wherever possible.

Dr Ffion Davies, emergency department consultant at Leicester Royal Infirmary, said: 'Once the temperature breaks the 35C barrier, you never know what will happen. It is important that people are safe in the sun and drink plenty of water.'

Temperatures in Leicestershire yesterday peaked at 31.5C in the Loughborough area at 5pm.

Gritters have been out spreading sand on softening roads in Harborough, Melton, Market Bosworth and Oadby and Wigston.

As steel railway lines expanded, trains were restricted to 20mph on the Nuneaton to Leicester line in Croft, and 60 mph on the Leicester to Kettering line at Kilby Bridge.

Rail bosses said delays were limited to three or four minutes.

Met Office meteorologist Barry Gromett said last night: 'It's been hot, but we still have the strong possibility of being hotter still. It could be upto 34C or 35C in Leicestershire, particularly if we have a little temperature surge as we expect due to a subtle change in the wind direction.'

Leicestershire's hottest-ever official reading was 33.9C near Hinckley, in July 1959.

Dr Stuart Fraser, a GP in Highfields and Hamilton, Leicester, said: 'In this sort of heat, you only have to be outside for 15 to 30 minutes and you could burn, especially if you are fair skinned.

'If you get dehydrated, you can become confused and disorientated. This can be especially dangerous if you are driving for along time.'

Play scheme bosses have been issued with health and safety guidelines.

Parents are being urged to ensure their children arrive with a hat and a supply of sunscreen. Staff are told to provide plenty of drinking water and avoid outdoor activities during the hottest part of the day.

Highways bosses at Leicester City Council and County Hall said road crews would not be forced to work in the heat.

Bob Holt, of city highways, said: 'If our workmen were to say it's too hot for them we would accept that. They have also been told to take as many breaks as necessary.'

Andrew Osborne, 22, who has been fitting lights in the Leicester Mercury car park, said: 'It's better than working in the rain but tempers flare quickly in this heat.'

Leicester City Council also has gritters on standby in case roads start to melt.

Mercury weatherman Dave Mutton said he last remembered Leicestershire's roads melting in 1976 and 1959. He said: 'At the moment the ground level is getting up to 43C, which would melt tar.'



Jul 10, 2005
ukjason said:
It's that hot The roads are starting to Melt and rail tracks are starting to buckle

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.....Thermometer readings were set to hit 34C and 35C in the afternoon, according to Met Office forecasters.
Already the intense heat has melted Tarmac on county roads, while trains have been delayed as tracks buckle. .....
C'mon - 35C is 95F. (MUCH cooler than 105F).

I went on a 3-hour road ride Saturday with air temps of over 100 F in Orange County. I knew that falling would hurt worse than normal with the hot ground.

But... English roads buckling at 95 degrees? Train tracks buckling? It's 120 degrees in the desert out here - and there's a train track and highway running right through it. You guys need to prepare for the heat a little more. (My favorite is the brand-new double decker buses with windows that don't open.) It is hot every summer there. And you can't blame global warming - I think it was the summer of 1905 that was in the 90's for three straight months.

Good to see we're not alone in crummy public works projects. (our freeways, etc just take generations to build.)


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
It was 104*F(40C) when I started my road ride last night at 6. The only real bad part was my water bottles got a little warm -- 100F gatorade doesn't do much for your thirst. I think the ice only lasted until the end of the driveway.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I had a good ride last night. The heat broke. I think it was only around 85. It felt great in the woods. The guy I was riding with had a major mechanical. This rear d got eaten by a stick. It toasted the derailluer and mangled the hanger. So we converted it to SS and kept on riding for another 40 minutes. Good times.