
Heidi, JOJO, MntBikerChk


The Rev
Oct 8, 2001
I need some training tips and thought that between the three of you (or anyone else that reads this) I could get some great advice.

I have 8 weeks till Sea Otter. I will be racing Exp 30-34 and don't want to get my butt kicked too badly. I have been doing some interval work on the spinning bikes at the gym. week before last I was doing 5-10 min Warm Up 3 minute interval drill 20sec on 10sec off. steady paced spin for 10-15 minutes then repeat interval one more time then 5 min cool down... last week I switched to 1 minute sprint 1minute rest for a total of 4 minutes of sprinting (after 5-10 minute WU... then I did a steady paced spin for the remainder of the time... approx 35 minutes on the bike.

I dont' know if there is a solid concrete definite answer to this question, but here it is...

What is the best way to get fast in 8 weeks? Intervals? how long? - sprint time/rest time? how often? Winning time last year for my class was 1.47.?? there were 10 seconds seperating 1-10th place.

I don't mean to sound like a total dork, but I want to get in the best shape (sprint wise) as I can before SO.... any suggestions???:help:

thanks in advance;)


Top Banana
Jun 28, 2001
Superior, CO
I'm sorry but I actually dont know much about training for speed... otherwise I would actually be fast:rolleyes: I'm slow as a turtle on my bike:p.... I will look into it for ya though..

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I believe speed comes from building power, and building power takes a heck of a lot longer than 8 weeks. In 8 weeks, you can probably increase your lung capacity a bit and increase your cardio endurance. But to build speed, you need to exercise your leg muscles, and you need months of hard training to see noticable results.


The Rev
Oct 8, 2001
Well I have leg power, but my weakness last year was cardio endurance, stamina... I guess that's were I need the help for longer sprints.

I suppose I should have phrased the question differently.
Originally posted by DHRacer
Well I have leg power, but my weakness last year was cardio endurance, stamina... I guess that's were I need the help for longer sprints.

I suppose I should have phrased the question differently.
Cardio endurance you say? Get your ass on your bike and train just below and/or just above your anerobic threashold. If you train like that, you will eventually raise it - and that will help your endurance.

disclaimer: I think I'm right but I'm open to suggestions!


The Rev
Oct 8, 2001
Originally posted by MtnBikerChk

Cardio endurance you say? Get your ass on your bike and train just below and/or just above your anerobic threashold. If you train like that, you will eventually raise it - and that will help your endurance.

disclaimer: I think I'm right but I'm open to suggestions!
What is a person's anerobic threshold? How does one find this?

sorry if this is a stupid question:(
Originally posted by DHRacer

What is a person's anerobic threshold? How does one find this?

sorry if this is a stupid question:(

HEHE. Your anerobic threashold is the point where your body doesn't have enough oxygen to feed your muscles so it produces lactic acid - you know that burning (and sometimes itchy) feeling you get in your legs when you are pedalling really really hard! That's it.

You can find it pretty easily with an hrm and a few training rides.


The Rev
Oct 8, 2001
Cool! Thanks! I've been there:rolleyes:

How long of a period should you stay at that level?
Originally posted by DHRacer
Cool! Thanks! I've been there:rolleyes:

How long of a period should you stay at that level?
(I think) if you stay just below it, you should be able to maintain it for a good period of time - if you are above it, you shouldn't be able to maintain it.

Personally, I interval below, at and above it. My average heart rate for a given 45 minute spinning session is about 10 bpm lower than that threshold.

I don't really know enough about training for specific racing goals - but maybe when Heidi gets on the stick and comes back, she'll have good info!


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
OK, you have the right idea with intervals and sprints. I am assuming you have already analyzed your past race performances and found that speed on the flats has been your weakness.

One of the best ways to get faster on your bike is to ride repeatedly faster for short periods of time (intervals) Doses of high intensity training improve your recovery and your ability to sustain high heart rate.

To work at or around my anaerobic threshhold I like to do this exercise: About 40 min long after warming up

1 min at 60% max heart rate (MHR) with 1 min recovery (easy spin)
2 minutes at 65% of MHR w/ 2 min of recovery
3 min at 70% of MHR w/ 3 min recovery
4 min at 75% of MHR w/ 4 min recovery
4 min at 80% MHR w/ 4 min recovery
3 min at 85% MHR w/ 3 min recovery
2 min at 90% MHR w/ 2 min recover
1 min at >90% w/ recovery warm down.

I also like to do isolated leg to improve my leg strength, speed, and pedaling technique. These are fairly boring but worth squeezing in your workouts. Just pedal one leg at a time maintaining a cadence of 80-100 (fairly fast) and concentrate on smoothing out the "dead" spot at the top of the stroke. Sometimes I'll use a pretty hard gear to where I can't do this exercise for more than 2 min each leg (worry less about your cadence). You'll feel it in your hip flexor.