
Helicopter riding...


Jul 15, 2004
Oslo - Norway
Norway is a highly regulated country when it comes to using motorvehicles out in the forrests and mountains. It's therefore very rare to be able to use a helicopter to get to the top of....anything...

...but when the chance came, 20 of us took the trip.

Here are some shots of the descent from the first heliride in Norway. The mountain was "Lønahorgi", 1412meters above sealevel. The descent was 9km long and took us down to only 200meters above sealevel.

Santa Claus arrives....with presents!

Since this was the first and only day, the kitchen had some interesting opening hours:

A small peptalk before the descent

The helicopter leaves...only one way down now

Get rolling!

Slickrocks...don't we just love'em!?

It was steep at times, but with a camera in your face...who can show fear?

Snow? Just lean back and enjoy!

Rob Jarman shows the rest of us why he is....Rob Jarman:

The pictures are from the Heliride during the Extremesportsweek in Voss/Norway. We're looking at repeating the trip next year, and it only costs about 75USD per person since we're going up together with the PG guys. That's including breakfast and coffee on top.

The descent includes a 15 minutes walk at the start, then it's mostly downhill. After the long slickrock section, the ride enters mix between singletrack and fireroad before entering one of the courses used in the nationals.

If anybody is interested in more info regarding the festival, check out www.ekstremsportveko.com, or PM/mail me.

MBUK might have an article about this soon as well, since Rob is a freelancer there. :)


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i always joke about getting a gravity assisted ride by chopper, but i'd fork over a measly 75 bucks for that ride in a heartbeat. What a cool deal!:thumb:


Jul 15, 2004
Oslo - Norway
There are thousands of spots like this spread throughout the westcoast of Norway. Should be something for the collective guys...

Matchstick Productions was up in some similar mountains further north last winter to get some shots for their next skimovie.

As I said in the post, feel free to contact me if any of you are serious about coming over next year. The extremsportsweek is a huge festival gathering close to 1500 people doing BASE, PG, HG, Longboard, bouldring, bmx, dirt, slopestyle, kayak, DH and so on. Every night, there are big concerts and shows - but the highlight every single night is "Todays Video" where a cameracrew has been filming everything that's going on in all the different sports and edited it into a 30-45minutes long video with music. So if you've done something insane or stupid (or both), you'll see it on screen 8)

I'm one of the two organizers for the FR/DH/BMX part, so I'll try to help you out as good as I can if you wanna take the trip. :)

Some shots from the different sports. Enjoy:
(the festival is none-profit, so I hope the moderators doesn't look at this as an add)

Longboard DH:

Kayak DH:







Jul 15, 2004
Oslo - Norway
bcd said:

nice wall ride.

crazy country.
We actually drew it as a full U, but the guys owning the course didn't want a wall coming back into the slope...being a slope for children in the winter...

And yeah - Norway is kickass...it's not really that much to do here, so we do our best with what we have...which when it comes to our nature and mountains turns out to be a lot. There are only 4 million of us, but we still manage to get a guy or two in every major ski and snowboardmovie. And with guys like Trond Hansen and Niels Windfelt now climbing the ladder-of-bike-fame as well, we'll manage to squize in some guys in the bikemovies as well soon... :)

But before that - do visit us in Voss next year.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
bcd said:

nice wall ride.

crazy country.
Wow. No doubt. My wife is making me go to Ikea this weekend to shop for a new couch. You think I might be able to pick up one of those wall rides while I'm there?


Sep 23, 2001
here 'n there
Sickness! Love the pics Trigger. A good friend of mine is a sponsored telemark skier by Norrona, and finally got to cruise over there this past spring. Came back w/ some nutty stories. I definitely need to go.

I've skied w/ a few Norwegians, some of the craziest fockers I know...and some of the best skiers, period. I'm sure the same goes for riding. :D


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
kidwoo said:
Ooh, can I have them?
She can get more for them from someone in Japan, or possibly Germany, than she can from you, I'll wager...


Jul 15, 2004
Oslo - Norway
Small drop on top as you can see. His frontwheel is not touching the rock in that picture. Then roll down and go to riders right to exit. There is a cliff on riders right, but the rocks at the bottom of the picture is closer to the camera than they seem like...

It was a nice spot, but this trip wasn't for the grassroot riders :)


Jul 17, 2003
Golden, CO
SkaredShtles said:
Norway kicks all kinds of a$$! Next time I apparently *have* to take my bike. :thumb: I approve, wholeheartedly!
Next Man Trip..... we're there...

although, that place would smash your bike up worse than you can do with a garage.... You will need monster porn.


Jul 15, 2004
Oslo - Norway
this entire trips now comes into a whole new light, as our pilot aswell as one of the best guys we know i Voss - who helped us so much during our nationals there last year, crashed in a helictoperaccident today.

The accident happened during maintenance work at the alpine resort.

There where no survivors.

All us guys from Norway, as well as the riders from UK and other places in Europe that came along on this flight send our best toughts and wishes to their family and friends.

Without these two, neither this trip or the nationals last year would have been nearly as successful as it became.

Rest in peace.