
Hell Angels terrorized by an SUV


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
stinkyboy said:
I am wise enough and respectful enough to state otherwise.

Post what you think
Well, oh wise and respectful one, I think you are a dumbass, although it's beyond my comprehension why you would possibly feel the need to kiss the Hells Angel's collective asses on an intarweb forum.


You turn me every which way but loose, baby it's no excuse, you turn me every which way but looooooose.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Skookum said:
Haha old RM is right, you ARE dumb....:rofl:

Why don't you give respect to members of this forum instead of worrying about motorcycle clubs.
Posting opinions on something you know nothing about is ignorance. See above posts.

Sucking up to a mod(s) is pVssy.

Educate yourself before posting random prattle and stereotypes.


stinkyboy said:
Posting opinions on something you know nothing about is ignorance. See above posts.

Sucking up to a mod(s) is pVssy.

Educate yourself before posting random prattle and stereotypes.
There is nothing wrong with sucking up to the mods.


Oct 17, 2002
seriously tho, why give respect to any one person or group who's sole public image is one of violence?


Oct 17, 2002
stinkyboy said:
no, I said public image and that's what I meant... not stereotype.

You ask 1000 random people and 95% will say they're a group of nothing but violent jackasses. And if HA didn't like that reputation or if it was wrong, they'd make a effort to change it.


I think stinky is just scared. I would be too. :shakingmyf*ckingbootsoff:

Motorcycle Gangs
Motorcycle Gangs or
Motorcycle Mafia?
by Sergeant Steve Tretheway
Arizona Department of Public Safety
and Lieutenant Terry Katz
Criminal Intelligence Division, Maryland State Police

Once considered nothing more than rowdy toughs on two-wheelers, motorcycle gangs have evolved into crime units that are sufficiently well-oiled and well-organized to rival the Mafia. It's not just police officers who lump these groups together. Documented evidence in state, provincial and federal courts throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia suggests that motorcycle gangs have become organized crime entities equal to the Mafia on many fronts. Biker gangs are organized internationally, with chapters in Europe, Australia, South America and Africa. As retired Illinois State Police Sergeant Joe Satercier noted in 1993 at a Chicago-area Outlaw Motorcycle Gang training seminar, "Biker gangs are the only sophisticated organized crime groups that we export from the United States."

The international problem has become clearer through Interpol's "Project Rockers," which demonstrated that American-based motorcycle gangs such as the Bandidos, Hell's Angels and Outlaws (three of the larger gangs) use their networks to spread criminal activity overseas. Indeed, at least six motorcycle gangs in the United States now have chapters outside the country's borders. The Hell's Angels gang alone has chapters in 20 countries and is expanding so rapidly that it's difficult to keep up with prospective new chapters. By moving outside the United States, biker gangs can enhance their international criminal connections through involvement with the Italian Mafia, Columbian cartels and other organized crime enterprises.

Most motorcycle gangs are well-organized. They have written constitutions, bylaws, and a hierarchical leadership structure. Members pay dues and attend regular meetings to confirm loyalty to the gang leadership. Enforced gang member contact is achieved by mandated attendance at club-sanctioned functions (runs). If members break rules or bylaws, their misdeeds are punished with penalties ranging from fines to murder. Many motorcycle gangs have incorporated; some have trademarked their gang logos. Some call their meeting nights "church." According to some sources, the Hell's Angels gang maintains its own Church of the Angels. This is significant since a gang that owns its own church gives its "ministers" the right to visit members in jail. It also provides the "church" with local, state, and federal tax exemptions.

A Closer Look
Categorizing this counterculture is complicated because of the interrelationships and networking not only with other motorcycle gangs, but also with prison gangs, street gangs, racist groups, drug groups, and traditional organized crime families. Adding layers of insulation to the network are the gang associates who do not wear a gang patch (set of denim or leather colors with the gang's logo or patch on the back). Estimates suggest that for every gang member, there are 10 associates doing work for the gang. They may obtain utility or criminal justice information, provide sophisticated weapons and other equipment through military connections, or offer their services as chemists, thieves, prostitutes and even contract hit men.

Unlike the traditional Mafia, motorcycle gang members flaunt their membership and proudly acknowledge an existence outside of society's norms. Most are overt about their affiliation, advertising their identity by sporting gang colors, gang tattoos, or T-shirts with the gang's insignia. To increase the shock value, gang colors, patches, tattoos and nicknames often incorporate Nazi symbols, devils' heads, skulls, vulgar phrases and satanic types of symbolism.

Historical Perspective
Motorcycle gangs got a kick-start after World War II, when they were thought to be nothing more than a symbol of youthful rebellion. Thanks to a few high-profile Hollywood movies and other well-publicized events, gangs gained substantial notoriety as the years went by. The Wild Ones in 1954 and Easy Rider in 1969 both served to glamorize gang activity and the biker lifestyle. The Hell's Angels gained broader exposure when they were hired to handle security for a Rolling Stones concert at the Altamont Speedway in California in 1969. Sometime during the show, some members of the Angels reportedly turned on the audience and killed a fan. These events helped capture the imagination of many, who swelled the ranks of the outlaw motorcycle gangs.

During the 1970s, nearly 900 outlaw biker gangs--some of them with numerous chapters--operated inside the United States. By the '80s, the FBI had recognized motorcycle gangs as a priority in its organized crime program, just behind La Cosa Nostra. Other federal law enforcement agencies, such as ATF and DEA, also initiated successful conspiracy investigations. Federal agencies have joined with state and local police in task force operations to arrest and convict members of the major motorcycle gangs. Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) investigations, which used gang members-turned-witnesses, were devastating to these gangs, which had been convinced that no one--least of all their own members--would testify against them.

While these concentrated law enforcement actions were disruptive, the gangs responded by hiring attorneys who specialize in organized crime cases and have expertise in fighting federal prosecutors and multi-agency task forces. Some biker gangs even discovered that being sentenced to jail had its benefits. Those who spent time behind bars learned new and possibly more efficient criminal techniques from other prisoners. And, as those arrested during the '80s began to be released in the '90s, many embarked on the next phase of their criminal careers better educated in the world of crime, having learned from their mistakes and developed new contacts.

Increasing Sophistication
Clearly, today's motorcycle gangs are little like those in the early years. Realizing that they need to be more covert about their criminal activities to survive, these gangs have become sophisticated criminal enterprises over the last 50 years, refining their criminal skills by associating with and learning from traditional crime families and other criminal groups and gangs. Motorcycle gangs have learned to manipulate the criminal justice system with courtroom maneuvers, such as filing numerous discovery motions. These motions have nothing to do with the specific case, but are intended to gather information, such as the names of informants and law enforcement investigative techniques. The discovery process gives gangs the information they need in order to intimidate witnesses through "private investigators," who will report the witnesses' addresses to the gang.

Another way today's motorcycle gangs attempt to manipulate the criminal justice system is through bribery. Documented evidence shows that gangs will use money, drugs or sexual favors to develop intelligence files on rival gangs, as well as on the police. This corruption has even been known to include the occasional police officer.

Better dressed and better educated, many of today's biker gang members and associates are earning college-level degrees in computer science, finance, business, criminal justice, and law. These curricula improve the gang's expertise in highly profitable criminal enterprises. Education has allowed gang associates to entrench themselves in government positions (including the military) and other legitimate professions. These legitimate jobs give gang associates access to technology, weapons and other informational banks where security records, motor vehicle files, personal data and police reports are maintained. Furthermore, like traditional organized crime groups, biker gangs have made a concentrated effort to invest their illegal gains into legitimate businesses. The result is that biker gangs in the '90s have more power and wealth than most people realize. Armed with an education, organizational wealth and criminal savvy, gangs can more easily chisel out a larger slice of the criminal pie.

Of course, none of this means that motorcycle gangs have abandoned violence as the most efficient method of furthering their criminal enterprises. Similar to traditional organized crime syndicates, motorcycle gangs continue to protect their drug distribution networks through whatever means necessary--including murders, rapes, arsons, assaults, intimidation and torturous interrogations. Because of their desire to deal with issues swiftly and violently, motorcycle gangs must be considered equal to their counterparts in organized crime families and the South American drug cartels. Indeed, they have proven themselves capable of beating organized crime families at their own game.


A Growing Threat
Biker gangs have re-established themselves during the past decade. And because law enforcement efforts have been channeled in other directions, such as narcotic or street gangs, the biker gang threat is growing. Finding they could not afford the manpower to work both biker and street gangs, police administrators in many departments have been forced to make painful choices. Although there is no comparison between the violence levels of motorcycle and street gangs, street gangs have gained attention because they are involved in well-publicized violent crimes. This publicity has prompted communities to demand political solutions; politicians have responded by making street gangs the target of violent crime task forces.

Since street gang enforcement typically yields high arrest ratios with less effort, the natural inclination is to use scarce resources in this fashion, further eroding the officers' availability to conduct the long-term covert operation investigations needed for organized motorcycle gangs. In the meantime, biker gang sophistication continues to escalate with the use of modern business technologies: computers keep club records, fax machines bring out-of-country chapters closer together, cellular telephones and pagers make communications easier for gang members to conduct business, and even Internet websites are common among motorcycle gangs in the '90s.

Some gang members and associates operate spy shops, and make good use of surveillance equipment, including electronic bugging and countermeasures equipment. Some of the bigger and more powerful gangs have the financial backing to obtain the most sophisticated weapons and equipment, while police department budgets continue to shrink--making it extremely difficult for law enforcement to keep pace. For example, some gangs now use private investigators to polygraph suspected informants, while other gangs have bought and operate voice stress analyzers to test potential members.

Gangs often use "smoke screens" in their attempt to deceive the public. They want people to believe that while they may look bad on the outside, they have hearts of gold. Some of their "philanthropic" gestures have included raising funds for the Statue of Liberty restoration, carrying the Olympic torch, conducting benefits for disabled children, organizing blood drives, and involving themselves in other kinds of charity events. This has been somewhat successful, as some people still consider bikers as fashionable rebels in leather attire. It is an image that is promoted when movies, the fashion industry, TV commercials, actors, athletes and politicians embrace the "bad boy" image and lifestyle.

And gang trends have blended into the "RUBs"--rich, urban bikers. Larger gangs recognize this and use it to their advantage. They insulate their operations not only with puppet clubs (smaller gangs), but also with other associates who believe motorcycle gangs are nothing more than fun-loving bike riders. The gangs' own mottos, however, offer insight as to how they should be viewed:

Hell's Angels: "Three people will keep a secret if two are dead."
Outlaws: "God forgives, Outlaws don't."
Bandidos: "We are the people that our parents warned us about."

Organized Criminals
Motorcycle gangs are recognized as organized crime not only by the FBI, but also by other police agencies and courts throughout the United States. Within the past two years, Australia and Canada have successfully used immigration laws to prohibit organized crime members--such as non-citizen members of Hell's Angels--from entering their countries. Although Canada's laws were initially designed to keep the Mafia out, they have been interpreted to include all organized crime, and these exclusions are based on documentation that outlaw motorcycle gangs are international criminal organizations.

Among the sources of that documentation are the following:

1984 CISC (Criminal Intelligence Service of Canada)--maintains that outlaw bikers are as much an organized crime threat as traditional Mafia operations.
Organized Crime in Pennsylvania--A 1990 report by the Pennsylvania Crime Commission that explains the similarities between outlaw bikers and traditional crime groups.
International Criminal Police Review, March/April 1990--an Interpol report that identifies motorcycle gangs as an international crime problem, groups them alongside other international criminal threats and discusses why traditional law enforcement techniques may not be sufficient in combating outlaw motorcycle gangs.
Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, June 1985--An FBI report that officially designates outlaw motorcycle gangs as priority No. 2, right behind La Cosa Nostra.
"Organized Crime in America," hearings before the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, 98th Congress, January-March 1983--a 554-page congressional report that reveals similarities and relationships between organized crime and motorcycle gangs.
Mafia Enforcer--1987 book by Thomas Renner and former Satan's Choice Vice President Cecil Kirby, who left his motorcycle gang to become an enforcer for the Commission organized crime family in eastern Canada.

With more than 50 years to hone their criminal "skills," outlaw motorcycle gangs have become a criminal force to be reckoned with. They have organized behind a hierarchical structure with bylaws and meetings. Some gangs are so concerned with their image that they have copyrighted and trademarked their logos and gang names. Members attend functions (runs) together to solidify their unity and brotherhood as a "family." These gangs don't simply work parallel to traditional organized crime; they cooperate on joint ventures and compete in other areas.

Furthermore, their inter-gang connections with prison gangs, the Ku Klux Klan, other white supremacy groups, street gangs and drug groups have enhanced their criminal networking--allowing their tentacles to reach all parts of society.

It is imperative that inter-agency joint law enforcement task force operations re-think their efforts to combat this threat, since no one agency has the means to investigate and prosecute outlaw motorcycle gangs successfully. Recent cases by ATF and DEA have resulted in multiple arrests of Hell's Angels and Hessians. FBI agents have arrested members of the Devil's Disciples and the Outlaws. The more successful cases involved the experience and expertise of local and state police who joined with the federal agents. There is no time like the present to devote the resources and develop effective strategies to combat the growing threat of today's more sophisticated outlaw motorcycle gangs.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
LordOpie said:
no, I said public image and that's what I meant... not stereotype.

You ask 1000 random people and 95% will say they're a group of nothing but violent jackasses. And if HA didn't like that reputation or if it was wrong, they'd make a effort to change it.
The people I've known have been hardcore, but they have shown more love and respect for people than anyone I've known in the "real world".

18 kids just got sodomized with broom handles in Arizona at a camp, and the guys that did it, pleaded guilty, and because of their family political ties are going to walk.

If this happened to the a friend of an Angel, these guys would pay for their crimes. Violence would come in to play because it would be necessary.

I have nothing but respect for that.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
stinkyboy said:
Posting opinions on something you know nothing about is ignorance. See above posts.

Sucking up to a mod(s) is pVssy.

Educate yourself before posting random prattle and stereotypes.
i don't suck.

i suckle.

Your the one who's sucking the kok of a bunch of people you don't even know.

Your the one who's a dick to people on here. Alot of people on here like to be nice to each other. What's wrong with that?

Your the one who posts a whiny ass thread how you think you're being ripped off at your LBS.

Your the fraud.....

And one last thing, the Diamondbacks suck.;)


N8 said:
Perhaps I should delete this thread or rename it, "Fun Loving Hell's Angels shot by insane SUV driver."
Don't delete it. I want stinky to get scared of the moto mafia. I met a chick at a wedding a while back and her husband is an undercover agent that has infiltrated a biker gang. I had no idea they were really that bad. I ain't never going to see David Allen Coe, or is he dead now??? :think:

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
stinkyboy said:
The people I've known have been hardcore, but they have shown more love and respect for people than anyone I've known in the "real world".

18 kids just got sodomized with broom handles in Arizona at a camp, and the guys that did it, pleaded guilty, and because of their family political ties are going to walk.

If this happened to the a friend of an Angel, these guys would pay for their crimes. Violence would come in to play because it would be necessary.

I have nothing but respect for that.
What about all the meth production and distribution and the countless other hardcore criminal things they do?

No respect.


N8 said:
What about all the meth production and distribution and the countless other things they do?

No respect.
What is in the air today, that is making me agree with N8 so much???


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
N8 said:
What about all the meth production and distribution and the countless other hardcore criminal things they do?
Dude, they stick up for their own, man! Like when a bunch of kids get spotted by the cops vandalizing something, and they all get away except one, and he upholds the honor and respect of his dillhole friends by acting like a prick to the cop, then later in life jumps on an intarweb forum and bashes cops. If that doesn't deserve respect I don't know what does!


Oct 17, 2002
stinkyboy said:
If this happened to the a friend of an Angel, these guys would pay for their crimes. Violence would come in to play because it would be necessary.
How come the 'Angels' don't make these evil people pay? Child abuse is child abuse and if the Angels really actually cared, they'd be out there fight all sorts of crimes, not just what happened to one of their own.

And more to the point, they don't need a reason to jump to violence. Hell, DirtyMike pointed out that if you look at one of their women the wrong way, they'd cut you neck to nuts... they're scum and "respecting" them is just as bad as respecting any tyrant.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
N8 said:
What about all the meth production and distribution and the countless other hardcore criminal things they do?

No respect.
I know nothing of these acts. I only know what I have seen accomplished by the 2 handfuls or so of real bikers I have known.

I disagree with chemical drugs, coke or heroin being distributed by anyone.

Marijuana? Big deal.


Aug 14, 2001
Joplin, MO
Yeah guys just the cause the kill people and deal drugs doesnt mean they aren't nice God-fearing folk who just want to spread love throughout the world.

I read Australia and New Zealand are starting to have problems with the Hell's Angels. They are such stand up guys.


Dec 6, 2001
My wife is from Quebec City and we met in Montreal. I don't think the HA's that operate in eastern Canada are the fun-loving cuddly types. One interesting thing she told me though, was that she never felt threatened living in a neighborhood that was HA's turf. If you weren't involved in drugs, prostitution or other similar crimes, they could care less about you. No US-style crossfire incidents involving innocent people. Even after a couple of people were murdered around the corner from her house no one was really worried about it.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Random said:
I read Australia and New Zealand are starting to have problems with the Hell's Angels. They are such stand up guys.
What else did you read? Any good Nancy Drew mysteries? Let us know!


Oct 17, 2002
stinkyboy said:
What else did you read? Any good Nancy Drew mysteries? Let us know!
I'm going to guess that Random was reading the news.

With all due respect, that's more valid than your extremely limited anecdotal experience with a few members in short time frame.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
LordOpie said:
With all due respect, that's more valid than your extremely limited anecdotal experience with a few members in short time frame.
I like how he totally ignores the people who slap his dumbass comments down, and just waits for someone new to jump on, then they slap him down, and the cycle just repeats :D

In other words, don't expect him to acknowledge your post.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
LordOpie said:
I'm going to guess that Random was reading the news.

With all due respect, that's more valid than your extremely limited anecdotal experience with a few members in short time frame.
25 years compared to a Random Google search?

See, where does that even come from? Short time frame?! WTF?!

Echo reads 3 bullet points and only sees one? WEAK!


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Echo said:
I like how he totally ignores the people who slap his dumbass comments down, and just waits for someone new to jump on, then they slap him down, and the cycle just repeats :D

In other words, don't expect him to acknowledge your post.
If you hurry, you can change the time of your post.


Oct 17, 2002
stinkyboy said:
25 years compared to a Random Google search?

See, where does that even come from? Short time frame?! WTF?!

Echo reads 3 bullet points and only sees one? WEAK!
your experience is still limited to one small group of people who show you what they want to show you.

Fact remains that this group is one who enjoys intimidation.

I'm not sure if I'm talking about the KKK, HA, or Bush Admin ;)


Oct 17, 2002
Echo said:
...and just waits for someone new to jump on...
new to the thread or new to the forums?

Too much hate directed to new members... let them get settled before we start abusing them :D


Echo said:
I like how he totally ignores the people who slap his dumbass comments down, and just waits for someone new to jump on, then they slap him down, and the cycle just repeats :D

In other words, don't expect him to acknowledge your post.
I think you are missing the whole role model of a moderator thing again, echo.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
LordOpie said:
your experience is still limited to one small group of people who show you what they want to show you.
My experience was with 2 different chapters of the ABATE and with the Angels in AZ. I have/had friends with parents/family involved, and I spent time drinking with and/or donating artwork on at least 100 different occasions over the last 25 years.

Echo, I'm all about having an intelligent discussion, but it has to be 2 sided.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
LordOpie said:
Who would win in a fight between 1000 Hell's Angels against Ditka? And how badly would Dikta win?
No contest. Ditka would show up on a vespa made of pork and strangle each and every one of them with link sausages.

Hey what's the dif. between Hell's Angels vs. Bloods/Crips et al? Same stupid gay gang thing. I think of gangs like herd mentality. Too much of a coward to handle life by yourself? Why not adhere to some stupid rules and buy protection? LAME.