
Hello from Brazilian DHer, FEZ, or whatever you wanna call me.

Whatup SoCal peeps? By what I just saw on the threads, things are good in Cali hum?

Here in Europe it has been crazy, not just biking, but everything. To begin with, Mullets are the cool thing to have here. No joking. And David Hasselholf is still cool in Germany.

Biking is good, got some new riding buddies and raced a bit. Ended up racing World Cup Finals in Livigno, Italy, which was kick ass. Had mechanicals, but got a 163th out of 300.

Also raced Maxxis International, and almost killed myself at the Bilbao finals, tacoed both wheels. There was an Urban DH in Madrid too, and they used some of the same course they use for a Run of the Bulls.

Now I am going to school and doing some partying. Oh yeah, riding too.

DH here is awesome. To begin with, in Madrid, the shuttles in most areas are done by train! So the rides are long as hell.

Well that is it. Haven´t been able to keep in touch with some of you but please gimme a hola at andresandiego@hotmail.com

Hasta luego


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Been wondering where you were...train shuttles, eh? Sounds sweet. Can't wait to see your mullet.


Turbo Monkey
What up 'dre!!

Glad to hear that you're having fun in Europe.. You would have loved the Mammoth DH course, it was crazy. Maybe next year huh? Keep living it up and I'll talk to you later. (I might be going to Spain in the Summer with my cousin, I'll let you know :evil: ) Peace