
Hello, Moto GMT


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Just finished a group night ride - 35ish miles for me. Loving the night rides. I'm currently consuming half a chicken and a pint of leftover rice.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Good morning!
Am I a robot dreaming of electric sheep?

One day I will work out the art of sleeping well, one day.
'twas not last night, popped a crazy pill at midnight.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
hello ppls

my stretch of working 4 days in a row continues. pls have pity. (to be fair, the last 3 days and this daytime call shift are all actually quite busy ones.)

flying out to Seattle tomorrow for a week. got a Washlet shipped out there to bring some civilization to the MIL's house

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Had a bad case of the yips on my ride yesterday. Off balance, riding hesitantly, and just kinda scared. Not ideal hoping today goes better. I did find that my rear wheel has lost a bunch of spoke tension and is wiggly as crap, that could have a little something to do with it. But mostly just an off day on the bike.

nothing on the agenda today.
Same here. Unless you count truing a wheel, helping a buddy move a piano for his wife, riding, mowing the yard, helping another non-MTB buddy swap bars on his bike, maybe helping Teh Spousal Unit™ swap bars on her bike, and then attending a BBQ for the bar swap buddy’s birthday as an “agenda”.
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bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
agenda: sleep in. coffee. drink a smoothie. water plants in yard and do some weeding. maybe pool? help 18yo get ready for college pre-orientation trip. chase a creak on le bike (methinks bottom bracket area needs cleaning and regreasing). maybe go to rugby game with wife and 14yo tonight. also finalizing plans for side trip to quebec on the way back from maine with wife and 14yo and trying to rally the troops to finalize plans for snowshoe in august.


free wieners
still working on crab pot riggings, got most of the floats tied, now working on anodes and securing bait boxes. might head out to the circles in the sand thing. The weather hasn't been a touch over 75 yet this year. I enjoy the coast weather.

In other news,

Found a halibut spot no more than 3 miles offshore of my launch site. That means I will have a full limit of crab and fish in less than an hour with the boat off the trailer.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
the charlotte pro team....?

i was supposed to go to one of their games...or match....a couple weeks ago

when it was not satans crack hot....
yeah. we got tix to four games. the one at 3:00 last saturday was, indeed, satan's crack hot. tonight's is at 7:00 at least. and fireworks afterwards...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Practice day. Session one was balls - she was getting passed by the lower class. Turns out the brakes were smoked, steering was too fast, and her gearing was off by a mile. Second session was totally different - dropped 1.5sec and was driving a lot better. Now she gets to start focusing on dialing in her race line and pace. FOX news should be here soon too.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
hi dilly ho.

What's on the agenda? up at 5, coffee breakfast , met the girl at 7 for a nice ride up Evergreen Mtn (counterclockwise, since you asked) then snacks, cleaned the bike looking for a creak that is driving me nuts and I'm pretty sure its my pressfit BB :mad: so I have that to tend to.
Now its chilly chill until I go for beers and punk rock this afternoon.

said bicycling ...


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
hi dilly ho.

What's on the agenda? up at 5, coffee breakfast , met the girl at 7 for a nice ride up Evergreen Mtn (counterclockwise, since you asked) then snacks, cleaned the bike looking for a creak that is driving me nuts and I'm pretty sure its my pressfit BB :mad: so I have that to tend to.
Now its chilly chill until I go for beers and punk rock this afternoon.

said bicycling ...
View attachment 213744
Evergreen should be ridden clockwise with the summit counter. Otherwise you're just wrong.

Back home. Left Wednesday last week mid-afternoon.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
hi dilly ho.

What's on the agenda? up at 5, coffee breakfast , met the girl at 7 for a nice ride up Evergreen Mtn (counterclockwise, since you asked) then snacks, cleaned the bike looking for a creak that is driving me nuts and I'm pretty sure its my pressfit BB :mad: so I have that to tend to.
Now its chilly chill until I go for beers and punk rock this afternoon.

said bicycling ...
View attachment 213744
I'm buying a new seatpost, because I am admitting defeat and can't get this one to stop creaking. God dammit. I have it slammed down as far as it can go, the actuator thing must be rubbing on the suspension area of the frame.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
in other news, looking into what amps will work with my hybrid to give a bit more volume and perhaps eventually power a small sub...can't draw too much power from the battery apparently. looks like a little kicker 4x50 with a 20amp draw should fit the bill...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Get up and wife tells me disposal is making a humming noise. Try the usual fixes and it appears the unit has shat the bed.

Pull all the stuff out and discover there's also a bit of a leak out of the bottom of the disposal. Which may have been going on for awhile as the particle board bottom of the cabinet is now mushy and bowed in the center, more or less.

Fortunately the engineers in the last few decades decided that disposals should have a somewhat standard quick-release attachment mechanism, so disposal replacement was quite easy.

And the local Ace had 1/4" plywood pieces that I didn't have to trim much to put a new bottom in the cabinet.

Now ice watering because it's hot here.

I should take a nap.

"Buy a house," they said.