
HELP!!! Cat-related question


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Hi. I've been taking care of a friend's cat at my apartment since last Monday. We've been getting along well enough but I ran into a problem today. This morning I discovered that she poo'd outside of the litterbox and pee'd outside of it this evening. To say it kindly, I'm f'n pissed off. So anyway, why the hell does this happen? Should I re-position the box to give her more room? I'll take a pic to show you the setup if I need to. Change the cat litter? Done (should this normally be done once a week?).

Please help, I have one more week with this cat and don't want to Simple Green my entire bathroom again (and it still stinks...).



The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
My cat has been pissing on my couch lately cause it's pissed that I haven't been at home much lately.

Put it outside, like I will be doing soon, and if it gets eaten, oh well


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
reflux said:
Hi. I've been taking care of a friend's cat at my apartment since last Monday. We've been getting along well enough but I ran into a problem today. This morning I discovered that she poo'd outside of the litterbox and pee'd outside of it this evening. To say it kindly, I'm f'n pissed off. So anyway, why the hell does this happen? Should I re-position the box to give her more room? I'll take a pic to show you the setup if I need to. Change the cat litter? Done (should this normally be done once a week?).

Please help, I have one more week with this cat and don't want to Simple Green my entire bathroom again (and it still stinks...).


Cats like a clean litterbox. If it's full, they'll go outside the box. Whenever I didn't clean the box in a timely manner, my cat would go in the bathtub.
Clean the box every evening or once every 2 days. Baking soda helps reduce odors. "Scoopable" litter, while more expensive, is cleaner for you and eliminates odors for the cat.
Think of it as someone else having to "flush" for you every time you go...

BTW, good for you for looking after the cat. You're a good friend. :)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
chicodude01 said:
My cat has been pissing on my couch lately cause it's pissed that I haven't been at home much lately.

Put it outside, like I will be doing soon, and if it gets eaten, oh well
Hmm, I appreciate the reply but this isn't exactly what I'm looking for.

Sucks about your cough though, but how the hell do you clean it? Febreeze your couch until you've gone through two bottles?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
sunny said:
Cats like a clean litterbox. If it's full, they'll go outside the box. Whenever I didn't clean the box in a timely manner, my cat would go in the bathtub.
Clean the box every evening or once every 2 days. Baking soda helps reduce odors. "Scoopable" litter, while more expensive, is cleaner for you and eliminates odors for the cat.
Think of it as someone else having to "flush" for you every time you go...

BTW, good for you for looking after the cat. You're a good friend. :)

It's actually not scoopable litter, but more like crystals that neutralize the odor. You're right though, a lot of piss had accumulated (poo is removed asap) over the course of the week and needed removal. I'll have to keep this clean "toilet" concept in mind until my friend returns.

Dude, if children are half this amount of work, I don't know anymore...


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
When cats are introduced to new enviornments they can become really stressed...one sign is going outside of the litter box. I personally think the crystals suck but to each his own. Just make sure the box is clean and there isn't anything that may startle the cat when it's time for them to use the litter box. You only have another week so it will be over before you know it.

Oh and there are some great prodcuts out there you can get from pet stores that will completely remove the odor. If cats can smell their own urine...it sets of an instinct to go again in the same general area....D


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Oxyclean seems to work best for cat smells, especially on carpet or laundry. Be careful with carpet though, if you use it too strong you can end up with a lighter spot.

****ing cats...I can't wait until they go and I can replace them with a couple more dogs...

edit: BMXman is right, the crystals suck. Regular scoopable litter works best. The crystals don't clump, and it makes you toss out the whole box instead of just the clumps.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
cats can get a little shaken when their owners leave and will let them know that they're angry by pooping in odd places. The problem may not be solved until its owner returns. In the meantime, you could put some newspaper around the box to make it easier to pick up. If it's an older cat it may just have trouble aiming. My cat is older is she tends to dig a hole, stand IN it and then poop outside the box. Don't give up on the kitty though. They're great creatures :)

dh girlie

ioscope said:
Cats blow a$s. Kill it and replace promptly with pooch of similar appearance.
I dunno about that...I just spent the weekend with people that had 5 dogs (3 different couples that had a dog each, and one that had two) and all but two of those damn dogs weigh more than me...they facken slobber, stink, step on your feet...sh it everywhere...gross...they're cool dogs and all, but I felt like I needed to wash every item of clothing I had on near the damn dogs. Cat piss is disgusting though....but no worse than dogs shi ttin and slobbering all over everything.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
The morning after...

The cat is 2 for 2, batting one thousand. I believe the problem was solved by changing the kitty litter. What upsets me now is that my friend only gave me enough spare litter for one changing :mumble: I promise to buy the same stuff though, I remember a thread some time ago about how different cat litter was not cool.

I guess I got off lucky with the cat. She was a little spooked for the first few days, but has really seemed to mellow out. She hasn't (so far...) poo'd and pee'd in random places, or destroyed my fine (he he, yeah right) furniture.

Thanks for all of your help, you don't know how much I appreciate it.


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
What kind of Litter are they using? is it the clay kind? if so that is the kind you really need to change out very often, if it is the finer scoopable kind you need to scoop it twice a day, and if its only one cat you can go the whole week without changing the litter, and if your not sure what type of litter it is use the following test, when the cat piddles is the litter dark and soggy or does it clump up to an easy to scoop ball, soggy means clay, clump means scoopable, I hope this helps......