hey all,
new to the site and biking in general. ive got a no name bike (got it from craigslist..it literally has not labels or identifying marks on it other than shimano on the brakes and derailers!) that i got before i started researching anything about sizes and frames for my size. i'm 6'5" and around 300lbs, and the bike measures at a 19" frame. while i ride, i have to be careful to avoid my knees hitting the handlebars. anybody have any recommendations for something to help (besides buying a larger bike, which i plan on doing after i do some saving!) ive heard i could get a "layback" seatpost to help give me some more room, but can they handle my burliness? any other suggestions? thanks for any help you guys can offer..
new to the site and biking in general. ive got a no name bike (got it from craigslist..it literally has not labels or identifying marks on it other than shimano on the brakes and derailers!) that i got before i started researching anything about sizes and frames for my size. i'm 6'5" and around 300lbs, and the bike measures at a 19" frame. while i ride, i have to be careful to avoid my knees hitting the handlebars. anybody have any recommendations for something to help (besides buying a larger bike, which i plan on doing after i do some saving!) ive heard i could get a "layback" seatpost to help give me some more room, but can they handle my burliness? any other suggestions? thanks for any help you guys can offer..