
Help get Sherpa's girlfriend back Thread


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
Hey, as some of you know, me and my girlfriend broke up recently. She said she just wanted to be friends because we had a fight, yelling match type. But, after 2 yrs-ish she already has another BF :nuts: . Last night i bought her a dozen roses and wrote her a love letter apologizing and asking for another chance. No cigar on that one.

So all you monkeys, what to do next?


May 25, 2004
As a female, umm if she already has another bf your chances are not good. I would start trying to get over her. Sorry.


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
the Inbred said:
it ain't that deep for her if she's already got a new BF.
Very true. I'm thinking i'm just going to let her go and if she comes back, she comes back and if she doesnt, she doesnt.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
if you really want to get her back, find another girl, either a friend or a real life girl, to hang out with and have a good time. No foolin, if she sees you being happy with somebody more attractive or better than her, she'll come back. Set up meetings with her, and then stand her up. Invite her out to coffee, but don't show, and say "christine/rachel/cathy/samantha surprised me at work/play/the waterpark/krispy kreme and we went out after that....i couldn't get away" She'll be pissed that you're having a better time than you were with her. If you can't actually find a girl to do this with, find a friend to play GF, that way you can adjust it however you want. Just make sure she's not a real close friend, because if this girl of yours comes back, she won't let you see her anymore. Hell, you could probably just make up said new girl, and not have to deal, but it would help if you actually could meet up at one point with new girl on your arm, that way old girl will see new girl, and the magic can happen.

whatever you do, don't sulk, nothing is less attractive than being desperate.


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
Sandwich said:
if you really want to get her back, find another girl, either a friend or a real life girl, to hang out with and have a good time. No foolin, if she sees you being happy with somebody more attractive or better than her, she'll come back. Set up meetings with her, and then stand her up. Invite her out to coffee, but don't show, and say "christine/rachel/cathy/samantha surprised me at work/play/the waterpark/krispy kreme and we went out after that....i couldn't get away" She'll be pissed that you're having a better time than you were with her. If you can't actually find a girl to do this with, find a friend to play GF, that way you can adjust it however you want. Just make sure she's not a real close friend, because if this girl of yours comes back, she won't let you see her anymore. Hell, you could probably just make up said new girl, and not have to deal, but it would help if you actually could meet up at one point with new girl on your arm, that way old girl will see new girl, and the magic can happen.

whatever you do, don't sulk, nothing is less attractive than being desperate.

I like your thinking! Woah, Sherpas invisible girlfriends going to look like Jenny McCarthy or Lindsey Lohan.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Nate at RIT said:
Dude, you just gotta accept things sometimes. If she's already got someone else, she wasn't that into you. I've been there before.
she's not worth chasing. also, the less attention you pay to her the more she'll pay to you (up to a point) :D so trying to get her back is counterproductive


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
well if she allready has a new bf then that means that she was probably w/ someone on the side aswell. and thats just not good. i dont thinkshed be worth gettin w/ again if she cant stay off other guys. of course it could be a 'rebound relationship' and she just went with him to save herself from heartbreak. but dude just go on w/ life and if she calls you talk to her. but dont expect that call.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Dude if she comes back to you because of you begging, she will only be coming back because she knows she has permanent hand. She will never respect you.


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
Bro how old are you ????? ,if your under 25 you don`t need a GF .You need to swim the oceans of hotties out there ,and have as much fun as possible ,BTW if she has a BF already he was around before you where gone :sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky:

Good luck Bro and find fun


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002

If she left you for no big reason, she ain't worth having. period

Get past it, move along, there's nothing to see here looky Lou's!

You can play all the games in the world and "get her back" but the underlying message is that contrary to what your broken heart is telling you you don't actually want her back at all. In fact you are way better off w/o her.

Enjoy the perks of being single and when you least expect it you'll meet someone much better for you :thumb:


Jul 5, 2001
Victoria BC
Speaking from experiences of which I have way too many, if she's moved on the last thing you want to do is to drag her back somehow. It's never the same, and you'll be paying miserably for that one until she finally leaves again. Start fresh and find a GF who deserves you. And Happy New Year.


Turbo Monkey
Sandwich said:
if you really want to get her back, find another girl, either a friend or a real life girl, to hang out with and have a good time. No foolin, if she sees you being happy with somebody more attractive or better than her, she'll come back. Set up meetings with her, and then stand her up. Invite her out to coffee, but don't show, and say "christine/rachel/cathy/samantha surprised me at work/play/the waterpark/krispy kreme and we went out after that....i couldn't get away" She'll be pissed that you're having a better time than you were with her. If you can't actually find a girl to do this with, find a friend to play GF, that way you can adjust it however you want. Just make sure she's not a real close friend, because if this girl of yours comes back, she won't let you see her anymore. Hell, you could probably just make up said new girl, and not have to deal, but it would help if you actually could meet up at one point with new girl on your arm, that way old girl will see new girl, and the magic can happen.

whatever you do, don't sulk, nothing is less attractive than being desperate.
Don't mean to rip on you Sandwich but Sherpa, if you pulled this and she did go for it, would you really want her back? Dood, get a grip!


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Will, just forget kathryn, I'm sure it hurts and all but like you said yesterday all you need is to get laid by some other chick and you'll be better. She sounds like a b1tch that's been messing with this dude while you two were going out. Find someone better, and someone who rides. :D


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
Woah. Tonight was great! We talked out all our differences and were cool for just being friends for now. I gotts my eye on many a fine womens. Thanks for all the help.

Oh and BTW this is not a truly serious thread. More of a joke between some people.


Turbo Monkey
Sherpa said:
Woah. Tonight was great! We talked out all our differences and were cool for just being friends for now. I gotts my eye on many a fine womens. Thanks for all the help.

Oh and BTW this is not a truly serious thread. More of a joke between some people.
Okay all my thoughts have been confirmed. It is sadly true that Will loves the pole hahaha. Just end ur life that'll put that trick bag in her place.


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
biker3 said:
Okay all my thoughts have been confirmed. It is sadly true that Will loves the pole hahaha. Just end ur life that'll put that trick bag in her place.
I hear suicide is always the right answer :nuts: .


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Dude, aren't you like 16 years old? Fairly recently, I got dropped by my long-time girlfriend. It wasn't easy (still isn't, even though it happened a few months ago) but hell, I'm only 21.

I don't know a whole lot about women, dating, anything like that. However, if you have to convince a girl to do something, chances are you shouldn't be trying. If she isn't into it, it's not worth the effort.