
Help me find a crankset before Fontana!!


Oct 10, 2007
Santa Barbara
So my V10 broke the other day, so I decided to replace it with a Sunday. The new frame arrives Weds. It occurred to me last night, that since my V10 was an 05, it had a 73mm bb. Obviously the Sunday is an 83mm bb and my current crankset (RF Diabolus) will not work.

Does anyone work at a shop, or know a socal shop or online retailer that will have a set of 165 or 170mm cranks with an 83mm bb? I've tried Jenson, Beyond, Pricepoint and Cambria.

I'm pretty much open to anything, new or used. Ideally I would like a set of Gravity Lights, but at this point I dont care. As long as they are 165 or 170mm I will be happy.

Hopefully I will see you at Fontucky!!


Oct 10, 2007
Santa Barbara
I could order them from the uk, but that would defeat the purpose of trying to get them before the weekend so I can race. It looks like go-ride has some, going to pay out the ass for 2 day shipping but oh well, racing is worth it.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 5, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
+20,000,000,000,000 on switching to the Sunday Brent!

Lucky a$$hole...I'm still stuck with my M3 held together with bubble gum and rubber bands and you'll be racing on a new frame :(

Oh, and I'm no help to you since I don't know where to find anything. I think thats why my bike is turning into such a POS :P


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
I can get you most anything you need<Most> by friday, I will need to know early tommorrow though. Could probably swing the gravity lites too.

Call the shop in the morning, I probably wont be there, but tel who ever answers the phone DirtyMike told you to call, let them know what your looking for, I know your in SB, but if your coming to fontana, I would be able to pick them up and bring them with me if you like.

Shop Number(909)792-2444

PM if your interested in having me bring them to fontana.


Oct 10, 2007
Santa Barbara
I might take you up on that, I'm going to call go-ride in the morning and see what they can do.

My main dillemma is that my new frame and ordered parts are coming to SB and I am away at school (San Luis Obispo). My plan was to get to SB asap friday, but all the shops will be closed when I get there. So luckily a friend said he can drop the bike/parts off at a shop in SB to have the headtube and BB faced, as well as the headset and bb cups installed (I cross threaded my RF X-type, dont want to do it again). So I'm trying to organize this as best I can.


Oct 10, 2007
Santa Barbara
Go-Ride FTW!!!!! Awesome shop, super helpful, and quick for shipping to SoCal.

They said they would make sure they got boxed up and shipped out immediately, so I will have them on weds. So it looks like I will have the bike all ready to built up and race this weekend.