
Help me find my bike or my brain! The first may be easier


Mar 24, 2002
Abingdon, MD
Vermont + Bad Crash= NO RIDING

Ever since I crashed in Vermont I have been down in the dumps and don't want to ride.. Well I do but every time the ride get loose I get flashbacks of the crash and grap a ton of break.. Any thougths?

( maybe things will get better once all this rain stops,)

Hope to see everyone in Bmore area soon

Matt D

Mar 19, 2002
charlottesville, va
You're the one that has to get back on the horse. If you don't loosen up, trust yourself, and trust your bike, you're probably going to crash again.

It's like when you're going down a technical trail with a big rock in the middle. If you keep staring at it, you're going to hit it.

Casper Long

Mar 15, 2004
Arlinton va
I've always found that after a bad crash it is good to go to place with some soft landing or say a grassy hill and just pactice bailing out . grab that front brake any just let youself fly but in a controlled way. it don't hurt and its actually kinda fun . when i realize that crashing doesent always mean severe pain or injury it helps me think about it less and just ride .

NOTE: this works for me, also i might me stupid and this idea might not be a good one for u .


Mar 2, 2004
richmond, VA

i think you need to ride a road bike....i love my mountain bikes, but i crash alot and sometimes its nice to just ride something flat, smooth and real real fast;). maybe you should try going back to the trail you crashed on, and ride it again, and again, and again until your not afraid anymore.

Animal Mother

Nov 26, 2003
Northern VA
stand up, shake it off, and pick up the pieces. get back on your bike and ride like hell before the consequences set in and your mind runs away with you. never let fear take control...

we all crash. some more than others. you're not a failure or bad rider if you crash. you are only a failure if you crash and stay down...



I'm normal
Oct 2, 2001
Northern Va.
Originally posted by Karpieldisco
Vermont + Bad Crash= NO RIDING

Ever since I crashed in Vermont I have been down in the dumps and don't want to ride.. Well I do but every time the ride get loose I get flashbacks of the crash and grap a ton of break.. Any thougths?

( maybe things will get better once all this rain stops,)

Hope to see everyone in Bmore area soon
Welcome to getting old Mr. Disco. What you are experiencing is the birth of wisdom! Problem is that it is a liability in our sport sometimes.
This is a great example of what I usually tell people when they say "ahh, fack it just pin it"........I say "you obviously have not spent quality hospital time yet!"

But to get back to the topic, start slow and get your confidence back. It is not coming back in one day! It takes time. What has help me in the past beleive it or not is I would accidently get myself into some shiat on the mountain and actually rode it out based on my "passed" experience level (prior to the injury). It was almost instinctual. This actually made my confidence soar cuz I told myself see you can ride like you use too! It is all about battling the demons!!!!!!

Karp, I feel for you dude, a stupid, yet bad wreck at Plattekill wiped out my entire '02 season and I am still fighting my way back! Hang in there and Good luck!