
help me re-evaluate


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
OK, so I started the Abs Diet in December. My short term goal was to avoid putting on my normal 20 or so lbs of winter weight. Ultimately, I wanted to shed some fat, add a little muscle, and get stronger cardiovascularly.

When I started, I weighed about 183lbs by the scales in my bathroom and I wore a size 34 waist pant.

Since then I've dramatically improved my diet which is a huuuge accomplishment. I've also started working out (weights) 2-3 times a week and doing cardio work (mostly on the trainer) 3-4 times a week. I've lost about 18lbs, I'm down to a size 32 and I can see that I've lost the weight (waist is smaller, face is thinner, etc.).

So there's all the background info. If things get no better for me, I'm still pretty darned happy. But...

I've noticed that I haven't lost any weight over the last 3-4 weeks. I am noticing more muscle definition, particularly in my arms and shoulders. I know that muscle weighs more than fat, so I'm thinking that I'm still shedding fat (though not as fast as I was earlier on in the diet), but adding muscle at the same time, which is why the scales don't show any changes.

I've still got some fat around my waist that I'd like to lose. Currently I do ab work 1-2 days a week and total body workouts 2-3 days a week. I'm thinking about flipping that to focus more on my abs, at least until the rest of that spare tire is gone.

What do you think? I think this makes sense in the short term (to slim down a bit more), but am I hurting myself in the long run by reducing the work my other muscle groups are getting?

Atomic Dog

doesn't have a custom title yet.
Oct 22, 2002
In the basement at Weekly World News
You can't spot reduce fat. Focusing on your abs more won't make that flab go away faster, but it probably will make those muscles more pronounced I would think. Seems like this would make your midsection look bigger if anything.

If it were me, I'd keep the full-body stuff at 3 days a week, do the ab stuff on the off days. More muscles working out = more fat being burned.

How often do you change your routine? Your body might be adapting to the workouts. Try changing up some of the lifts, do different set/rep schemes and all that. Keep your body from getting used to any one routine. (I think if you do a search for "periodization" you can get some good info on this)

I think everyone hits a plateau at some point. You just gotta work through it and you'll start seeing better results again.


Jul 15, 2004
miami, fl
I've lost about 18lbs, I'm down to a size 32 and I can see that I've lost the weight

That's what you should definitely be focusing on right now. The scale can be deceptive when you are working out with weights. I think your results are very good thus far. Keep in mind, when you work out with weights, your body maintains a higher and longer thermogenic state. This is good. I would continue with the weights and cardio. Also, try tapering your meals througout the day (i.e. large breakfast to small last meal no later than 7-8:00 p.m.) as well as trying to eat about 5 portions a day. Also, try to get your bodyfat tested about once a month (no sooner). Good job once again!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Atomic Dog said:
How often do you change your routine? Your body might be adapting to the workouts. Try changing up some of the lifts, do different set/rep schemes and all that. Keep your body from getting used to any one routine. (I think if you do a search for "periodization" you can get some good info on this)
Very little. All of the weight work I do is done at home with the very limited set of free weights I have. I try to change things up every 2 weeks for this exact reason, but I'm limited in what I can do because I have no dumbells.

Atomic Dog said:
I think everyone hits a plateau at some point. You just gotta work through it and you'll start seeing better results again.
I am still seeing results... but it seems to be primarily muscle growth and not so much fat loss. I'm happy about the muscle... I just want to continue slimming down as well.

Atomic Dog

doesn't have a custom title yet.
Oct 22, 2002
In the basement at Weekly World News
Sounds like you're doing everything right to me if you're still making progress with the weights. Only thing you could do is either change the diet a bit more or hit the cardio a bit more. I started doing some interval training once or twice a week and holy crap, I can hardly walk afterwards.

How is that Abs diet book, by the way? I've been doing a good job of eating clean and tracking what I eat on fitday.com, but I can always use some other reference. I'm getting into shape slowly, but I have a long way to go still.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Atomic Dog said:
How is that Abs diet book, by the way? I've been doing a good job of eating clean and tracking what I eat on fitday.com, but I can always use some other reference. I'm getting into shape slowly, but I have a long way to go still.
I like it. It's more of an educational book than a cheat sheet. It doesn't tell you what you can eat and when you can eat it, but rather how your body reacts to different things (sugars, alcohol, etc.), which is what I really like about it. It does give you a list of 13 foods that they say you should encorporate into your meals... so if you want a shopping list, it's got that too.

But like I said... I like it because it talks a lot about how your body processes foods. So now when I go out to eat, I can look at the menu and know how a certain meal is going to affect my body.

If you want a cheat sheet, it's not for you. If you want to understand your body, give it a read.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
to 'add' muscle you might need to focus on pumping up your protien, at least that's what i've heard. you might pm IRB he seems pretty wired into muscle stuff.

i've lost 7 lbs since i've started working out again after my broken collarbone. i've always had that pesky mid-section problem. i know i have to do a focused workout there but never really get around to it. seems like a lot of 'work' :)

anyhoo good luck.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 24, 2005
everyone def hits a plateau but by changing things up a bit will help dramatically. like noted above you cant really lose flab in specific spots but you can work the area around your abs more. for example lunges will help your entire body including your lower stomach. also try to add a few lower back exercises to help aid the losing the tummy.