
Help, new fork is already leaking air!


Feb 26, 2006
mccall ID/eagle river AK
ok, i just got my new 66 sl 1 ata and air is leaking around the edges of the schrater valve under the ata knob. i guess this problem has been common, so is my only option to send it to marzocchi?

i have never sent a fork in, so could someone tell me who i have to call or email or just what the heck to do to get this thing sent to zoke in Canada as fast as possible??

And how long do you think my fork will be gone for? I live in Anchorage Alaska, so its sort of close to Canada.

Thanks a lot guys

I would also like rant about the fact that this fork has now disappointed me twice in a row, in two days. the compression adjuster was already bent with the knob cracked when it got to me brand new, and now the damn thing is leaking air and i haven't even gotten to ride it more than two evenings after school. i am so pissed, marzocchi put this fork in my hands and it does not work, but now i have to go with out riding for an unknown amount of time, maybe weeks when it is not even my fault!! THIS SHOULD BE THEIR PROBLEM NOT MINE! i just want to go and throw a bunch of shlt and have a childish temper tantrum and throw this computer screen.

**but as i learned in a previous thread that i started, shlt happens... even if it is brand new and you paid close to a thousand dollars for it!!!
end rant.


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
I knew this was going to be a Marz fork when I clicked. :disgust1:

I dumped my 888 because it spent more time in for repair than on my bike. I also tried three of their air forks and they all blew! (Take that for whatever meaning applies.)

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Good luck!