
help w/ no handers

May 12, 2005
roanoke va
herr's tha dillo: i got one handers down nicely ( get my hand behind my back, consistently, on almost any size or shap jump) and i can even do a seat grab, but my no handers just aren't on par. out of many atempts i've gotten 2 good ones in and evey time i try the bike drops out from under me. it's like i have to grab the bars a foot or more lower then they where when i let go. i think this might be from me pushing down on the pedles but it's not intentional, it's how i've always jumped. how should i fix this, or is it just part of the nature of no handers?

Lux Interior

Jun 18, 2005
start with your seat a little higher than normal so you really get the pinch down, then as you get it you can lower the seat back down.

Heath Sherratt

Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
In a healthy tension
practice rolling on the ground first and removing hands in similar fashion. Then do it bunny hopping. Then do it off of a curb cut, then hit it up big time and bail it a couple of times to get the feel. Then you should just eventually want to land it and go for it.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
you shouldn't have to bail to learn this.
you also don't have to pinch really hard unless your doing the 'throw your front end way down in front and leaning your upper body way back' kind of no handers.

learn one handers with each hand. then lift your front end up slightly while pinching and take your hands off.
there is no pinching when doing nothings, so you don't have to pinch no handers either.. work on them as small manuals, then off a good lipped jump. start small...


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I have the same problem when I don't get a good seat pinch. I guess folks like pnj have got them so dialed it doesn't matter but I need the knees fo sure.

I learned them on some pretty sizable jumps too. This gives you more time and I usually wait until I hit the "neutral zone" at the apex of the jump and I've already spotted my landing. As a matter of fact, because of this, I can't really do them on smaller jumps......I take too much time and usually land before I've got my hands back on solid. I still haven't got the lean back down (see stem kissing position in pic) but the more I push the bars down and pinch the saddle, the more solid they feel.

You can see I've got my knees all squished together on the seat at least....



Jul 23, 2005
Tega Cay, SC
if you mean what I think you mean, the "tuck" no hander is easier (maybe it's just me...)

pull up on the bars so the front wheeel is up high like a wheelie, set the bars on your lap/thighs, let go & reach hands fo' the sky. Those bars aren't dropping away from you in this position. I've always been too scared to try the suicide no hander... :-)

like this guy:
May 12, 2005
roanoke va
Heath Sherratt said:
Aren't you spacemann spiff? Can't he fly? why are you asking us mere mortrals these questions?
yeah but i keep getting shot down. :blah:
Kidwoo, i do the same thing with my no footers, i need at least 6' of air on a popish jump. i wouldn't have the time to do a no hander while bunny hopping or off a curb. i can ride off a curb with no hands but thats not the same. i just need a popy jump with a 7'-10' gap, and bigger balls would help to. i also gotta slide my seat forward and up a little, cause my knees are in front of the seat in the air.
it seems like there is a lot more motions in a 'tuck' no hander then suicide, and so more chances for me 2 F**k up, and get dramaticly shot down in a ball of fire onto some inhospiteble dirt.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
you have to learn how to spin your bars in a circle. I suggest doing them on the ground. lift front end, pinch seat, spin bars. get the motion down. then take them to a jump...

fly out/step ups are good to learn on.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
pnj said:
you have to learn how to spin your bars in a circle. I suggest doing them on the ground. lift front end, pinch seat, spin bars. get the motion down. then take them to a jump...

fly out/step ups are good to learn on.
.......as the thread morphs.....

So let me ask you this... Do you think it's easier to keep one hand on the bars throughout the revolution (some people call this a bus driver I think) and learn that first or do just send it and work on the catch? I've been trying just the straight up spin and am about 50/50 on getting a good catch before my bike is back on the ground jumping out of a bowl.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
busdriver (hand on) vs. full huck bar spin...

i think it's easier spinning the bars and catching. but I learned that WELL before the busdriver was invented. I learned barspins as a flatland trick in the 80's. just spinning and catching the bars...

keeping your hand on is weird because it's not really fully on the grip. about half way around, your hand is kind of backwards on the grip.

for learning barspins, I suggest rolling slowly on flat ground or on a slight uphill.
pinch your seat, pull up your front end a few inches and spin your bars. spin with one hand, catch with the other.
while learning it on flat like this, you can leave your other hand off when you catch the bars.
that way your kind of breaking the trick into smaller parts.

learn the throw part, learn the catch part, then learn the 'put the other hand back on part'. (which you probably already know, because really it's just like doing a one hander..)

once you get barspins on flat ground down, take them to a jump. it's a little different in the air. but the basics of getting the bars around are the same. the hardest part is getting yourself to actually throw the bars in the air. if you have the techniqe down, the rest is in your head...:)

Lux Interior

Jun 18, 2005
Definately throw and catch, you will never miss the catch, the only thing to watch out for is catching the grip and a brake lever. It's not too smooth to air a stair set, bar spin, then jam on the rear brake when you land. Luckily my right is my main catching hand so I never hit front brakes. It doesn't happen that often though. Bar spins are definately progressive 1. flat 2. ledges and stairs 3. Jumps


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I think I kinda do 'busdrivers' but I kind of spin the bars with two fingers rather than trying to keep a proper hold of them. The super style definatley comes from properly throwing the bars and throwing your arms back away from them whilst they spin.

Lux Interior

Jun 18, 2005
OK "never" was definately the wrong word.Yeah, I don't pull my hands away. They are right above ready to get back.

Dude, last night I learned 180's off ledges(2 ft), I'm so stoked, it's been too long since I learned a new trick.I think I stuck clean 4 out of 200, but it was fun, then the cops came.


Dec 15, 2003
Pemberton, BC
kidwoo said:
I mastered the 3/4 barspin to nutsack punch. I gotta take those lock-on clips off. That sh!t hurts.
You magnificent bastard kidwoo, I read your post and was all like "Haha, 3/4 barrie to nut punch". 2 hours later I was flat on the ground puking my guts up, having absolutely nailed said maneuver.

At least after 22 years on this earth I finally know how it feels to take a nut-shot so brutal that you throw up.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
FarkinRyan said:
You magnificent bastard kidwoo, I read your post and was all like "Haha, 3/4 barrie to nut punch". 2 hours later I was flat on the ground puking my guts up, having absolutely nailed said maneuver.

At least after 22 years on this earth I finally know how it feels to take a nut-shot so brutal that you throw up.
You win.

I was scared to even look once I got home and took a shower.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
sorryfor laughing guys, but i know how you feel. it reminds of me learning chainlink fence rides. I got way up on the fence and then kicked the bike out from under me. The bike landed on the ground and i swan dived right onto the handlebar end sticking up. Then i rolled around in dead leaves for what seemed an eternity waiting for my breath to come back.