
Help wanted....

I have quite the delimma. I came back to charlottesville from college this year, all pumped to get a lot of riding done only to find that for some reason that is beyond my comprehension, all my riding buddies have picked up road biking hardcore. Dont ask me why, because i have no idea either, but they are so intent on being roadies they have all but hung up their fat tire bikes. So I was wondering if theres anyone on this board who is in the charlottesville area who would like to get together to ride some at walnut creek or panorama. Any takers?


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Talk to MattD he's in Cville and a good rider from what i know :p. Stoneysnake is out at wintergreen *GASP* area. I'm sure others will post back too.

Matt D

Mar 19, 2002
charlottesville, va
Funny, all of my college friends picked up road riding too and put away the mountain bikes. I don't mind it if that's what they really enjoy, but the worst thing is that they still call themselves mountain bikers:rolleyes:. My schedule is pretty tight from work and racing on the weekends so I'm not really flexible in my riding times. Join CAMBC (www.cambc.org) they have an email list with a lot of local riders. There is always the Wednesday night (dusk) ride for one, weekend rides, and beginner rides. I know tomorrow they're doing trail maintainance at Sherando and some will ride aftewards (I'll be at Snowshoe so I can't make it).

jaekormtb is also a C'ville resident, I know he's looking to ride on T and R's.


May 12, 2003
I'll tell you why they started riding road bikes Matt, cause they love the silky tight feeling of spandex. If you wanna be a core rider like me, quit all types of riding.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Panorama is very close to where I work. I am usually out there 2-3 times during the week. Weekends I usually ride Walnut, Sherando, O-hill or some other trail. PM me if you ever care to go for a ride.