
help with a trick i've been learning


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
okay, i skipped school today just to practice a trick that i started to do yesterday. 360, i can spin around fine, but its just the landing, i've only landed it like 5 times, for some reason my rear wheel keeps dropping as i'm spinning around. and i'll either land with my rear wheel almost directly below me or i just bail in mid air to save myself from a nasty crash. and another thing are my x-ups, they are fine on my mountain bike, but when i do them on my bmx, my bars always hit my knees. should i get shorter bars or just learn to move my knees somewhere. thanks guys


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
On, the BMX, I wouldn't mess with the bars. Just move your knees back. On 3's, it's more about the takeoff and trying to stay flat in the air. When I was learning, I would always be corked out and would always land with my backtire under me like a manuel gone bad. While spinning, kepp your arms straight or bend them and push down, keeping your weight forward. It's not hard when you think about it, just work on your takeoff trying not to pull up to hard or that will keep happening.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
GumbaFish said:
Mr. T says- Stay in school, or else I'll pity you FOOL. Sorry, I have nothing worthwhile to add to this.
we have 10 absences for the year and this is my first one, so i'm not worried. but yeah thanks priceseliger, i'll try it when i go back out there, its break time :p


Dec 2, 2005
bonney lake washington
i had the same problem when i was learning my 3's. i just practiced them on a table type jump landing on the top with both wheels hiting at the same time, i slowly progresed farther and farther. i will post a pic of me doing one when i get my photobucket acount fixed.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
just got inside, i did it, i did it! i got both the the 360 down and then i set up a wooden kicker and practiced my x-ups, i got those to the point were it'll hit my right leg but not my right. now i need to try doing an x-up 360, thanks for the help guys


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
So I've been working on my 3s for a bit now, but I cannot figure out how to get the initial spin to get anything more than a 180. I have plenty of time in the air, I'm looking over my shoulder like I'm checking for zits on my back, but I can't generate the speed to get all the way around.

Any advice?


Oct 11, 2005
Ashland Oregon
Twist your shoulders a bit as you look, it's the same as a backflip. If you ONLY look, you'll get about halfway and fail, but you gotta initiate with the head, and then make sure you follow with the rest of your body. Also, when I was just learning, I was just flinging my head and twisting and pretty much holding on, hoping to land. You can't just huck yourself off the lip, because then you'll either overrotate, or spin sideways and land on the side of the landing. You've gotta actually *LOOK* at the ground while you're spinning to see where you are in relation to the spin and so you know when to quit looking and strighten out. Hope this helped.


Oct 11, 2005
Ashland Oregon
Well I started doing them out of the bowl at the skate park, which isn't that big, maybe give you 3 feet of air or so, then from there I went to two different table tops at the DJ park which give you a bit longer hang time and a bit further gap. It's crazy, though, the difference between doing them over a jump and doing them off a drop or down stairs.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 11, 2005
Winston-Salem NC
6 feet you mean right? yea I learned 180's and have them down now, My goal is be able to 360 up onto the table by end of March or so, then be able to 360 the whole table by May. I leanred on whats possibly the best spot on earth. The Table at Salem lake. I'll post pics later. Also I'm doing it all on a 26in freeride bike, with a DC fork. Practice and more practice


Jan 14, 2006
lol... i can do 360 flatland on my skatescooter. coz my bike borke down and waiting for tonic. and i saw my old skate scooter. so i used it to play. man it feel like bmx. hahaha except slack angle and sort of low bb =X jk = P i do it for fun