
help with frame choice

s dub

Nov 9, 2004
i was thinking banshee scratch cause everyone thinks they are the best but my friend just got one and it might be kind of lame to have the same bike as him so i was thinking maybe the new .243...http://243racing.com/page158.htm

i would for sure go for the .243 now but its 679 and i could get the banshee for 325. i dont think i would be paying quite 679 for the 243 but it all depends on what the cost is.

what do you guys think?
do you have any other suggestions?


Jun 17, 2004
somewhere hot
def. go with the scratch
don't not buy a bike just cuz your friends got one, too
if it rips, it rips, nobody will think your uncool cuz you got the same bike he did
besides, if yours breaks, you could ride his no prob, so the sessions last longer

either frame is awesome, but the scratch rules for the price
use the money you saved to buy better parts than your friend, too
that way your the cooler one, if it comes down to that

rock on, brotha


Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
get what you want, don't worry about being lame. I ride an on-one gimp, and I love it. I got it for a great deal from teamplanetx.com . Before I bought it everyone told me, that I should get something different because the chainstays on the gimp were to long. Well, I really liked the frame, and the philosophy of the company, so I bought it, and I love it. I bought a half link, and slammed the rear wheel in the dropouts, so that puts the chainstays at 16.5" which is perfect for the riding I do.
Point is, get what you want because you want it, who cares what other people think.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Just to throw out another option check out the Yeti DJ. I've got one and its be t!ts so far. Its light enough, but strong where it needs to be. Its has replaceable drop-outs, the DH9 headtube, and killer geometry. Yetis are known for strength and the bike just rules.