
Here is a chance for all you english buffs to prove yourself...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Ive got a bitching essay due tomorrow... and have no idea what it means or how to write it... :confused: :confused: :confused:

The book is to kill a mockingbird...

"Do you think Harper Lee's characterization is good. Define what you think makes for good characterization and judge her writing by your standards." double :confused:

So what the hell makes good characterization? I know the deffinition of what it is, but I wouldnt know the first thing in judging it. How would I do this, would i choose quotations and then show the characterization for the 3 main body paragraphs? Or do i just talk about her writing in general. Need to get a decent grade in this one... got a 2.0 on the last essay. :mumble:

Oh yead, EDIT: some one call the Waaaambulance.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Well, what in your opinion makes a character in a book believable or real?

To do this essay properly, you have to read the assignment carefully first.

(And I assume you've read the book recently?)


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
mack said:
Ive got a bitching essay due tomorrow... and have no idea what it means or how to write it... :confused: :confused: :confused:
You could always be like me though and just not do it
The book is to kill a mockingbird...

"Do you think Harper Lee's characterization is good. Define what you think makes for good characterization and judge her writing by your standards." double :confused:

So what the hell makes good characterization? I know the deffinition of what it is, but I wouldnt know the first thing in judging it. How would I do this, would i choose quotations and then show the characterization for the 3 main body paragraphs? Or do i just talk about her writing in general. Need to get a decent grade in this one... got a 2.0 on the last essay. :mumble:

Oh yead, EDIT: some one call the Waaaambulance.

he. we just read that book like a week or two ago. dont ask me about it though. i was having fun sleeping through it. somehow managed an 88 on the test though :sneaky:


Sep 28, 2003
Boone, NC/N. Greenville county, SC
To Kill a Mockingbird isn't a bad book if you can get past the slow parts. I would tell what I feel (don't use I in your essay, teachers always take off points for first person) makes a well developed character in my first topic paragraph. Then I would choose a character from the book for your next topic paragraph, say how that character is well-developed. Your third topic paragraph would judge her writing by her standards. Those three plus intro and conclusion should give you a basic 5 paragraph essay.

by the way, "Here is a chance for all you english buffs to prove yourselVES"


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
T-Pirate said:
by the way, "Here is a chance for all you english buffs to prove yourselVES"

Thanks, i like the idea of using the characters instead of her writing in general.

yeah, my grammer sucks...

He gave out a grammer worksheet of 4 pages and in it were grammer mistakes that we had made in my essay and the first two pages were mine. :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
mack said:
Thanks, i like the idea of using the characters instead of her writing in general.

yeah, my grammer sucks...

He gave out a grammer worksheet of 4 pages and in it were grammer mistakes that we had made in my essay and the first two pages were mine. :mumble:

uh, that's grammar. grammer is kelsey. :o:


Should I point out now that mack is always saying he is good in English, but his spelling and grammar suck??? I smell a rat in the hay barn. :think:


Sep 28, 2003
Boone, NC/N. Greenville county, SC
loco said:
Should I point out now that mack is always saying he is good in English, but his spelling and grammar suck??? I smell a rat in the hay barn. :think:
My english class is almost all literature, any writing assingments are typically papers, which usually see enough revision to catch that stuff.


T-Pirate said:
My english class is almost all literature, any writing assignments are typically papers, which usually see enough revision to catch that stuff.
Yeah - it was just funny that he tells us he isn't a booger eating moron. And then, in JMAC fashion, he posts an "I can't really do my homework thread". :D

*EDIT* I am sure that if mack ever uses spell check, he will likely destroy his processor. Nothing can work that hard, short of a mainframe running OS/390.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
loco said:
Should I point out now that mack is always saying he is good in English, but his spelling and grammar suck??? I smell a rat in the hay barn. :think:

I used to have an A... then somthing went wrong. Im like at a D or somthing in this subject currently. Dont ask why they put me in a honors english class.


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
T-Pirate said:
My english class is almost all literature, any writing assingments are typically papers, which usually see enough revision to catch that stuff.
Except for those 2 pages of mistakes from your last one, evidentally :)

I don't remember my HS papers being more than 5 pages...

--assignments-- :)


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Never did like that book. Pretty slow and not all that interesting IMO. Sounds like a reader-response paper. Talk about what you expected from the text, what you feel is left out, and how you sympathize with the character and their actions. I haven't read the book since 7th or 8th grade so I can't really help you with any thesis ideas.

The Ito


mack said:
I used to have an A... then something went wrong. Im like at a D or somthing in this subject currently.
You are screwing around on the Internet instead of doing work. If you are going to dick around, at least practice your grammar and compostion skills and then it won't be a total waste. :thumb: You should never wait until the night before to do a paper. You get all stressed about not getting done, and then poop out some lame excuse for a paper. I have never had an English class that got harder as time progressed. Just slow down on writing and plan ahead so you don't have to rush, and you will be fine. The key is to read and then think through what you read. I wish I had done it that way.

*Thank God there was no Internet when I was in high school. (that sounds weird to say) I would have never gotten anything done.


Jun 10, 2002
i thought A Christmas Carol was an easy read till my eng prof got ahold of it and picked it apart. same with Othello, and Frankenstein.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
blue said:
Oooohhh ooohhh, well I read the Hunt For Red October in Kindergarten...biatch!

And my dad can beat up your dad. I think. Maybe? Hmm...
You too? Did your dad tell you to skip over the f-words?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
loco said:
How can SS and BV just sit there and ignore this???
What's to comment on?

He's trying to solicit help by making this some sort of challange, as if one of us is going to think to ourselves, "Gosh, I sure want him to think I'm smart, so I'd better leap in and spend my time doing his school work for him!"

I wrote a 10 page paper on the book in 8th grade with nobody to assist me, why should he be exempt from the work? :rolleyes: