
Here's a doping twist I wasn't expecting...


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Landis: USADA wanted to get to Armstrong

By EDDIE PELLS, AP National Writer2 hours, 1 minute ago

Floyd Landis claims the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency's lead attorney approached his lawyer offering "the shortest suspension they'd ever given an athlete" if Landis provided information that implicated Lance Armstrong for doping.

Landis said he made the Armstrong allegations public Thursday not because he planned to use it as evidence when testimony begins Monday in his arbitration hearing, but to show the lengths USADA will go to in prosecuting athletes.

"It was offensive at best," Landis said during a teleconference from Los Angeles. "It speaks to the character of the prosecution."

The 2006 Tour de France champion said USADA general counsel Travis Tygart approached his attorney, Howard Jacobs, with a deal shortly after learning of Landis' positive doping test during the Tour.

He said Jacobs characterized the conversation as one in which USADA would offer a deal if Landis passed on information about seven-time Tour champion Armstrong "or information about someone more important than me."

Over the years, Armstrong has fought doping allegations that have never been proven.

As for what he told Jacobs when the attorney passed on the information: "I don't think that offer justified a response," Landis said.

Jacobs did not immediately return messages left at his office by The Associated Press, and Tygart held to USADA's restriction on commenting about ongoing cases.

"If Mr. Landis will waive the rule and allow me to comment, then I'll be happy to address his nonsense," Tygart said.

USADA has a history of reducing penalties for athletes who provide evidence of doping violations by other athletes, though asking for information about specific athletes is not allowed. Landis faces a two-year suspension and forfeiture of his title if his positive test is upheld.

Armstrong and Landis are former teammates who went through an unfriendly split in 2004, but Armstrong has publicly supported Landis and been an outspoken critic of the way anti-doping agencies do business.

"I believe in Floyd, I believe he hasn't had a fair shake," Armstrong said recently.

The Armstrong revelation was the latest in a string of allegations Landis has levied against USADA and anti-doping authorities as he puts the final touches on his defense.

Over the past several months, he has toured the country to drum up support and money for his defense. He says the leak of the positive doping test last July damaged his reputation, and he's not even sure a victory in arbitration will repair all that.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
It's all a conspiracy by Major League Baseball because they were loosing too many veiwers to rising American cycling stars:)


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I've said it before, and I'll say it again...sure the cyclists are cheating, but having a doucebag like Dick Pound and WADA go after them is just as bad.

Keep in mind, I enjoy watching cycling races. I don't enjoy watching a gasbag like Dick Pound spout off at every given opportunity...

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
I've said it before, and I'll say it again...sure the cyclists are cheating, but having a doucebag like Dick Pound and WADA go after them is just as bad.

Keep in mind, I enjoy watching cycling races. I don't enjoy watching a gasbag like Dick Pound spout off at every given opportunity...
He should just go into gay porn...it would make so much more sense that way.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
What is this I'm reading about LeMond showing up at the hearing to testify?

What in the world does he have to do with this besides being a jealous ass?

I'm curious as well, but try not to run your mouth about a 3 time Tour De France winner whose comeback story is almost as dramatic as Lance's.

Oh yeah, and there would be no Lance or Floyd without Lemond.


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
I'm curious as well, but try not to run your mouth about a 3 time Tour De France winner whose comeback story is almost as dramatic as Lance's.

Oh yeah, and there would be no Lance or Floyd without Lemond.
What you say is true. But ever since Lance won 3 tours LeMond has been taking whatever spotlight he can to discredit him with no evidence and that makes him a grade A bonified #1 ass.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I'm curious as well, but try not to run your mouth about a 3 time Tour De France winner whose comeback story is almost as dramatic as Lance's.

Oh yeah, and there would be no Lance or Floyd without Lemond.
Question for you: Lemond loves to go around pointing out that Armstrong couldn't have done it without the dope.

Which is interesting, because Lemond rode one of the fastest ever time trials on equipment that is nothing like the stuff Armstrong was using. So if Armstrong couldn't go that fast without dope, why could Lemond?

It sort of begs the question, doesn't it?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Answer me this: There is no proof the Mark McGwire did steroids unless you count the obvious. Was it fair he was not voted into the Hall of Fame?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Question for you: Lemond loves to go around pointing out that Armstrong couldn't have done it without the dope.

Which is interesting, because Lemond rode one of the fastest ever time trials on equipment that is nothing like the stuff Armstrong was using. So if Armstrong couldn't go that fast without dope, why could Lemond?

It sort of begs the question, doesn't it?
That is a very good question. Of course, if you were smart about it, you might realize that LeMond's equipment, namely the Scott TT bar, was way more advanced than his competitor's bikes.

Also keep in mind that LeMond did not smoke the competition like Armstrong did (his competition who was on dope as proven by Operation Puerto). And if you went by the rumor mill, there has never been an accusation against LeMond, unlike Armstrong...

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
And if you went by the rumor mill, there has never been an accusation against LeMond, ...
I have an accusation against him.
I accuse him of being a grade A douchebag.
He is a fat bloated jealous blowhard who flaps his bubble lips just to be heard from again.
I can remember when Lance won his first tour, and people were talking about great it was he won after having cancer.
Then Lemond comes out like a 3rd grader saying, "Yeah, but I won it after being shot in the ass, and that was like way harder."
Its just his personality, a born hater.
I am not even taking up for Lance or Landis here or saying whether they did or did not dope.
But Lemond has always been the first to comment out of left field with no evidence. Sharing his bloated thoughts and making presumptions so he can read his name in the newspaper one more time. He needs a Venti sized cup up of STFU. He is the T.O of cycling.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
That is a very good question. Of course, if you were smart about it, you might realize that LeMond's equipment, namely the Scott TT bar, was way more advanced than his competitor's bikes.

Also keep in mind that LeMond did not smoke the competition like Armstrong did (his competition who was on dope as proven by Operation Puerto).
I am smart about it. I just checked my physics book, and speed is still d/t. That didn't change because LeMond clipped on an aero bar. You need to think about that a few times, because it appears you totally missed my point.

As to your second point, LeMond also never had the team built around him like Lance had, which makes Lemond's wins more impressive.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
Lemond's wins are impressive. Was he clean?? Are any of them clean?? Who the hell knows. Lemond beat Fignon by 8 seconds and Fignon was on roids big time. Does lemond have a guilty conscience or was he simply that gifted?? The world may never know.

I don't respect Lemond for sticking his nose in Floyd's business when he wasn't involved in the least and his addiction to attention. I struggle w/this case because as I get older, I see the value in finding an absolute truth, which lemond claims is his only motive- but is he telling the truth? Very complicated for simple cyclists.

I used to ride w/floyd when I went to college in Lancaster, but I have not spoken to him since he was a young cross country racer. Back then he was truly an innocent and gifted rider. But money changes everything, Floyd is only human and the truth has yet to unfold.

I work in a lab/vaccine environment and one truth I know for sure is that WADA broke many Good Laboratory Practices, which is the keystone for the whole system.

Hope the truth comes out in my lifetime.