Wait, you're telling me that people who worship three distinct gods and insist they are monotheists aren't logically consistent?Intended sarcasm level: Medium
Obviously there are more liberal-leaning churches in this country (I grew up going to one), but it just blows my mind that people can sit there eating their pork and bacon sandwich (forbidden by God), wearing a poly-cotton-blend shirt (forbidden by God), in the vicinity of a woman who is menstruating (forbidden by God), next to an un-stoned adulterer (forbidden by God) and claim that while all of those things are ok, the following is still ABSOLUTELY true:
1) Creation happened in 6 days. No exceptions.
2) Homosexuals are evil.
3) The Earth is only 10,000 years old because the bible is the world's best genealogy book.
Even the relatively liberal church that I grew up in would avoid hot-button issues for the most part, but I still had to go to listen to guest speakers tell me that Evolution is scientifically impossible, that God planted the dinosaur bones to test our faith, etc.