
Hey Poobags...


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
My big bike's shock is getting worked on, and I need a new spoke for that bike anyway.

In otherwords, meet in the big lot for a double-looper at UC this weekend, Saturday morning.

Be there at 8:30 or I'm going to give you a punch in your testes (or the fleshy patch where they used to be).


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
I had a slight run in with another rider out at ft. ord today... heh. If i can move my wrist tomorrow i could be down... dunno about a double looper though.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
I had a slight run in with another rider out at ft. ord today... heh. If i can move my wrist tomorrow i could be down... dunno about a double looper though.
Um... what?

Why not just come out and take it easy while getting super rad photos taken of you? =]

I have to take it easy on my shoulder so thats my plan.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
I have it imported but I haven't had the time to edit anything yet. Lots of stuff around the house has been going wrong and took priority over video editing. Hopefully in the next week I can get a few hours in of editing. Just been too busy.

I spent my only 2 days off work running errands and working my ass off. F'ing water heater didn't work for 3 days. Ugh...
Last edited:

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Me and Mandy will be there if we can get someone to watch our little girl.The new Transition is getting mad and wants some dirt.
My Primer is glaring at me every morning when I take my Surly out to work. It's mad. Don't worry, the Primer will be unleashed onto dirt for the 2nd time tomorrow am. =]


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Nice shot.... Pretty fork!

My wrist is still a little jacked. Did a small XC ride on the ord instead and it showed me how F#@%ed my wrist really is still.


Feb 11, 2007
not me on Career Ender. Thats Tom. Penalty for error is just too big on that one. Dont think i wanna try it... lols