
Highlight of my ski weekend

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England

Looks like you wont be running for awhile either.
I had aspirations of qualifying for the Boston Marathon in 2014. I think that's been delayed. But, I could be in for a crap-ton more of biking this year if running needs to be curbed for a while.

FYI, I wiped out and felt a familiar and painful POP. Internets say I tore my meniscus.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Sucks. Prior ACL injury?
ACL reconstruction in 2009 (hamstring graft), along with slight tears in the MCL, LCL, and meniscus. The ski patroler who took care of me is a PT and doesn't think it's the ACL. The swelling is mostly above and to the sides of the knee, and the inside of the knee above the joint hurts to the touch. No swelling in the calf like when I tore my ACL, and certainly not as much pain, though there is plenty of it.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Get well quick...

I had a subpar day on New Years eve at a local Black Forest place...but all my owies came from t-bars. Hate those damn things...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
Get well quick...

I had a subpar day on New Years eve at a local Black Forest place...but all my owies came from t-bars. Hate those damn things...
Riding one in Austria, my brother knocked us both down. I managed to get off to the side. He slid straight down the track, took out five more groups behind us, wrapped a ski pole around his nuts, and had to be taken off the mountain in a snowcat. Fun afternoon.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Sounds like some meniscus action.

It's been hard getting the ski season to start up in Alaska. First it didn't snow until well into December (usually starts piling up way before), and then it rained and washed away a lot of snow at lower alts, and it keeps threatening to snow, but nothing really happens. 14" at the bottom, 85 midway, and 120+ at the top, but they haven't been able to open the top all season due to avalanche danger. I've been a few times this season, but it's hard when it's turning to ice on the lower mountain. Got some turns in on Friday night, but now I'm in midwest hell for job training.

Good luck, I've torn the PCL and meniscus.


Sep 8, 2009
That sucks dude. I messed up my knee many years ago skiing and I still have issues with it.

Did you at least catch the crash on video??? :D


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I've done it (clipped a buried something in a glade, too early) and I was SURE I destroyed my knee. In the end after a bunch of RICE and PT/strength exercise it was fine, skied a ton the rest of the season and was totally fine by the start of cycling season.

Curious; did your ski release?

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I've done it (clipped a buried something in a glade, too early) and I was SURE I destroyed my knee. In the end after a bunch of RICE and PT/strength exercise it was fine, skied a ton the rest of the season and was totally fine by the start of cycling season.

Curious; did your ski release?
My ski did not release and the patroler was surprised to hear that. I am hoping that I just wrenched it good but swelling usually indicates something more serious. And I most definitely felt a pop.

Edit: I really want to see someone so Wife and I can make a go/no go decision on Colorado. There are reservations and deposits hanging in limbo.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Boo. Heal up man, huge bummer you can't get in to see anyone for a week. RICE, for sure. Any chance you can get in to see a PT or someone that could give you some strength stuff to do in the interim? You know, just in case you're not completely effed? Or do you think that would exacerbate the issue?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
FYI, I wiped out and felt a familiar and painful POP. Internets say I tore my meniscus.
Ouch, sorry to here.

I have done that 3 times. The last surgery took out what little remained after the tear was removed in my left knee. Good news is apparently I have wicked strong ligaments since I have never managed to tear one of those.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I've done it (clipped a buried something in a glade, too early) and I was SURE I destroyed my knee. In the end after a bunch of RICE and PT/strength exercise it was fine, skied a ton the rest of the season and was totally fine by the start of cycling season.

Curious; did your ski release?
Last time I went skiing I caught a chunk of ice that came off of a snow-maker, got spun around and hit a tree at a decent clip. Got a nice concussion and a free ambulance ride.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Knee doc can't see me until Jan 15 but I got in to see my PCP yesterday. By his own admission, he's no knee expert and could only tell me what I already know; that there is damage and I need to see my ortho (was that a correct use of a semicolon?). He said the knee feels pretty stable though and gave me the ok to do some light upper body training. He did order me an MRI though so at least I can get that done prior to seeing the ortho. I asked about our ski trip. PCP Boy said to talk to my ortho but we probably know the answer to that. Hmph. Then he scheduled me for an April physical and bloodwork since I was there and it's been about five years since my last physical. My blood pressure was 111/55. Heart rate was 58, which seems high for me.

Anyway, the knee feels better today. Less swelling, less pain, less limping, but now I can really feel that something is wrong. I'm still holding out hope that I can salvage ski season and run my next half marathon (seven weeks away).