Effectively pay off the federal debt. The Bush plan would decrease federal debt to the lowest possible level at which it could be redeemed--$818 billion in FY 2011 (see Chart 4).25 From FY 2001 to FY 2011, federal debt as a percentage of GDP would decline from 30.5 percent to just 4.7 percent under the plan.
We ran a higher ANNUAL deficit in 2010 than the Heritage folks though we'd have for a TOTAL debt. Mel Brooks couldn't have written a funnier "prediction" if he'd tried.
So I posted Dante's link on my face book page and totally trolled a couple tea tards.
I found this interesting and related paper while looking for some rebuttal info. Check the date on it. http://www.cbpp.org/cms/?fa=view&id=692
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