Only for the fact that so many right wing nut jobs are so white-hot with hate for Clinton. She may be nominate-able, but not electable.
Either way, a black man or a woman in office means at least one (most likely succesful) assassination attempt within the first year.
Most likely end result in all of this:
McCain woos the Repubs, gets a right wing nut job as a running mate, Repubs come out in droves to vote to maintain the empire, McCain dies of natural causes 2nd year in office, nut job takes the throne.
Only for the fact that so many right wing nut jobs are so white-hot with hate for Clinton. She may be nominate-able, but not electable.
Either way, a black man or a woman in office means at least one (most likely succesful) assassination attempt within the first year.
Most likely end result in all of this:
McCain woos the Repubs, gets a right wing nut job as a running mate, Repubs come out in droves to vote to maintain the empire, McCain dies of natural causes 2nd year in office, nut job takes the throne.