
Hit the Pavement today :(


Nam I am
It has been quite a few years since I had a road crash.

But I had one , Not too Bad , just a Scraped elbow and Knee.

I was cruising down the road and therewas a car ahead turning left and all the cars were stopped behind her and I was passing them on the right, she made the left and the cars started moving , I passed where she turned and about 50 yards up wasa right turn , and just as I got to it , a Little red Pick up truck turned right in front of me. I tried to make the turn ( while locking up the rear Brake ) but hit the Right rear quarter panel with my Hip, I held onto the truck and slide back till I got behind the rear wheel , and let go. Tried to stay up on the bike but was too far gone and down I went.

Of course the Guy in the truck did not stop , he Slowed and when he saw me get up he sped off, And I didn't think to get his Plate # , a Couple of people saw it and came over to see if I was alright , and one was going on about him not even stopping. but no one got a Plate # , so I brushed my self off and got back on the bike. All I could think of is it could of been a lot lot lot worse!


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
GAH! Not cool to hear about things like that. Sorry to hear and hope you heal up soon.

I really wish people would learn how to handle bikes on the road. I'm thankful that the locals up here are pretty good about it (the students, not so much).


Glad you are ok. That is precisely the reason I try not to pass on the right. I don't know the situation for you, but lots of folks get irritated and stupid when you ride by them. If they are stopped and there is lots of room, I will do it on occasion, but if it's just someone turning, I usually stop. This is why. Still - glad you are in one piece. I would hate for you to become your namesake.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Ouch! Glad you're ok Splat!! A friend of mine got caught up on her husband's rear wheel while drafting @ 19 mph the other day and went down pretty hard. Road rash in the usual places. She also broke her wrist and is having surgery today. Poor Wendy...she was supposed to be doing a 1/2 marathon on Sunday. :(