
Hives.....(health related)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Ok so I'm freaked out now. Last couple days, usaully at night around 7pm I have broken out in mad crazy hives. This has never happened before. I've been trying to figure out if I ate anything weird or anything I could have gotten on my skin. I thought we had solved the problem and that it was a new showering soap I had been using. Than I got the damn hives again tonight. So I started looking stuff up on the net. I have feeling it just might be the Singulair I've been taking for years now for asthma. So far it;s been good, however I read that one of the side effects is hives and/or rashes. I also take my pill at night before I get the hives. So I'm thinking this just might be it, I;m going to the doc this week, but has anyone ever heard of someone becoming allergic to a medication even after years of using it with no problems?


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Brian HCM#1 said:
Was it you that just got laid for the first time? If so you better talk to the girl.
The disease riddled German girl...we all knew she was just a breeding ground for such things...damned Europeans, spreading their micro-organisms wherever they can get a naive Quebecois to put out.

Wow. I'm tired. That made no sense. *presses submit*


Nam I am
JMAC said:
but has anyone ever heard of someone becoming allergic to a medication even after years of using it with no problems?
Yes !!

My father after years of taking asprin Became sensitive to it. and Guess what he Broke out in Hives too! and one episode almost killed him! ( would have killed him had he not decided to go to the hospital when he did ) I have had One episode ( very Minor ) that was never explained and one episode in a Doctors office from an alergy shot.

on a side note , has any one ever had success from alergy shots ? or is it just me who breaks on in hives and has itchy arms for a week ? ( I stopped gettingthem about 6 months ago )


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
splat said:
Yes !!

My father after years of taking asprin Became sensitive to it. and Guess what he Broke out in Hives too! and one episode almost killed him! ( would have killed him had he not decided to go to the hospital when he did ) I have had One episode ( very Minor ) that was never explained and one episode in a Doctors office from an alergy shot.

on a side note , has any one ever had success from alergy shots ? or is it just me who breaks on in hives and has itchy arms for a week ? ( I stopped gettingthem about 6 months ago )
Thanks for that....I think it is my medication, cause I mean it's winter here so there's no pollen or anything to have allergies to. Also it's never right after I eat something and I haven;t eating anything that normally causes allergic reactions. So I'm going to the doc first thing tomorrow, don;t want to go to the actaull hospital cause I'd prolly get some anti-biotic resistent infection here, so I'm waiting till the familly doctor is there tomorrow.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Brian HCM#1 said:
Was it you that just got laid for the first time? If so you better talk to the girl.
HAHAHA I wish :rolleyes: at least I could have a reason for these damned hives. I look like such a freak :dead: :think:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 1, 2002
I started getting them form anti-biotics when I was in middle school, took a bit to figure out cause I would only get them when I exercised, Haven't taken those antibiotics since and I have been fine. I had been taking this drug often for ear infections.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
johnbryanpeters said:
I got them once after mowing wild celery. It's a systemic reaction and you don't want to wait too long before seeing a doctor.

I know, I'm just lazy....it's sunday, I can never get myself to do anything on sunday even if it's life threatening.


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
Have you tried the Advair twice aday inhalor? I have terrible ashtma, and In the South all the pollen, humidity, and crazy fluctuating temperatures will make my ashtma really screwy. Check out Advair. I take one puff in the am. bring my albuterol with me just incase. and then one more puff before sleep. Works REALLY well, the dose is 8-12 hrs I believe.

Cant really help with the hives... I would definatley call your Allergist, and ask if they have heard o such problems comming from Singulair. Then ask for some samples of Advair....



Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
i used to take clarinex with no big side effects...worked ok too.

here's my hypothesis- your soap brought about a reaction to the allergy medicine. It's possible that your allergy med made your skin more sensitive, and when you took it again, it gave you the same results. I would immediately discontinue using both, wait a week-a week and a half, and take the medicine again. If it happens again, it's time for a new med.

I would bet that it would go away, once your body gets over the initial breakout. I don't think Hives are necessarily life-threatening, but often times one side-effect is accompanied by another. If you have any trouble breathing or you feel any other effect (tiredness, headache, body ache) go see a doc immediately.

I don't know what kind of soap you use, but something like Dove is usually pretty hypo-allergenic.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Sandwich said:
i used to take clarinex with no big side effects...worked ok too.

here's my hypothesis- your soap brought about a reaction to the allergy medicine. It's possible that your allergy med made your skin more sensitive, and when you took it again, it gave you the same results. I would immediately discontinue using both, wait a week-a week and a half, and take the medicine again. If it happens again, it's time for a new med.

I would bet that it would go away, once your body gets over the initial breakout. I don't think Hives are necessarily life-threatening, but often times one side-effect is accompanied by another. If you have any trouble breathing or you feel any other effect (tiredness, headache, body ache) go see a doc immediately.

I don't know what kind of soap you use, but something like Dove is usually pretty hypo-allergenic.
Good idea, yeah if I had breathing troubles and other symptoms I would go straight to the hospital but it's just hives, which aren;t life threatening.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
=[Stinky]= said:
Have you tried the Advair twice aday inhalor? I have terrible ashtma, and In the South all the pollen, humidity, and crazy fluctuating temperatures will make my ashtma really screwy. Check out Advair. I take one puff in the am. bring my albuterol with me just incase. and then one more puff before sleep. Works REALLY well, the dose is 8-12 hrs I believe.

Cant really help with the hives... I would definatley call your Allergist, and ask if they have heard o such problems comming from Singulair. Then ask for some samples of Advair....

Nope never used that, and yes hives is one of the many possible side effects of singulair. Thing is I'm not even sure I still need it, which could be why I'm reacting to it. I had super bad asthma when I was very young ( spent alot of time in hospital) but for the past couple years that I've been training so much, my asthma is really not a problem anymore. I don;t even find that I get a attack when I start exercising which was a problem until VERY recently. Anyway we'll see what the doctor has to say tomorrow. In some ways I hope it is my meds than at least I would know the cause.....


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Went the doc today, he says he'd bet money it was/is my singulair. He loaded me down on a bunch of drugs and told me not to run for 2 months while my broken leg heals. :dead: :rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
splat said:
Hold it !! you have been running on a broken leg ? ! ?

Let me guess he gave you a bunch of Hismanal.
Yeah I have been running on a broken leg....this is the one time I will admit I'm an idiot. :dead:

Oh and he gave me some nice strong 20mg Reactine along with two different types of enhailers to try out :rolleyes: and he told me about a alternative to singulair but it doesn;t sound good to me. He said it's bad for the Liver.... :think:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Sandwich said:
I would immediately discontinue using both, wait a week-a week and a half, and take the medicine again. If it happens again, it's time for a new med.

I would bet that it would go away, once your body gets over the initial breakout. I don't think Hives are necessarily life-threatening, but often times one side-effect is accompanied by another. If you have any trouble breathing or you feel any other effect (tiredness, headache, body ache) go see a doc immediately.

I don't know what kind of soap you use, but something like Dove is usually pretty hypo-allergenic.
BTW thats what the doc said to try the it again after a week or so off. He thinks I'll still get an allergic reaction from what he's seen of other people. Good advice though :thumb:

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Hives suck!!!! I break out in them from neoprene, the worst spots being my hands and wrists....try finding good dh gloves that don't contain neoprene :mumble:

As for allergies, you can grow into and out of allergies at any time really. I never was allergic to neoprene until about 3 years ago. I developed an allergy to cats and dogs at the age of 13 after living one or both my entire life but I now have 3 dogs and don't have problems with them, but my mom's lab drives me nuts sometimes.....it's weird how your body can adapt to things so well at times and just flat out reject them at others!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Velocity Girl said:
Hives suck!!!! I break out in them from neoprene, the worst spots being my hands and wrists....try finding good dh gloves that don't contain neoprene :mumble:

As for allergies, you can grow into and out of allergies at any time really. I never was allergic to neoprene until about 3 years ago. I developed an allergy to cats and dogs at the age of 13 after living one or both my entire life but I now have 3 dogs and don't have problems with them, but my mom's lab drives me nuts sometimes.....it's weird how your body can adapt to things so well at times and just flat out reject them at others!
Apparently after the age of 15 you go through cycles every 10 years that your allergies will may maynot change.....so my doc says :think:


May 20, 2002
Velocity Girl said:
I developed an allergy to cats and dogs at the age of 13 after living one or both my entire life but I now have 3 dogs and don't have problems with them, but my mom's lab drives me nuts sometimes.....

What kind of dogs do you have?


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I got hives once too. I was taking vioxx or was it celebrex once for an knee injury, (now both are banned of course), and broke out from head to toe. I was miserable. To make it worse I had driven up from Chapel Hill to visit my fiancee (now wife) in Asheville whom at the time I only got to see every 2 weeks. So instead of getting live all weekend I lay there naked under a light sheet for 2 days dosed out on benedryl and trying not to move because I itched so bad. :nuts: Turns out I'm allergic to sulfa type drugs.

I swear I still have mini breakouts triggered over little things like sweat that I never had before this event. Its been around 3 years now too. Anybody have a similar occurance?

Man it sucks.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
jdschall said:
I got hives once too. I was taking vioxx or was it celebrex once for an knee injury, (now both are banned of course), and broke out from head to toe. I was miserable. To make it worse I had driven up from Chapel Hill to visit my fiancee (now wife) in Asheville whom at the time I only got to see every 2 weeks. So instead of getting live all weekend I lay there naked under a light sheet for 2 days dosed out on benedryl and trying not to move because I itched so bad. :nuts: Turns out I'm allergic to sulfa type drugs.

I swear I still have mini breakouts triggered over little things like sweat that I never had before this event. Its been around 3 years now too. Anybody have a similar occurance?

Man it sucks.
I'm allergic to sulfa too... same thing, hives. Also pennecillin(sp), Keflex, Zithromax, and more I'm sure.

dh girlie

golgiaparatus said:
I'm allergic to sulfa too... same thing, hives. Also pennecillin(sp), Keflex, Zithromax, and more I'm sure.
Whoa...me too...I thought I was the only one who was allergic to damn near every antibiotic on the planet. I hate when the dr.'s office asks you what you're allergic to and you tell em and they're all what CAN you take...like it's fun be allergic to antibiotics and you enjoy getting sick and not being able to treat it...


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
(crosses fingers) I haven't been real sick or needed antibotics since my 'little' reaction to celebrex. I would swear on a stack of bibles that I have had most of those antibotics before my pain medicine issue. What kid doesn't get strep right? I wonder what the dealio is there? I guess I'll find out at some point. Lucky me.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2004
In a Van(couver) down by the river
The one thing I might mention is that you be careful with all the meds doctors end to throw at any problem. More often thatn not you take something for a problem, and it causes another problem, which you get more meds for, which causes more problems... Pretty soon you are shoveling pills into your face and watching your liver slough out of you every time you go to the bathroom.
Then you die.
Happens all the time. Western medicine (Canadian or not) tends to treat the symptom rather than the cause. It is really good at "battlefield medicine" though. If I've got allergies, take me to an accupuncturist or something. If I've been mangled, get me to a doctor. (I speak from experience - allergy tests almost killed me after I told the doctor I did not think they were such a good idea. Had a nasty allergig reaction to an asthma medicine (given to treat something other than asthma) then was told "this is a good medicine, you could not have been allergic to it." Now I don't bother with doctors unless I break something.)

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Batman said:
What kind of dogs do you have?
We have three whippets. They don't have a heck of a lot of fur and don't shed much. I think I remember Jasper bothering me once or twice when he moved in with me but after that it's been smooth sailing every since :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
jdschall said:
I got hives once too. I was taking vioxx or was it celebrex once for an knee injury, (now both are banned of course), and broke out from head to toe. I was miserable. To make it worse I had driven up from Chapel Hill to visit my fiancee (now wife) in Asheville whom at the time I only got to see every 2 weeks. So instead of getting live all weekend I lay there naked under a light sheet for 2 days dosed out on benedryl and trying not to move because I itched so bad. :nuts: Turns out I'm allergic to sulfa type drugs.

I swear I still have mini breakouts triggered over little things like sweat that I never had before this event. Its been around 3 years now too. Anybody have a similar occurance?

Man it sucks.
Yeah celebrex is bad stuff, my mom had a worse reaction to it and landed in the ER.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
dh girlie said:
Why are you asking us...thought y'all had this great health care system up there...:p
No way...stick with private health care. Good god it's terrible here, actaully mainly Quebec is terrible cause they skim of tax money to pay for their facsest french regime.......I should have gotten an MRI for my leg fracture but noooooooooooooooo that would put me on a 12 month waiting list. Nevermind the fact I waited 1.5 hours just to see my familly doc. :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
rigidhack said:
The one thing I might mention is that you be careful with all the meds doctors end to throw at any problem. More often thatn not you take something for a problem, and it causes another problem, which you get more meds for, which causes more problems... Pretty soon you are shoveling pills into your face and watching your liver slough out of you every time you go to the bathroom.
Then you die.
Happens all the time. Western medicine (Canadian or not) tends to treat the symptom rather than the cause. It is really good at "battlefield medicine" though. If I've got allergies, take me to an accupuncturist or something. If I've been mangled, get me to a doctor. (I speak from experience - allergy tests almost killed me after I told the doctor I did not think they were such a good idea. Had a nasty allergig reaction to an asthma medicine (given to treat something other than asthma) then was told "this is a good medicine, you could not have been allergic to it." Now I don't bother with doctors unless I break something.)
Good idea, my mom is into all that "alternative medicine" like acupuncture, reike, homeopathy....this older women who taught my mom all she nows about homeopathy cured herself from cancer on her own with homeopathic medicines. So I believe that stuff works.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Bloody hell, 2 weeks I've been off my singulair and on allergy meds and I still have crazy ass hives. Messed up my week in Barbados having all these hive attacks. So I'm skipping school today just going to doctors and maybe an accupunturiest. :help: