
Holiday Farms Race#2


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
It was a little chilly for Mid May (50 degrees). It rained the previous day and morning of, but the course was realatively dry.

I prerode the 1st 1.5 miles, pretty much nothing but uphill singletrack! All that climbing made me a little nervous & not so confident. I was one of the last ones to get to the start but I squeezed into almost mid pack for the start. The 3 lappers took off and after maybe 2 min's us 2 lappers got to go, there's maybe a 1/4 mile of dirt road and I was passing people like crazy, we hit the single track and I knew it would be uphill for a while so I just got in a grove and pedaled away. The crest of the high was very steep, loose dirt and everyone near me ended up off of their bikes pushing.

I liked the course, normal rocks, roots, tight turns, etc then out to a dirt rode, sharp right into single path thru a field and back to the start. I was pretty much holding my own, pcking off a person now and then and kept getting passed by this one racer, then I would pass him back (kid was less than 1/2 my age). I felt good. I put my heavy pedals on and unlike last week didnt have problems when I needed to clip back in.

The course was short and there was maybe 1/3 of the last lap left, and I was too close to this big tree and SMACK! my knee slams into the tree knocking my foot out of my shoe, and damn did that hurt. Of course I had to stop to put my shoe back on, one rider passsed me . Luckily it was on a downhill section and I didnt have to pedal much. I figured I would just try to hold my ground and even thou it hurt like hell I kept going. I am not sure why but when someone caught up to me I said ok, whats a little pain and got backup to pace and then the pain went away. The dude was right on my butt and I was sure he was in my class, we caught up to another rider and past him, he's still on my butt and the finish is very close. So I pushed, then I heard him say on your left, ok I'll give you some room put your going to have to earn the pass and pushed even harder! Well he tried but couldn't I held him off :D
I got several "nice finish" by the people at the finish, cool but where's the EMT - I need some ice!

They don't post results at the race so I'll have to keep checking their web site, I know I wasn't 1st but I definitely had a blast!!

*This place has a race every Wednesday and is hosting a 24 Trilife race in June.

*They don’t race the normal classes but you can either do 1, 2 or 3 laps. I race beginner so I opted for the 2 laps figuring I’d be up against Beg & sport guys.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride

2 LAPS - 18-39 Male
Place Number Name Time Points

1 243 WOZNIAK 0:32:50 100
2 225 DOUGLAS 0:36:44 89
3 218 PETE 0:36:47 89
4 230 TIM 0:37:34 87
5 203 MARK 0:38:26 85
6 233 CHRIS 0:39:44 82
7 290 TROY 0:41:15 79
8 236 JESSE 0:53:02 61

(subtract about 2 min's due to staggered start)


Turbo Monkey
Aug 23, 2002
Roanoke, VA
For all the nystate monkies that make it over to Dalton, if you don't mind driving another 30 minutes you can show up at the Harpoon-nemba funride at DAR state forest and ride with the one and only KEVINMONTGOMERY this sunday!.

He beat a pro once!:devil:


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Did my 3rd Wednesday XC race.........and it started raining about 5 minutes in! We got soaked and so muddy. It was fun, I tried keeping with the lead pack but couldn't quite do it. I thought I did better than my results show.......ugh, I guess I need to do more training and push harder in the race.

2 LAPS - 18-39 Male
Place Number Name Time Points
1 247 CHARLES 0:27:39 100
2 246 JESSE 0:30:04 91
3 230 TIM 0:30:25 90
4 218 PETE 0:30:48 89
5 225 DOUGLAS 0:31:29
6 203 MARK 0:32:27 85

and 7th/22 overall

AND so far I'm 3rd in total points :D


Aug 13, 2002
Dallas Area
Hey, for those of you who ride at Holiday Farms.... I will be up for the 24 hr race. Got any tire recommendations? Preferably a UST option.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Race#9 (I've only missed 1 so far)

So I after I prerode the slightly wet/slippery course I decided to put my tiogas back on (& remove the python golds which I just put on the night before b/c i thought it would be dry).

1st section(sprint) is a flat road, I didnt go all out down the road but pushed pretty hard just before we hit the single track, which put me up in 3rd. I was right on #2's butt and I could see the guy in the lead pulling away. The s.t. was realatively flat, and on my 3rd attempt to pass, I got by. So off to see if I could catch the lead guy, I really liked this course>no big climbs, some technical stuff, including a muddy/rocky pit, lots of s.t. & some short steep downhills . The closest I got on the leader was about 20 ft, I think he let off a little b/c as soon as he heard me behind him he picked up the pace. I did pull away from the rest of the pack so I was pretty much on my own, the last section was a hilly dirt road, and maybe a 1/4 mile thru a field, I was pretty happy sitting in 2nd with no one on my butt. I go thru start/finish & their like what # !? DOH! (I rushed so much to change tires I never put my plate on!)
So back to the flat road, and now thinking back I realize I eased up to much thru this section. So, back into the s.t. and pushing hard, I hit a real technical section and started bobbling, had to stop & put my foot down, oh crap now there's 3 dudes on my butt, & I can't get clipped in. We are at the most technical section of the course, & I endo but never stop & somehow just hop back on (dudes behind me were like holy ****, how'd he do that!?) but now my heel's out of my shoe, then my freaking shoe falls off!!! It's laying in the iddle of the trail about 5 ft back from me!! and all 3 pass. It was about 30 sec's to get going again, I pushed hard but could only catch 1 of the 3, he was in the 13-17 age group & he tried to pass me back but I held him off. So I was 4th overall, and I think 3rd in my age group (18-39) and it was so FREAKING FUN!

I can't wait until next week!