
Holy Crap...Guy I Work With In A Serious Bike Accident.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
One of the guys that works with me had a serious bike accident the other night. He was commuting home and had a head on collision with another guy on a bike. It was fatal for the other rider, sounds like no helmet for him along with not being a 'cyclist' per se. Be careful out there there guys, this is pretty standard commuting route around here.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Spent the last year commuting on a two way bike trail. During the summer the place could get crowded with family style recreational riders, they were a bit annoying but they generally behaved well, possibly overwhelmed by the traffic. Come winter pretty much anyone on the trail is a relatively serious cyclist and let me say the level of douche-baggery is even higher than on the roads. Have had two accidents, one with a kid who swerved into me for no apparent reason, luckily speeds were slow so no one was hurt. Second accident came at night, both of us were sporting bright headlamps, oncoming rider was ****ing around on his phone and swerved towards me. To avoid him I had to swerve into a ditch, luckily I was able to jump off the bike without a serious crash. Funny thing was that he probably would have gone into the ditch on his own if I wasn't there 'getting in his way'.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Holy crap, a fatal bike on bike collision? That really sucks.

Unfortunately the increasing amounts of bikes out there means more stuff like this will happen. San Francisco's main commuting routes are becoming more of a clusterfvck every day. Generally I'm glad to see more people on bikes but it's definitely a "careful what you wish for" kind of thing.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
Yea, sounds like the guy I work with had a couple fractured vertebrae, but seems to be doing ok. He is still in the hospital though. He rides quite a bit and is a pretty chill guy. Sounds like he was riding home and the other guy may have swerved into him, but no details yet.


PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
Dude, wow. I hope your buddy heals up well, and RIP other dude.