
Home Made Linkage to fit longer shock


Feb 8, 2004
Washington State USA
I have KHS Trail bike with a Rock Shox Sid XC air shock 6.5'' from eye to eye with a 1.5'' stroke. I want to get more travel than the stock 4.5''. So i was wondering if i put on a 7.5'' from eye to eye with a 2'' stroke shock would that affect the gemotery of the bike so that the back would be real high?? I could also make my own linkage in a machine shop to handle the extra shock length. Would that be safe??? Does anyone have experience with altering their suspension???



Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
I wouldn't

Messes up ride hieght and any limits the current design was built around.

It is like lifting a Miata. Ride you bike like it was intended and if you crave more travel get a bike design (possibly beefier) to handle what more travel brings with it.

Experience? College roommate and the old Spec FSR long travel upgrades of the late 90's MS Spring and BTED and such.....new shock new linkage, new cracks and replaced frames....need longer fork to correct high bottom bracket and steep head angle.

Enjoy the 4.5" wich isn't anything to complain about and go ride. It is a cheaper option.....trust me.
