
/\/\/\hompday gee em tee/\/\/\


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
kid came home from daycare yesterday with hives. doctor will shortly tell us how much to worry. or me at least, my wife has already lost her shit.

in other news, ditching work friday to ride bikes. :headbang:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
while your child is in the daycare where they got the hives?!?!

depends on what's causing them. he doesn't have a fever, and as far as we can tell he isn't allergic to any of the foods we've given him so far. only thought is he picking up some kind of bug at day care; this is only his second week.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
kid came home from daycare yesterday with hives. doctor will shortly tell us how much to worry. or me at least, my wife has already lost her shit.
This never would've happened if your wife was working part time.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Gonna be a long day here at the office. Stuck here until 8pm.


Had a bit of a panic this morning, too. I must have turned off my alarm at 7:00am, because I woke up at 7:55 and thought I had a meeting at 9:00am....and it takes an hour to get to work. Took the quickest shower of my life and ran out the door, only to check my phone while starting the car and noticing that the meeting isn't until 1:30pm. DOH.

Anyways, coffee for all!


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Morning road ride without upsetting any roadies. I am looking forward to the ride home and then a Stout when the kids are in bed. Simple days.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I fucking hate German Engineering, which in the industrial control world means that they will design about 80% of their products, then let you finish the rest when you implement it.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Ahhhhh..... weekend. Doctor visit @ 9, trip to the coffee roaster, maybe a ride this afternoon if the weather holds. Had a pretty epic shit storm yesterday afternoon totally fucking up traffic and sending the usual suspects into the ditches and through fences.



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Nice: you're recording everything routinely? GoPro? Contour?

I picked up the Land Cruiser from the alignment shop, now with new bearings and supposedly better alignment. Steering wheel is now "aligned" past center to the right whereas it was a little off to the left before. I will graciously allow them to fix their work, perhaps on Saturday.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Hello dudes and dudettes. It is my pleasure to announce that the weather outside at this very moment is PERFECT. Temperature is perfect, the sun is shining and there is the most gentle of a breeze. The things I would do to be sitting on the stoop of someone's bong shed right now....


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Praise the Lord! I feel rested! I still woke up 15 times, but it was the kind where you fall right back to sleep, no matter how bad you gotta pee! Ladies night tonight, going to avoid alcohol again in hopes of even better sleep tonight. Don't worry, I've got the bong shed.
Dreaming of a muddy ride in my near future... tomorrow might be the day!
In other news:
Hello dudes and dudettes. It is my pleasure to announce that the weather outside at this very moment is PERFECT. Temperature is perfect, the sun is shining and there is the most gentle of a breeze. The things I would do to be sitting on the stoop of someone's bong shed right now....
Come on over! All you have to do is get here!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Nice: you're recording everything routinely? GoPro? Contour?
I am recording everything, all the time. Bought two cheapy dash cams for the Jeep and the Subaru, Contour Roam 3 for my helmet. Wife thinks I've gone :tinfoil: and made me take the dash cam out of her car, and she may be right, but she's not the one who had to learn how to walk again. I like the Contour a lot, my only gripe is it doesn't loop recording so once a week or so I have to plug it in and wipe the memory card.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Hello dudes and dudettes. It is my pleasure to announce that the weather outside at this very moment is PERFECT. Temperature is perfect, the sun is shining and there is the most gentle of a breeze. The things I would do to be sitting on the stoop of someone's bong shed right now....

Saw these, thought canadmos.


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Holy moly! I just got a chance to really move up in the world of commercial property management! Like, HUGE! Expecting to get an offer for my current job, with the new building owners, this week. Oh boy I like salary competition... it just results in less debt and more fun trips! If I take the big one, we would have to relocate (not far, traffic and having a child make the commute unreasonable in our current life situation) and I would be closer to the mountains. I see new ski touring gear in my future...
Tested the gas heater in the greenhouse. It failed to ignite. A VMI revealed mud wasp nests on the control board, in one venturi mouth. and on one igniter. :rant: Then discovered that in order to remove the burner tray and manifold assembly I had to remove the front support from which the heater hangs. :rant: :rant: Rigged a ratchet strap around a couple of purlins to support the heater, removed and cleaned the control board and the manifold assembly, put it all back together, fire in the hole! :D

I would like to have a word or three with the designer of the heater about the concept of maintainability...