
Hoods or helmets?


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
So I mentioned my wife is knocked up again right? For whatever reason, we're both convinced we'll be having another girl. But if we have a boy, I'm sort of torn on whether to have him snipped or not.

My wife says that it is a must. But what does she know? 'Round these here parts, most english guys are and the french guys aren't. No idea why that is...but it is.

I know that it's tradition and all of that. And back in the day, maybe there were hygeine reasons....but today...what's the point?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
MMike said:
So I mentioned my wife is knocked up again right? For whatever reason, we're both convinced we'll be having another girl. But if we have a boy, I'm sort of torn on whether to have him snipped or not.

My wife says that it is a must. But what does she know? 'Round these here parts, most english guys are and the french guys aren't. No idea why that is...but it is.

I know that it's tradition and all of that. And back in the day, maybe there were hygeine reasons....but today...what's the point?
Reasons to snip:
It's easier to keep clean (Or so I hear)

Some girls don't like em uncut, but all girls are OK with them being cut. (just my own observations)

It makes it look bigger.

It will piss off Perry Como.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
firetoole said:
errr........ sounds like you have a large knowlege of this subject
Lots of field research.......er........I've send too much...

*** drops smoke bomb on the floor to diguise his escape......stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp...door creaks open.....slam!.....(muffled) stomp stomp stomp stomp.....car door opens.... slam!....squealing tires....fades into the distance ***


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
From what our doctor said it's all fashion, no function. Maybe at some point there was function, but not anymore.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
knife and penis: two words that should never be used in the same sentence and two objects that should never meet in person. Leave the lil pecker alone dude ;)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
I'm with zark, sounds like child abuse. Maybe you should wait until he is 5 and ask. "do you think we should cut off your pepe skin wiht a pair of scissors? What do you think his response will be?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Zark said:
knife and penis: two words that should never be used in the same sentence and two objects that should never meet in person. Leave the lil pecker alone dude ;)
We don't want to hear from you till you have a custom tittle, Kip. ;)

I have never heard the loss of sensitivity thing. You mean I could have been even MORE sensitive down there? :eek: I'd never leave the house! I would have to start wearing underwear!

Personally I think it just looks weird unsnipped. Fortunately I only have to look at my own. (Thought I would put that there before you pervs start getting funny ideas)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 8, 2003
West Seattle, WA
In this day and age - I don't think it really matters. Flip a coin and decide...heck, I'll do it for ya. Heads he keeps the hood, tails it gets snipped.

Heads it is - he keeps the hood.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I read somewhere that a man had it done later in life.

He said sex went from full color to black and white.

Cleanliness is NOT an issue. If you can wash behind your ears, you can wash your dick. If you are planning on having your kid raised by wolves and he will never bathe, then yeah, maybe get him snipped.

Women don't mind it. Trust me on this.

Benefits? None that I can think of. Unless putting your infant through excruciating pain is beneficial. Just make sure you snip the girls too. :help:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
robdamanii said:
I'd be seriously bothered to know that my unsnipped kid would be having better sex than I was.
A cool thing a parent can do is making sure their kid has everything they never had.


valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Zark said:
knife and penis: two words that should never be used in the same sentence and two objects that should never meet in person. Leave the lil pecker alone dude ;)
I'm with ya there mate. Cold surgical steel and your gonads. :stosh:


This makes one too many threads about whacking the fore skin on the monkey.


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
I wonder who first performed the procedure. I am sure there were a few mistakes in the beginning, though I would hate to be lying there getting fixed when the doctor says, "Oops, well that one did not turn out as planned." What makes you think of cutting that off anyway?


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
dh girlie said:
Just a quick question...who here who is snipped recalls the incident or anything thereafter as a result? I'm not having any children, so it will never be an issue for me to worry about...I'm just curious...
If you have it done right at birth, there's no lasting scars.

At least none that I've ever heard of.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Polandspring88 said:
I wonder who first performed the procedure. I am sure there were a few mistakes in the beginning, though I would hate to be lying there getting fixed when the doctor says, "Oops, well that one did not turn out as planned." What makes you think of cutting that off anyway?
I don't know the exact statistic, but there are ALOT of botched jobs done every year in the US. Many have to be corrected surgically later in life.

For instance, too much "excess" skin taken off leading to extremely tight skin and painfull erections. :help:


If your born with something, is it really excess? Let's all lop off our earlobes.


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
H8R said:
I don't know the exact statistic, but there are ALOT of botched jobs done every year in the US. Many have to be corrected surgically later in life.

For instance, too much "excess" skin taken off leading to extremely tight skin and painfull erections. :help:


If your born with something, is it really excess? Let's all lop off our earlobes.
Damn, that must suck to be one of those. Luckily mine turned out fine.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
dh girlie said:
Just a quick question...who here who is snipped recalls the incident or anything thereafter as a result? I'm not having any children, so it will never be an issue for me to worry about...I'm just curious...
you could probably put a hot branding iron on a 2 week baby and chances are they wouldn't remember it either. doesn't make it right, does it?

the US is about the ONLY 1st world nation which routinely practices circumsicion. we opted to not do w/ our two boys. there is really no functional purpose (if i recall it was done in biblical times, when there wasn't much access to clean water or soap. if you don't have these, maybe circumsicion is a good way to go).


dh girlie said:
Just a quick question...who here who is snipped recalls the incident or anything thereafter as a result? I'm not having any children, so it will never be an issue for me to worry about...I'm just curious...
I don't recall, and I haven't thought about it.


May 5, 2004
Woodland Park Colorado
dh girlie said:
Just a quick question...who here who is snipped recalls the incident or anything thereafter as a result? I'm not having any children, so it will never be an issue for me to worry about...I'm just curious...

I would assume they do it to you as a young'n so you don't recall and I would think that if you are cognitive enough about the Johnson Bar you're tellin' Doc to get the hell away from it with the cold steel.. :D


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
dh girlie said:
Or even worse...MEN'S pants! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Naw, my new goal is to wear YOUR pants. (Notice how I didn't say "get into" your pants. The GF is everywhere... she's watching me
.) :p

And I am wearing mens pants right now! Heck, they are Wranglers, even... I am trying to be like Loco. :D

As for the snipping mamories... I am snipped and have no recollection. If I had a son I would have him snipped. Unsnipped looks weird.