
Hope mono M4 brake pad removal


Jan 23, 2004
Seattle, WA
Hey so I know how the pads are SUPPOSED to come out, but I can't get it.

1. Remove pin clip thingy *check*
2. Push pin out ... um stuck. really not moving more than 3mm.

Am I missing something here? I thought the pin was supposed to push out after the tiny clip is removed. Any insight?
Apr 28, 2006
North White Plains, NY
The pins should push right out once the R-clip is removed. If they aren't take a small pair of vise-grips and gently clamp the exposed part of the pin and twist. This may free the pin if there's a bit of corrosion or rust developing around it. If that doesn't work or the pin won't turn, try tapping out the pin with a hammer or pressing it out with a c-clamp & socket (place socket on the side the pin comes out, socket facing caliper with the non-threaded part of the clamp pressing against the backside of the socket). And if neither of those methods work the pin may need to be ground / drilled out. If this is the case, you may want to let a professional mechanic do it....unless you're confident in your skills and don't mind chancing the need to buy a new caliper and not just a new pin. Good luck!


Jan 23, 2004
Seattle, WA
Hey thanks. I can push the pin flush on the "in" side but it won't push through without some rigging. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be missing something before I tap it out with a punch or something.
Apr 28, 2006
North White Plains, NY
Your pin is probably bent. Just do whatever you need to get it out and replace it even if you can see if it's visibly bent. If you can push it flush on the "in" side, just clamp down on the thick part that pops out a bit on the "out" side with vise-grips and wiggle and pull till it comes out. Make hitting it with a hammer/tap your last resort.