Would also fit in with their belief that the MB is trying to take over the world.So, the more I've been thinking about this, the more I'm wondering exactly WHY the right seems so intent on the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood is going to take over? By all accounts the protests were started by people who were distinctly NOT MB members, and not even the same demographic (young, non-religious, technically savvy). The MB didn't even start attending these rallies or support them until after the weekend when it was apparent that this was something that had a pretty high likelihood of success. As one of the only (main?) opposition parties, obviously they can gain influence, but it's definitely not a MB-driven "revolution".
So why is the right-wing so determined to put up the MB as the sole driving force behind these protests?
1) Discredit Obama. Can you imagine if the largest country in the Middle East went from dictator to democracy under his presidency?
2) Discredit peaceful protests as a way to gain democracy from a malevolent dictator. Can you imagine if the Egyptians themselves overthrew their dictator and installed democracy without the help of the US (military)? If they accomplish something in a month and with relatively low casualties, that the US couldn't after spending $1.5 trillion and hundreds of thousands of lives lost? Oh god, that's a right-winger's worst nightmare...
3) Cause the revolution to fail, protecting one of their own favorite dictators. The right-wing is fine with dictators, as long as they're friendly to either the US or Israel. Mubarak was both.
4) Protect their other dictators in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, etc?
Dunno, or am I going a little too here? I mean, the Republicans criticized Obama for not "doing enough" for the Iranian uprising in the summer of 2009, and yet here they're either trying to cause the uprising to fail, or..... ?