
Horse folks....


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Never understood how much cloat they have. A friend sent me this....

Equestrian demographics
Equestrian Sports Participant Demographics (Source: USA Equestrian) profile of 80,000 members and on-site audiences.

* Industry statistics indicate that females comprise the majority (85%) of USAE participants. The average age is 39 years old.
* Estimated consumer expenditures by USAE membership each year: $2 billion.
* 40% report an individual income in excess of $150,000 per year
* 80% have a minimum four-year college degree
* The average home value is $412,000
* 81% own their primary residence
* 15% own a second home
* 43% travel on airlines more than 16 times a year
* 78% are members of frequent flier program
* 97% hold one or more credit cards
* 55% of the automobiles owned were purchased last year
* Average number of equestrian events participated in each year: 14
* Average number of horses owned: 5*

*Information taken directly from Stadium Jumping Inc.

Cycling demographics
Cycling Demographics for U.S. 2003*2

* Cycling is the 2nd most popular recreational activity in the U.S.
* 64,300,000 recreational cyclists
* 55% of recreational cyclists are women
* Median age of recreational cyclists is 32
* Median Household income of recreational cyclists is $60,000
* 70% of recreational cyclists have a college degree
* 72,000 licensed racers (Texas is ranked 3rd in number of licensed racers)
* Median age of racers is 34
* Median household income of racers is $75,000
* 81% of racers have a college degree
* 27% have a post-graduate degree
* 87% are male
* 57% work in a professional or managerial capacity
* The mean price of a racing bike is $3,500

In my state NY there are 6 million recreational cyclists with 2.1 million off road cyclists (seems kind of high to me...). There are 39,000 active equestrian related activity participants and that figure includes spectators. More miles of trails are open to equestrians then off road cyclists?? 71% of all trails maintained either public or private are open to equestrian related activities. Only 22% of all trails maintained either public or private are open to off road cyclists. Isn't that f'd up? We need to get our **** together and take over the world. Were huge...jdcamb


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Horses are expensive to buy and keep. You have to either have a lot of free time or money to pay someone to take care of your horse. Not to mention the food, boarding or large lot you need to keep them... it goes on and on.

I used to work as a welder for a horse corral company. Very rarely did the po' folks buy corrals from us.


Nam I am
One of the big problems it the Powers that Be ( local, state ,and Federal politicians ) are more likely to take an equstrians offer to go out for a ride than a Mt bikers. And By the demographic you posted they have more money , More money equates to more cloat in politics, the rest well , pretty easy to figure out.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
splat said:
More money equates to more cloat in politics
Yep. Also, money attracts money - I've been around horses all my life, and used to go to West Palm Beach to visit a friend who was an olympic horse trainer. We'd go watch polo matches occasionally and you could see everyone there. Ahhhny "I've got more muscles in my pinky than your entire body" Schwartzanegger (sp?) was occasionally there, a couple mayors, lots of relatives of movie stars. It's a rich sport and the people who watch it and support it are rich.

People who live and breathe horses are often dirt poor, but when horses are a hobby, 9 times out of 10 that person has more money than they know what to do with.

A polo team, for instance, has 4 horses, and 4 riders, plus alternates - generally the team owners keep an entire team on the side lines (another 4 + 4). The horses can cost anywhere from 30k up, sky's the limit - so at a bare minumum you have 240k worth of animals, and it's likely that the horses are costing twice that. You have trailers, vet bills, food (horses eat a ton), boarding for the animals, uniforms, equipment... Millions of dollars get poured into a sport like that.

Dirt Merchant

Oct 16, 2003
Hilton, NY
Plus I've never taken a dump in the middle of a trail. No matter how bad I had to go.

I had to go bad once in BC. Top of the CBC trail. Very scenic. You are funny dude.

Flakey Jake

Nov 4, 2003
I ride in an area with a lot of horse riders. I think it's cool gettin to see the horses, they are pretty impressive animals. I always stop a good distance from them on the trail and let the horses walk by, or i ride by really slow if they pull over to the side. Just tryin to be a friendly trail user. The horse poo just turns to grass anyways, its not really that nasty. Sometimes if my buddies r behind me I try to kick some up to throw at them, its pretty funny.
Aug 6, 2005
so why would u wanna spend .250-.5 million dollars on animals that require so much maintanence plus its not like u can take them off jumps over 5 ft and bikes can go faster than them?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
bikingisbetter said:
so why would u wanna spend .250-.5 million dollars on animals that require so much maintanence plus its not like u can take them off jumps over 5 ft and bikes can go faster than them?
So why would you wanna spend thousands of dollars on a bike when its so fragile plus its not like u can take them on the highway and cars can go faster than them?

It's all perspective. If you have to ask, then you won't understand, just like the people who don't understand why we spend so much money on our bikes. You should just accept that some people have a passion for it.


Aug 1, 2005
binary visions said:
So why would you wanna spend thousands of dollars on a bike when its so fragile plus its not like u can take them on the highway and cars can go faster than them?
Why do Roy Disney, Richard DeVos, Larry Ellison etc. spend many many millions on 60-80 foot racing sailboats? Its not like you can go around the world in your car in 55ish days. :evil:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
likwid said:
Why do Roy Disney, Richard DeVos, Larry Ellison etc. spend many many millions on 60-80 foot racing sailboats? Its not like you can go around the world in your car in 55ish days. :evil: