
Horse race 2012 predictions


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
How I think the 2012 horse race will turn out:

Rick Perry will win the GOP presidential nomination. This will occur even after Sarah Palin throws her hat in the ring late in the game (possibly after the Iowa primary itself), possibly in hopes of landing herself a second VP nomination if the initial attempt fails. Ron Paul will continue to be irrelevant despite being right on many issues. Obama will not face a primary challenger of any sort and will instead "stay the course" and play the same "re-elect a wartime president" tune that I find loathsome in the context of wars that he has elected to start or continue.

Left-wing writers will poke sundry and various valid, logical holes in Rick Perry's background, record, and claimed accomplishments. Right-wing voters will proceed to not pay attention to any of the above, instead concentrating on his rhetoric, nicely edited clips played over and over on Fox News, and his (very non-inclusive, narrowly defined, uncharitable) strong supposedly Christian beliefs.

The economy will continue to get worse through 2012 in terms of the true measures, even though nominal unemployment may creep back into the 8.x% range with more discouraged workers. The Fed will continue to not engage in QEIII, electing instead to prop up large-corporation balance sheets with quiet, low-interest under the table money. Those same corporations will continue to turn nice profits on lower revenues and leaner operations, which means less jobs, more money for the management, and stagnant wages for the working class. Untruths will continue to be widely disseminated and repeated and requoted and recycled and rephrased in the press about the efficacy of ARRA until even liberal voters start to question it. As a result there'll be no popular support for another round of stimulus, and instead we'll travel down the same path of austerity that has served Britain so splendidly thus far (see "riots").

What it'll all come down to in the final outcome of the 2012 election, what it'll all hinge on, is who Perry picks as VP. The economy itself sure isn't going to do a sitting president any favors at all, and Obama has alienated many of his early supporters through his attitude of accommodation at all costs. If Perry picks someone too obviously insane as VP (Palin or Bachmann come to mind) then enough fence-sitters might be disgusted enough to note vote or vote Democrat and Obama may prevail… Pick someone less polarizing and Obama may well lose, black-box electronic voting machines and their troubles entirely aside.

How much will this all matter in the end? Will even the "worst" outcome cause me to emigrate? No. In all honesty, national politics won't directly affect me all that much in the 2012-2016 period apart from the usual party-independent wrangling about Medicare reimbursement rates, at least with the not-so-safe assumption that neither Obama nor Perry is insane enough to invade Iran, North Korea, or Pakistan. For better or worse, both parties look after my particular interests as a well-educated, well-compensated professional with vocal lobbyists pleading my field's cause equally well or poorly, depending on one's perspective.

The choice of who is in the Oval Office will definitely set the tone of national discourse, however, and having a person who would seemingly remake the nation, Constitution be damned, into a modern/warped/militaristic "Christian" theocracy will make for some ugly times. The Islamophobia that the right-wing press has lapped up so eagerly will continue to fester, and closed-minded communities will continue to press forward with discriminatory, un-Constitutional measures to keep "them" distinct from "us." The sad thing is that we just may well be collectively stupid and closed-minded as a nation of voters to deserve exactly such a president with such consequences… again.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
The Islamophobia that the right-wing press has lapped up so eagerly will continue to fester, and closed-minded communities will continue to press forward with discriminatory, un-Constitutional measures to keep "them" distinct from "us."
so we are becoming the EU?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
How I think the 2012 horse race will turn out:

actually, i did, but it comes down to this: who has the catchier bumper stickers? who's better @ sloganeering? please don't allow yourself to be convinced most voters heading to the polls will be as sufficiently informed as they would have you believe.

you know how during a job interview it takes at minimum 20 min to find out if someone *actually* knows wtf they claim to know, or believe?

yeah. that.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Do you post every thought on here, G+, your blog and FB?
I don't twitter. Too much overlap with other services along with that character limit… I also dropped my blog in favor of G+, and am ramping down my use of Facebook. So: no. :D

actually, i did, but it comes down to this: who has the catchier bumper stickers? who's better @ sloganeering? please don't allow yourself to be convinced most voters heading to the polls will be as sufficiently informed as they would have you believe.

you know how during a job interview it takes at minimum 20 min to find out if someone *actually* knows wtf they claim to know, or believe?

yeah. that.
I think the non-thinking religious voters (except for the Catholics and Mormons, a small minority) will knee-jerk vote for Perry if he looks like the front-runner. The man has done nothing but pander to the religious right: days of prayer in Texas for rain? Need I mention that they were ineffective in the sense that there has been no rain but effective in the sense of burnishing his credentials?

Also, as David Frum points out, Perry has the so-far unique ability of fundraising, acceptability with the GOP central powers-that-be, and appeal with the fringe.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
"I don't know a lot about Rick Perry," said Bachmann supporter Julia Anderson, the wife of an evangelical pastor and a stay-at-home mom in Hubbard, Iowa. "I would say the one thing that, sadly, is going to maybe be a test for her is the fact that he's a man and she's a woman. I've had people say, 'What are you doing supporting a woman candidate? That's upsetting the order of the home.'"

Jesus Nut Sack...THIS is why I think I'm just not going to bother to vote. Let the retards fight it out and get the government they deserve. I can survive, I know how to make jerky.

America has gone nuttier than squirrel sh!t.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA

Jesus Nut Sack...THIS is why I think I'm just not going to bother to vote. Let the retards fight it out and get the government they deserve. I can survive, I know how to make jerky.

America has gone nuttier than squirrel sh!t.
I find this all incredibly funny, even though I know it's going to lead to another war and lots of dead people.

But then, I'm a citizen of a civilized country and have options. I look forward to laying ieds down in Medicine Hat after President Bristol Palin and vice president Trig invade Canada because of an igloo gap.

Every time I thunk I've been a little unfair at mocking reel Mericans, I see something like the comment you quoted that makes me think I've been much too mild.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Every time I thunk I've been a little unfair at mocking reel Mericans, I see something like the comment you quoted that makes me think I've been much too mild.
I used to think of you as a pompous assbag for some of your harshness towards this country, but I have realized 2 things...

1. It's the people that make this nation dumb.

2. A lot of times, you're right.

None of us are as dumb as all of us...


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I used to think of you as a pompous assbag for some of your harshness towards this country, but I have realized 2 things...

1. It's the people that make this nation dumb.

2. A lot of times, you're right.

None of us are as dumb as all of us...


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I used to think of you as a pompous assbag for some of your harshness towards this country, but I have realized 2 things...

1. It's the people that make this nation dumb.

2. A lot of times, you're right.

None of us are as dumb as all of us...
It started out as a bit of shtick, but the county came to me. It's amazing how far we've come in the last 10 years.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
BTW, Sarah Palin is not going to declare.

She has not laid any ground work and I bet she hasn't even been keeping up the fundraising.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR

Earlier this week, the former Alaska governor announced on her website that she would be stopping by the Iowa State Fair on Friday, which put the political world on edge as she was coming to such an important early nominating state -- the day before the closely watched Ames Straw Poll.

While at the fair, Palin said that she still considers herself a “potential candidate,” and that she will make her decision in the coming months, so her supporters will have time to choose another candidate if she’s a no.

“I don't want to be seen as stringing people along,” Palin said at the state fair when speaking of a timeline to decide if she will run for president this cycle.
I still think she is going to wait until the other candidates have beaten themselves up and soured the GOP vote, then step in to be the savior for us all.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I still think she is going to wait until the other candidates have beaten themselves up and soured the GOP vote, then step in to be the savior for us all.
I agree. From my probably little-read OP :rofl: just above:

Rick Perry will win the GOP presidential nomination. This will occur even after Sarah Palin throws her hat in the ring late in the game (possibly after the Iowa primary itself), possibly in hopes of landing herself a second VP nomination if the initial attempt fails.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
I don't think she would be happy as VP, though. The only reason she wanted VP with McOld was the idea he would be dead after the first year.
I think she (or her handlers) knew when McCane tapped her that he was too far gone to win it, so this was a publicity move, pure and simple. She scares me but Bachman scares me more because she's a nutcase with an agenda.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Sweet Baby Jesus this is scary!!!!

For believers in Dominionism, rule by non-Christians is a sort of sacrilege—which explains, in part, the theological fury that has accompanied the election of our last two Democratic presidents. “Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ—to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness,” wrote George Grant, the former executive director of Coral Ridge Ministries, which has since changed its name to Truth in Action Ministries. “But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice ... It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time ... World conquest.”
WTF…………..where does Jesus teach this??

Bachmann is close to Truth in Action Ministries; last year, she appeared in one of its documentaries, Socialism: A Clear and Present Danger
Do these fcuk tards realize that the Torah laws were essentially socialism? That kept the rich from getting too rich while keeping the poor from getting too poor? WTF…….do they not read their fcuking Bible?

The Christian Reconstructionists tend to be skeptical of Pentecostalism, with its magic, prophesies, speaking in tongues, and wild ecstasies. Certainly, there are overlaps between the traditions—Oral Roberts, where Bachmann studied with Eidsmoe, was a Pentecostal school. But it’s only recently that one group of Pentecostals, the New Apostolic Reformation, has created its own distinct Dominionist movement. And members see Perry as their ticket to power.
Pentacostals almost have a corner on the market of taking the Text not only literally but massively out of context………..the Bible hermeneutic double whammy!!!

Article on Perry: http://www.texasobserver.org/cover-story/rick-perrys-army-of-god

He's as bat sh!t crazy as Bachmann........

On a side note, it really is sad (for me at least) to see my faith misused like this.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
andy.....why do you feel the need to explain how you are not like these people all the time?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
ron paul == 13th floor of a hotel...wish i had come up w/ that
Andy, have you read much about this Dominionism movement? Both Bachmann and Perry are adherents…

i'm sure there's as much ado about this as there is jeremiah wright being as influential upon barry as "they" would have us believe

in fact, efforts continue to this day to find traction for teh boogeyman

as for me, i'll call a spade a spade


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
For a time I was painted with that same brush as these folks.........so maybe it's residual...

Also, I feel obligated to inform people how I believe these folks have gone astray and don't really represent the intent of Christianity..........an ambassador if you will.

Or maybe it's my way to vent about the stupidity that has befallen the GOP....

I wanted to go through those articles point by point and give my commentary / refutation, but I just don't have the time, especially the article on Perry.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
i'm sure there's as much ado about this as there is jeremiah wright being as influential upon barry as "they" would have us believe

in fact, efforts continue to this day to find traction for teh boogeyman

as for me, i'll call a spade a spade
I think Barry was smart enough to do the Jeremiah two step.........Bachmann and Perry not so much. I predict when they are pressed about their fringe beliefs they embrace them vs. side step the issue. I mean, in their mind they are mandated by God to run for office, so why would you evade that.....if God's on your side why do you care what some Godless reported asks you?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
For believers in Dominionism, rule by non-Christians is a sort of sacrilege
this is demonstrably false (not to you infidels, of course, who would assert a false premise). if God ordained rulers over his people, would he "go against himself" by putting in the leaders he did in the old testa...oh...i think i see the issue now...

i'm going to climb an asherah pole in protest of this lot