
Hot spots btw VA and Durham NC?


Aug 3, 2003
Charlottesville, Virginia
This weekend I am making the drive from northern Virginia to Durham North Carolina to see my brother graduate from grad school. If I can find some time are there any spots that I just have to hit up?

Also, I will be spending the following week near Sewanee (...sp?) in Tennesee, anything around there I should go ride?

Im looking for good DH areas, epic trail rides, big mountains, skateparks, dirt jumps and general good times.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
My secret spot t'aint done yet, or I'd have ya over for beers and BBQ in the Va Beach area.

Might think about Ipswitch in Chesapeak. Pretty good for a long standing park. Just down the road from Norfolk and Va Beach.
yeah, the other guys are pretty much right. I'm from durham and have it tattooed on my forearm. Street riding on the west side is safe and fun, duke has a fairly good campus. Seawell school trails are where it's at though, if you wanted to ride we could meet up and i could show you the good sections since the trailwork at Seawell is like a maze, a rider could easily get lost out there. just PM me about it.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
whaaaat? no massanuthin? that sucks man, i was hoping to see you there. i haven't seen them, but perhaps someone can PM you directions to the CHHS trails in chapel hill. s'posed to be good stuff and ~15 min west of durham.