

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Some of these sound like they've been taken right from a "crazy houseguest" story on the monkey.

Always help your hosts after dinner: Offer to clear the table, wash the dishes, or teach them to cook.
Ensure that you do not overstay your welcome by asking your host if you are overstaying your welcome every couple of minutes.
Avoid an awkward moment later on by telling your host upfront that you're a bed****ter.
Playing your host's stereo at top volume after midnight is rude. Bring your own boombox.
Don't just act like a guest in someone's house. Be a guest in someone's house.
It's considered good form to replace any cats you drown.
Cooking a meal for your host is a nice gesture, but ordering a pizza and offering to chip in for your part is way easier.
Always wait until your hosts have gone to bed before masturbating.
Should an unfamiliar household situation arise, do not speak. Stare blankly at a fixed point on the wall until it all blows over.
Don't monopolize the bathroom: Take sponge baths in the kitchen sink, and pee in a bottle and hide it under the bed.
It's customary to take a souvenir from your host's home as a reminder of your wonderful stay.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Damn True said:
Always wait until your hosts have gone to bed before masturbating.
YES! Har har har... so true. Man, that would be awkward.

Once at boarding school my roomate forgot I was in the room (i was sleeping in the top bunk) and started to jerk off. well i had just woken up and heard it. And so i climbed over the bunk and scared the crap out of him :dead:

Shoulda had a video camera :nuts: :nuts: :nuts:

edit: beat me to it, frigen NOOB!

Mad Dog

Feb 23, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
My roomate in the Marines took care of himself regularily in the upper bunk-he called it "maintenance." I got back at him by maintaining my girlfriend in the bottom bunk as he tried to sleep.