
How an Enve rim changed my life.


Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2007
I think I read this same thread about your motocross hobby last year?
his threads aren't really about the subject presented. it's all semi-veiled personal issues he should be talking to a mental health care professional about.


Not long enough
But those guys cost money.And thats less money for bike parts.

Motocross had more to do with several hundred thousand in accumulated hospital billsand months off work .It was always a secondary sport that I enjoyed, but didnt have the same love for as dh.

Im surprised more people dont try and work their **** out....But given some of the comnents, mouth breathers arent developed enough to comprehend the state of their own existence


Feb 26, 2003
Indeed it is very very funny.

To tell other about existence when you clearly struggle with your own one. If one ever thought justify that by throwing away money instead to go to a monastery and contemplate over the meaningless crave over something unatainable that you thought it'd made you as a happy human being and get peace in the mind.

I wish you good luck , dear Scary.


Not long enough
I hear ya.
lll look past the sentence structure as best I can to what I think you were getting at
My whole life is a struggle with existence.Always has been.Probably always will.Thats why I have to pretty much agree with those that take shots at me, but they may have a point.Nobody is going to say anything I probably havent already considered.
The rims themselves, ironically still make me happy, in a weird way.
I like the process of making or building beautiful things.Thats why I like my job so much.

The joke is a joke, nothing more.So, dont take too personal.Its just for the sake of banter.
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Feb 26, 2003
Sure. I know how you feel. Shiny tech products are hard to avoid. It might be curse to be born as a man :D It interferes with seeking for a meaningful existence.

Recently I read how alpinists managed to get on top of the most dangerous mountains. What a waste of time .. for me reading while I sit in stinking room.

There you get a point. We feel free what we want to do. Also consider feel lucky to be born in right country, without need to struggle on street like kids somewhere in Manila, city of Filipines as selling your body, sleeping on hard asphalt. I often think about it and yet fail to appreciate the life that has to offer to us. A constant struggle balancing things.


Not long enough
No..I know.I often say to people." Im a white man, born in America in the latter half of the 20th century.Ive already won lifes lottery.What else could I ever really ask for?"

The triviality of alot of things weigh on me.But, theres also the cosmic perspective on things, that considering the vastness of all space and time.The insignifigance of everything we do, let alone bartering with truley valueless, pieces of paper or imaginary digital transfers of 1's and 0's for a base element bonded with chemicals in a circular form also seems silly in its minuteness.
It goes both ways and can drive you (me) crazy sometimes.The things we do or dont do with our lives either mean a great deal or absolutley nothing.i would guess it depends if their is a God or not.I cant quite figure it out.
Id rather be torn about something than 100% confident in everything.Those people tend to make the really big mistakes in their life.

Everybody else,you can blame Tomasis for bringing the room down. ;)


Artisanal Tweet Curator
for me reading while I sit in stinking room.
Does that mean taking a dump?

There you get a point. We feel free what we want to do. Also consider feel lucky to be born in right country, without need to struggle on street like kids somewhere in Manila, city of Filipines as selling your body, sleeping on hard asphalt. I often think about it and yet fail to appreciate the life that has to offer to us. A constant struggle balancing things.
Careful. You live in a civilized, first world country.

SCARY lives either next to or in Arizona.


Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2007
But those guys cost money.And thats less money for bike parts.

Motocross had more to do with several hundred thousand in accumulated hospital billsand months off work .It was always a secondary sport that I enjoyed, but didnt have the same love for as dh.

Im surprised more people dont try and work their **** out....But given some of the comnents, mouth breathers arent developed enough to comprehend the state of their own existence
lots of people work their **** out, just in a more personal, productive and ultimately successful way. constantly reminding the internet that other people don't live up to your standards or aren't worth the time because they don't strive for or ponder the same things you think are important doesn't mean they are inherently bad or are 'not developed enough'. ego and judgement take up a lot more room in an issue riddled brain than compassion, acceptance and understanding.

people making inroads is awesome, you seem more like you just want to complain sometimes.


Not long enough
tomasis seemed to understand the joke.I even pointed it out.He's from Sweden,too.
There's also a disclaimer here vvv.Its not a an "out" .Its just explaining that while I will overstate my argument with humor with maybe a point..or not.But it's just that .Humor.
I would ask that you look at it again as that.If you don't want to,don't.
My sense of humor isn't going to change and I can't expect everyone to play if they don't get it.

And maybe I do want to complain sometimes,who dosent?
This whole thread started about how I'M not,can't,don't or won't live up to my own standards in this particular area,not anyone else.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2003
New Hamp-sha
How about setting a goal of getting your ego in check?

At age 42, I know plenty of guys in your age bracket that would easily be in the top 20 (pro) at a national race. They have just realized that nobody gives a **** about a 40 something mid pack pro. They still ride for the same reason they started riding...it's fun.

Now we are on your second "I'm retiring because I'm too good, but still suck" thread. It sounds like you have not been able to satisfy yourself in a lot of areas of your life. Deal with the fact that you are descent at these things, but there are many that are better, and learn to enjoy these things.

I know that I've slowed some, and would like to be faster, but I ride for fun. I also have a 9 year old who sees my love for sport and has found the same passion. He is becoming a ripper of a skier and rider. I can now take him with me and still have fun. Seeing him get better, and helping him do so, is as much fun as going out with buddies and riding balls out.

When you think about it, guys our age are why these younger riders are so fast.


Not long enough
Im retiring because im too good and still suck? Wtf does that even mean?
Im glad you and every other 40 year old have fun.
But why in the hell do you care that maybe a sense of accimplishment in something I strive for is more satifying than just having fun.
I mean , I just spanked it in the shower about an hour ago.That was fun...but it dosent motivate me to be something more than what I am.Ive done it alot, but its not something that is a real challenge.I am pretty good at it though.

I really dont care whst other people think about me being a mid pack pro.This is a challenge for ME.I actually got faster from age 39-41.So its a puzzle and an effort to figure out if it can keep being done when everyone else insist just have fun or else.

I have a pretty well rounded out life and different things fulfill different areas.I cant help that those things dont necessarily line up the way everyone here wants them to.Satisfied? My wife, my kids? Yes.Everything else? Probably not, but why is that a virtue?

Ill do my best to find a way for biking to work for me in my life.


Feb 26, 2003
Does that mean taking a dump?
What is other way around? Dont we all do it? :)

The trouble is that I cannot decide which is better, take a dump on mountain in freezing weather -50C or comfortable sitting on closet between four damn walls! :D

ah Arizona, haha.. it must be quite right place to take dump there.
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Feb 26, 2003
No..I know.I often say to people." Im a white man, born in America in the latter half of the 20th century.Ive already won lifes lottery.What else could I ever really ask for?"

The triviality of alot of things weigh on me.But, theres also the cosmic perspective on things, that considering the vastness of all space and time.The insignifigance of everything we do, let alone bartering with truley valueless, pieces of paper or imaginary digital transfers of 1's and 0's for a base element bonded with chemicals in a circular form also seems silly in its minuteness.
It goes both ways and can drive you (me) crazy sometimes.The things we do or dont do with our lives either mean a great deal or absolutley nothing.i would guess it depends if their is a God or not.I cant quite figure it out.
Id rather be torn about something than 100% confident in everything.Those people tend to make the really big mistakes in their life.

Everybody else,you can blame Tomasis for bringing the room down. ;)
nice writing :thumb:

I remember a quote somewhere that to be full of doubts is the way to go. Along with humility.


Not long enough
Now, some idiot will be all " Oh Scary,SEE?now you compare yourself to to Einstein you arrogant, self centered, sucky DH racer, who's to good to have fun, but can use big words that I dont understand much like the concept of a run on sentence!"


Feb 26, 2003
I think now we all know what is the cause of slow riding.

The head is too heavy and un-aerodynamic.
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