
How can you watch Fox News?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I flipped it on for 20 seconds, and I hear Dick Morris, ex-Clintonite and john, say this on Hannity:

"This European Trip was exactly what I was afraid, basically the Declaration of Independence was repealed."


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
I wonder the exact same thing but I step it up a notch. How the hell can you watch the news PERIOD.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Wow, I just watch 60 seconds of Glenn Beck. It's like the Voice of London in V for Vendetta.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I have a coworker who subscribes to virtually everything Sean Hannity says, and swears that Fox News is the one true voice of reason. He claims the entire media has an extreme liberal bias, and if not for Fox News, we'd never hear the conservative "truths."


Jul 10, 2006
Salem, MA
I watch both MSNBC and FOX on a fairly regular basis. It's good to hear both sides of the issues, however far apart and polarized they are.

I watch how FOX is still using fear and intimidation to promote the social conservative agenda and I no longer wonder why people go on a shooting spree and blame it on Obama for wanting to take away their guns.
The majority of their arguments and social positions are based on poor, if not false, logic. It's no wonder their views are dieing, because they are argued illogically and educated people will never get passed that.

MSNBC on the other hand certainly can give justification to those who see liberals as arrogant and demeaning. Especailly Keith and Rachel. Don'y get me wrong, I do enjoy their shows, but I'm more of a David Sheuster progressive.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I watch both MSNBC and FOX on a fairly regular basis. It's good to hear both sides of the issues, however far apart and polarized they are.

I watch how FOX is still using fear and intimidation to promote the social conservative agenda and I no longer wonder why people go on a shooting spree and blame it on Obama for wanting to take away their guns.
The majority of their arguments and social positions are based on poor, if not false, logic. It's no wonder their views are dieing, because they are argued illogically and educated people will never get passed that.

MSNBC on the other hand certainly can give justification to those who see liberals as arrogant and demeaning. Especailly Keith and Rachel. Don'y get me wrong, I do enjoy their shows, but I'm more of a David Sheuster progressive.
I watch MSNBC all the time.

Obviously, Keith Olbermann is a self-admitted a-hole. Firstly, I agree with him (and I'm an a-hole too). But the biggest difference with Olbermann and his counterparts is that Olbermann has commented that his frankness could lose him his job one day. I know the cranks at Fox have to spout off to keep their jobs.

Maddow is wonderful though. I think she is smart, funny, and very analytical when necessary. I especially enjoyed her interview with the CEO of Duke Energy, who defended rate increases as it relates to pollution credits.

I think Chris Matthews is the forgotten man. He brings on both sides and lets them argue (until he decides to jump in).


Jul 10, 2006
Salem, MA
Hannity and Beck and O'Reily are hurting America.
You can have a different point of view, but just don't lie and distort to make people follow you.

I think Letterman said it best the other night to Bill-O. "I think you guys are too smart to believe what you're saying"

Cant Climb

Turbo Monkey
May 9, 2004
Hannity and Beck and O'Reily are hurting America.
You can have a different point of view, but just don't lie and distort to make people follow you.
They are using old techniques that have become ineffective and destructive like you are saying.....they seem like actors anymore and they are rich and getting richer from it.

What is the next turn/ploy for a Fox news channel.....?......not sure....but they need to cook up something new to spread their message.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
But the biggest difference with Olbermann and his counterparts is that Olbermann has commented that his frankness could lose him his job one day. I know the cranks at Fox have to spout off to keep their jobs.
they did can the one chick with the clown car vagina though.

or they will fire you for downloading a movie yet to be released and posting a review about it.
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Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I have a coworker who subscribes to virtually everything Sean Hannity says, and swears that Fox News is the one true voice of reason. He claims the entire media has an extreme liberal bias, and if not for Fox News, we'd never hear the conservative "truths."
I am not against hearing conservative voices. But having reputable interviews is what I am looking for.

I've seen highlights of some total losers, like the guy who wrote a book claiming Obama is not an American citizen. That's not a reputable interview.

Or once again:


Jul 10, 2006
Salem, MA
What is the next turn/ploy for a Fox news channel.....?......not sure....but they need to cook up something new to spread their message.

Just look at Glen Beck and his silly 9/12 resolution thingy. Or Rep Michelle Bachman telling Hannity that people need to organize and revolt.

Lets walk out that logic for a minute and then compare it with (what I think is) a similar example.

Gov't is doing what you disagree with, preach revolution, demand dissent by the people, a few join in, momentum is perceived by those in the fold, change isn't happening as planned, frustration builds, passions ignite, violence ensues.

The Weather Underground in the late 60's started as a movement to change the gov't to a system that would not allow unjust wars. The path I just described was unfortunately followed and it all ended up with police stations getting blown up.

But Beck and crew don't like to revisit history when it makes them seem unreasonable or illogical. Lets hope we don't have to pay for their mistakes.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 28, 2007
Haha a conservative revolution. Would that be the first revolution in history fought on the basis of regression and upholding the status quo?


Jul 10, 2006
Salem, MA
Haha a conservative revolution. Would that be the first revolution in history fought on the basis of regression and upholding the status quo?

Yes it probably would be. But the redneck idiot would believe he was defending his country as he shot at his local police. Sad.