
How do i manuel on a bike?


Aug 24, 2006
I need help on how 2 manuel, i can already manuel for like 3 feet but i cant go any further i need to no wat im doing wrong and if i am plz tell me how 2 go longer


Sep 6, 2005
North Carolina
There isn't really any trick or tips to doing them. Practice, practice, practice. It took me months to learn them but once you do it's awesome.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Hell, I've been riding for years and years and I still have days where I can barely manual for sh1t.


Jul 18, 2005
Dirty South
If youre already up... and the front is comming down, stretch out your arms and legs and that will pull the front back up. If its feeling like youre looping out, pull the bike back under you by bending your knees and arms.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
make sure your arms are straight and your legs are bent. dont be affraid of going over backwards cause if you dont fall over backwards when learning you arent ever going to find the balance point over the rear hub.....

LiVe 2 RiD3

Apr 26, 2006
Here's the manual low down... Bedore you even try to manual, learn to wheelie, just get to the point where you can wheelie 50-60 feet. After that, here is how you manual.

First I would recommend finding a small bump (about 2 inches high) and start attempting to pull up that front end and keep it there. Once you get accustomed to it, you have to practice pulling back and kicking out with your legs. Make a suttle movement, don't kick your hardest, and DO NOT PULL THE BARS INTO YOUR CHEST. That is what kept me from doing it for a long while. When I was learning, I barely held onto my handle bars.

The slower you move the harder you have to kick and the more often you have to kick. If you go walking speed, you have to kick hard. If you go faster, it's easier to learn, so go about 2-3 times walking speed. When kicking to keep the front up, remember, it is all in the knees. You barely need to use your elbows or arms for anything. Notice: On some movies, you even see people manual 1 handed, which basically means they don't even use their arms except to hold on.

So... you need to lean back, pull back and up, and make little kciks with your legs. Don't make fast kicks, make them spaced apart about 2-6 seconds apart. Some people do manuals with brakes to prevent them from flipping, me, I manual brakeless. I find it easer, because I have disc brakes, and my brakes pull my tire to the ground. The key to manualing is form, staying relaxed, finding your balance point, and learning how to kick properly. Where your cranks meet your bike is where you want to put your weight.

4 key helper tips: Find a long flat spot, like a parking lot. I have a lot of long flat streets around me.

If you fall back, don't be affraid, your bodies tendency is to land back on your feet.

Your butt should be back at your tire. Not above the seat. So now, go out and ride, and practice. Remember, don't expect to learn ina week, it took me months.

Manualing down a slight angle or hill is always easier than manualing uphill. I dont know why, it is just hte way it works for everyone.

Good Luck! This skill will help with everything!


Jul 17, 2006
You know you're doing it right when you look like your in a sitting position while manualing. Personally, I can't do one more than 3 feet either, and I can barely wheelie. Any day now I'm finally going to get wheelies down really well, though.

Anyway, a unicycle may or may not help you. It's really not the same thing as a 2-wheeler. Maybe if you ride the unicycle standing up?

Practice makes perfect, I guess. I suggest practicing on grass until you fall the first time, because once you land on your ass and can't walk, you'll always catch yourself with your feet afterwards.
my Problem is i can wheelie about 250m on a good day, but i cant manual... i sit down sheelie and i say even stand up wheelies have nothing to do with your manual balance point. wheelies and manuals are completely different. when wheelies are done you are using the strength of your pedal each time to keep your balance, and with a manual you are using your knees, arms etc. a

After reading heaps of different tips and reviews on 'how to manual' they are basically all different as it is a personal thing on how you manual, as long as you find your balance point, use your, brakes, dont use your brakes or whatever... its a personal thing on how you keep it there.

and then there is the issue between, BMX, 24" MTB and 26"MTB.

But as mentioned just keep practicing and you will eventually get it.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
keep your arms stright, throw your weight backwords to lift up the front end of the bike, balance, shift your weight to keep from looping out, or letting the front end down. When you first start you will probably only keep the front wheel up for a second. Keep practiceing, and eventually you will get it down. I could never manual, then I started riding to my local trails rather then driving there, and I would practice manualing the entire ride. after a few months of daily practice, I got it. Here's the key to learning this trick......Practice, Practice, Practice.

Good Luck.

LiVe 2 RiD3

Apr 26, 2006
OSCAR?..... you are totally wrong, wheelies do help, they help you find how long it is till you flip back, how your butt and back has to be positioned, and how fast you have to go... like SCURBAN said, it takes practice practice practice. He has some good tips there. 26" and 24" inch doesn't make a big difference on manualing. 20" i do have to admit, you do have to sit a bit farther back, and maybe go a little slower...


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Yeah I don't think you need to learn how to wheelie first. I can manual for days but can't hold a wheelie for more than a 10 meters. My advice would be straight arms and only move your hips to keep your balance....worked for me...D


Turbo Monkey
Mar 19, 2002
Yeah I don't think you need to learn how to wheelie first. I can manual for days but can't hold a wheelie for more than a 10 meters. My advice would be straight arms and only move your hips to keep your balance....worked for me...D
Listen to this man. he knows mace windu.


Aug 24, 2006
ya i already can wheelie i can wheelie about 10+ parkin spots. when i manuel i can get the front end up but i just cant balance it for that long i guess im not bending my knees or wat? do i have 2 bend them to stay on longer?