
How do people function in society when simple comprehensive skills elude them?

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle


-My company is participating in an event where certain employees will be competing.
-Email sent out stating the people that will be participating in said event.
-Secondary email with details about said event. This email specifically states in the first 3 lines that participants can bring 2 spectators of their choosing. -Direct Quote from email: "You may bring 2 spectators of your choosing to this event."

The rub:

-A 'Reply to All' email is returned from one of the participants asking if it's o.k. to bring 2 people......

Direct Quote: "So, we can bring 2 people?"

What the hell??!? Yes, you can bring your pet turtle and your imaginary friend Vince.... The person that asked this question is unfortunately in a position that requires rudimentary reasoning skills as well as being able to comprehend sentences....this make me very scared as to what is happening in that particular department....

If I had my way, I would've sent out my own reply all.

-Subject: Re: DUH!
-Content: Hukt on foniks wurkt 4 me.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Does this person think that they are important?

It has been my experience that the more important a person perceives themselves to be, the less likely they are to actually read an email. They will instead ask, what appears to those who actually read the email in the first place, obvious questions.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Secret Squirrel said:


-My company is participating in an event where certain employees will be competing.
-Email sent out stating the people that will be participating in said event.
-Secondary email with details about said event. This email specifically states in the first 3 lines that participants can bring 2 spectators of their choosing. -Direct Quote from email: "You may bring 2 spectators of your choosing to this event."

The rub:

-A 'Reply to All' email is returned from one of the participants asking if it's o.k. to bring 2 people......

Direct Quote: "So, we can bring 2 people?"

What the hell??!? Yes, you can bring your pet turtle and your imaginary friend Vince.... The person that asked this question is unfortunately in a position that requires rudimentary reasoning skills as well as being able to comprehend sentences....this make me very scared as to what is happening in that particular department....

If I had my way, I would've sent out my own reply all.

-Subject: Re: DUH!
-Content: Hukt on foniks wurkt 4 me.
Vince is displeased with your mocking tone.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
"Reply All" is the single worst button ever devised for messaging purposes. It is the button most often used, however, by lazy, ass-covering grandstanders who do not mind inconveniencing everyone if their universal broadcast saves themself a micron of effort or draws attention to the one micron of effort they have actually expended on their employer's behalf.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
there was once a survey about feminine hygeine products done internally at my company. totally optional survey, but it included questions about underwear type, 'monthly occurences' and sexual activity. lets just say everyone where i work learned a little TOO much about one employee because of the 'reply all' button


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
My fave at work was in response to a company sponsored showing of The Davinci Code, someone sent companywide a religious tract about how this story is fake, which others started responding (also companywide) if there were any tickets left.

About 5 minutes after that there were a couple of responses from high-up managers to take it off line.

I wanted to ask if The Davinci Code was fake, was "Revenge of The Sith" real?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
sanjuro said:
I wanted to ask if The Davinci Code was fake, was "Revenge of The Sith" real?
This is why they invented lunch breaks: so that you may hijack your coworker's cubicle to send company-wide emails from their account. Brilliant!


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
jonKranked said:
some people where i work have reminders to breathe, but they still get confused. "Wait, is it IN or OUT this time? SH!T!"
some of their kin folk live round these parts.

sometimes when you question yourself about having you s... together in life.
all it takes is running into one of these clowns to make you realize you're doin just fine.