
how do people with cats have nice things?

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
ThePriceSeliger said:
Classic. IAB, does you cat love your food? When your eating, does he sit around waiting for something to drop?
Our cats just circle our feet looking for attention. GOD FORBID we don't give the cats full attention all the time. We have never given them table food (not once), so they don't beg for any. Same goes for the dog. I can sit on the floor next to the dog and eat a steak and she won't even lift her head.


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
SkaredShtles said:
I'd recommend rotisserie cat. But only the fat ones. No point in wasting a perfectly good cat.
(Even though you probably don't value my opinion...since I don't like bacon) :think:

Now that I have lived with a cat, I don't like them so much. I will NEVER EVER have another one! :angry:


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
SkaredShtles said:
Ummmm.... they don't have all of it anymore. Do some research. Circumcision is considered by many to be male genital mutilation. And we're talking about a human vs. a cat here. :rolleyes:
Yeah, but you can still have sex after a circumcision. Maybe if the head was chopped of then it would be comperable.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
But animals like cats don't have sex for pleasure. I think. If they did it would be understandable, but they don't. If they did I would be all for letting them keep their junk, but not letting them produce sperm.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
ThePriceSeliger said:
But animals like cats don't have sex for pleasure. I think. If they did it would be understandable, but they don't. If they did I would be all for letting them keep their junk, but not letting them produce sperm.
WTF? I think that concussion is affecting you. Nobody is talking about animals having sex :p


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
BMXman said:
I got a feeling this is about to turn into a thread with a million pictures of cats...:D
I had that feeling too..

here is polkadot

I found that piece of ice in a cooler from a party. It was shaped like a plate, so I put it there with a catnip leaf. You sould grow some catnip. My cat really likes it.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Ciaran said:
Yeah, but you can still have sex after a circumcision. Maybe if the head was chopped of then it would be comperable.
Dude - it's a cat's claws. Not some guy's package. :mad:

There is *NO* comparison. If your cat is tearing $hit up, declawing is a perfectly acceptible option. WTF does a domesticated cat need its claws for anyway? :think:


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
I've got mine trained very well. They scratch on their kitty condo, the blanket (when I'm under it) and the doormat. That's all.

A squirt bottle gets their attention and lets them know that they shouldn't be doing whatever it is they are doing when they get the water.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
SkaredShtles said:
Dude - it's a cat's claws. Not some guy's package. :mad:

There is *NO* comparison. If your cat is tearing $hit up, declawing is a perfectly acceptible option. WTF does a domesticated cat need its claws for anyway? :think:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Dude - it's a cat's claws. Not some guy's package. :mad:

There is *NO* comparison. If your cat is tearing $hit up, declawing is a perfectly acceptible option. WTF does a domesticated cat need its claws for anyway? :think:
Like I said, this is not something you should start arguing about before doing research first. You're speaking out of ignorance here, and you're going to get your ass handed to you if you start a fight.


Mar 14, 2005
I just think that we have been lucky and our cat isnt destructive. once in a while she jumps on the arm of the couch and digs in to stretch


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
SkaredShtles said:
Dude - it's a cat's claws. Not some guy's package. :mad:

There is *NO* comparison. If your cat is tearing $hit up, declawing is a perfectly acceptible option. WTF does a domesticated cat need its claws for anyway? :think:

This is not a knock on your intelligence but obviously you don't know enough about cats....cats NEED their claws for a number of things...but keeping BV in mind I will not turn this into a huge thread about cats claws....do some research....you may learn a thing or 2....D


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
BMXman said:
This is not a knock on your intelligence but obviously you don't know enough about cats....cats NEED their claws for a number of things...but keeping BV in mind I will not turn this into a huge thread about cats claws....do some research....you may learn a thing or 2....D
<shrug> I'll not turn this into a declaw debate. Of course, I'm probably coming from a much different perspective. Hell, I'd have no problem eating cat. I'd probably not eat my own cat, but I've got no hangups regarding pets as food. :p
Fine, I'll drag the thread down too. Here's my lazy, sleep all day, good for nothing cats. J/K...they're totally my kids. Funny thing is, mom cat, on the right there, lost the two big bottom teeth a month or so ago. (Happened when I was out of town...) She's so bitter now that she can't "play" bite me anymore or bite the crap out of the little one when she pissses her off.



Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
OK, time for my kitties. SS, my kitty loves,and I mean LOVES BACON. Could you really mutilate an honest ta gawd BACON lovin' American kitty?!? I thought not. :)

Me and my fatt butt kitty, Marley doing one of his very few trix: Kitty Hat! We found him on the streets, his mommy had been killed by a car. He was about 4 weks old when we got him, he fit in the palm of my hand. At some point he lost a tooth and now only has three big pointies.

My redneck kitty, Abbey. She loves her some NASCAR racin. And yes, she does move her head back and forth to watch the cars go by. Her favorite driver is Mark Martin.

This is The Wifes kitty, The Biggs. AKA: Mr. Biggs. Bubba, Bubby, Bubby Chubby, and various other names. He was a 2 fer 1 dealy-o at the shelter. Yes our kittes are hardened criminals escaped from the clink.

There you go. Three big fat cats that run our lives. They really are our kids. Well, at least till we have a real one. :)


Turbo Monkey
Jan 7, 2005
back in high school, we had a couple of cats that were clawing/scratching on some new furnature.

Simple solution called a small animal fence charger. much like a horse or cattle fence charger just on a smaller scale. dont worry it is safe..high voltage low amperage.

So we soldered one lead to a piece of metal screen that was attached to the arms of the couch and the other lead to another piece of screen on the ground inf ront of the couch. If the cat scratches the couch, it closes the circuit and Zap! Only takes a couple of days to 're-train the little bastids.


Jul 19, 2001
Austin, TX
Hey Dustin,

Go to PetSmart and buy some Feliway. It's a behavioral modification spray (not anti-scratch) that uses a synthetic that reproduces the scents a cat produces in its paws and cheeks. Follow the directions EXACTLY as stated on the bottle. It's expensive stuff but worth saving furniture.

I used it for my two cats and the only things they scratch are the posts they're supposed to scratch. Once I had their behavior modified, I never had to use the spray again. It took about 4-6 weeks, maybe a little less.

Good luck.



Jul 19, 2001
Austin, TX
Also, make sure their food and their litter boxes are not close to each other. In my experience, cats will communicate a problem to you indirectly, kind of like a woman. :p J/K about the woman part.

Anyway, keep their litter box(es) clean daily and make sure they have fresh water. Oh, and play with them once in a while.



Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
I adopted my cat from the local shelter. At first, he loved to scratch the couch (although, the couch wasn't much to look at in the first place...). I called the shelter back up and they told me to rub orange peel onto the places he was scratching. And it worked. He HATES the smell of orange peel, and wont even go near where I put it.

Of course, now he's the coolest cat ever. He even comes when I call him, and doesn't scratch at anything except the window when he wants in.

Here is a pic of the good Dr. Snuggles:



Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
I Are Baboon said:
Kitty sees doggie for the first time. "What the HELL is that!?"
Yeah, we were worried about the cats getting along with the beagles when we sent them to fat camp at the in-laws' this summer, but everything worked out.