
How do you land a tranny?


Okay, I don't do big jumps because I'm getting too old for that and I've had more injuries than I care to have had. Sooo, I stick to smaller jumps which are a lot of fun. My problem is, I've only done little jumps to flat. I've never even attempted a jump with a tranny cuz I really don't know how to land them (plus it scares the shiat out of me).

I've heard people say that you push the front end of the bike down to match the tranny, but my brain keeps telling me this goes against reason and logic, and borders on suicidal. I've always made sure to keep my front end up so I won't go over the bars, but on a tranny I would think if you land it rear wheel first it would pitch you over the bars.

We have this sweet little table top they just made at our trails. It's about a foot to a foot and a half high and about 4 feet long, but has a fairly steep, long tranny. I've jumped it a couple of times lightly enough so that I land flat on the table instead of the tranny. Any hints, tips or advice?


Nov 5, 2001
Astoria, NY
Re: How do you land a tranny?

I think if you go to the right gay clubs or hang outside the back door at the Jerry Springer show. It's not really my deal though so I'm not sure. Try some shemale chat rooms maybe?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
you indeed are supposed to match the angle of the transition with your bike. that's nose down. furthermore the front wheel should land first, while the back wheel is still over the jump's gap. think of it as the motion of a fish:

landing flat is like doing a bellyflop


Jul 1, 2001
Littleton, CO
Originally posted by Ctfphotos
Re: How do you land a tranny?

I think if you go to the right gay clubs or hang outside the back door at the Jerry Springer show. It's not really my deal though so I'm not sure. Try some shemale chat rooms maybe?
OMG, that was beautiful!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
Waxhaw, NC
Originally posted by zibbler
We have this sweet little table top they just made at our trails. It's about a foot to a foot and a half high and about 4 feet long, but has a fairly steep, long tranny. I've jumped it a couple of times lightly enough so that I land flat on the table instead of the tranny. Any hints, tips or advice?
Lisa, is this at QW? Where abouts on the trail?


Oct 20, 2001
Port Orchard/Not WSU
It's as simple as people say, just align the bike at the same angle as the tranny.

If you can it would probably be easiest to learn by finding a small hill of some sort that you can ride up to and bunnyhop down into to practice the nose down motion on. Maybe try riding the table top and hopping down the tranny without trying to jump the whole thing first?

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO

HA-ha... seriously, landing a tranny is mas muy macho than landing flat... it's easier on the body when done right. You do want to match the angle of the landing, and with the angle, you should experience what they call "butter" and be on your way to jumping Nirvana. For real, buttering a tranny is the coolest thing ever, and should be experienced by all taht endeavor to gain flight with their steed.

However, landing with your "nose too heavy" is indeed scary and suicidal. Especially on gap jumps or doubles... a tabletop is virtually harmless though, so do not be afraid. But please please please whatever you do don't come up short and nose heavy on a gapper, or double, or "true" dirtjump... this can cost you big time. Gain skills on smaller dirtjumps, tabletops, and other "tranny" type jumps before moving up to the bigger dogs...

Have fun and rip it up!

sorry about the link up top... it's my new favorite band... they rule!


Originally posted by Salami
Lisa, is this at QW? Where abouts on the trail?
Yeah. Didn't you guys just build it last maint day? I don't remember seeing it there before, but then again I haven't ridden in a while. It's behind the AA area. When you go down the sand hill behind the AA and round the berm, just on the other side of the stairs to the right is a little table top jump. I think Demo Dave mentioned something about it.


Originally posted by Mudpuppy
It's as simple as people say, just align the bike at the same angle as the tranny.

If you can it would probably be easiest to learn by finding a small hill of some sort that you can ride up to and bunnyhop down into to practice the nose down motion on. Maybe try riding the table top and hopping down the tranny without trying to jump the whole thing first?
That seems like the best advice so far. I think I'll try that next time. Thanks!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
Waxhaw, NC
I haven't ridden the trail in months. Julie and I are supposed to ride late this afternoon, I will check it out.

There wasn't many of us at trail maintinence, I doubt it got done then.


Originally posted by Salami
I haven't ridden the trail in months. Julie and I are supposed to ride late this afternoon, I will check it out.

There wasn't many of us at trail maintinence, I doubt it got done then.
What time are you guys riding? We were thinking about maybe getting a ride in later today.

How's the little bambino?


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
howdy, i guess my advice would be to think of it as nosebonking the top of the landing. If your landing back tire first and then front tire afterwards, your eating alot of energy and fwd momentum. Hitting a landing both tires at the same time is way more effective and you can come off with more speed than when you hit the jump if the jump/you groove right. Its called pumping thru jumps.

uh... so get enough air to clear the jump, and as your front end comes over the landing push your nose down to meet with dirt. Your back end should follow smoothly. Tapping your rear brake helps bring the front end down also. Because the rotation of the wheel being stopped puts the rotation into the rest of the bike. This can be scary because if you dont clear it, your front end will land in the backside of the landing causing you to endo onto your face. With tabletops your chances of endoing are little to nothing.

hope this made sense. peace.

(good info mudpuppy...btw)